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Everything posted by Grindingsucks

  1. I don't know about the first 20, but I power past the first 15 because the dearth of powers makes characters boring for me to play. By about level 16, I have a good enough power selection to find play interesting. The journey from 16 to 20 is relatively short, after that. So that's the reason for me, at least.
  2. We have that, amigo. Check your aura's again. 😉 EDIT: Ah, wait. You mentioned the fairy dust aura. Thought that was what you were looking for. Disregard. 😛
  3. CoX is certainly leagues ahead of other MMO's with regard to pay walls (none) and level disparity (Moderate). Side-kicking/Exemplaring is not a panacea (When there are vast level differences between players in a group, you feel that even after being side-kicked up) but a better solution than any other online teaming combat that I've encountered. You can solo pretty much anything with just SO's or standard IO's if you dial your notoriety down to a manageable level. Fully-kitted out, you do get a problem at high levels, when running teams, b/c groups of those characters become overpowered compared to most of the content. Hence the advent of steamrolling and speedrunning (not the practice of speedruns, itself- but the ludicrously low times that groups of players can complete supposedly high-difficulty content). Still, compared to 99% of the games out there, our problems are trivial at best. 😁
  4. Well, that's an interesting anecdote but, even if you can provide links to a score of games that have had this difficulty, that doesn't mean that CoH would be inevitably doomed to the same outcome. I'm fine with an opt-in/opt-out PVP aspect to the game if the devs decide they want to pursue that aspect of play. Like Nayreia, as an RP'er, I can think of many RP situations that would be enhanced by optional pvp.
  5. Impressive. That Honoree can be a tough nut to crack. Nice job! 👍
  6. Just remember- they're demons. They don't die. They discorporate and return to the fiery pits so that they can be re-summoned and tormented eternally, without end. It's your duty to repeatedly send them to their doom, like a good evil master. Embrace your purpose. 😆
  7. AccurateMediocreGordonsetter-mobile.mp4
  8. But how is having a vulgar title any different from having a vulgar character name? Isn't there already a method implemented for dealing with vulgar/IP infringing names? Use the same method with regard to level titles? 🤷‍♂️
  9. I would vote yes. The problem, as I see it, isn't with having all the pools available to pick from. The problem is a few pool powers that are overpowered. The logical solution would be to nerf the offending powers, but people have a shit-hemorrhage when you suggest changing haste or the like, so I reckon that's a non-starter. On the other hand, I can live with it being as it's implemented presently, too- so whateves. 🤷‍♂️
  10. It wouldn't affect game balance in any meaningful way, if that's what you're asking? It would allow the player that one extra choice in how they allocate powers. Apart from that, there would be no other affect.
  11. I feel joy that at least one other person recognizes the awesome of Cowboy Ninjas. Thank you. 😁
  12. Yeah. Why him so cranky? @NayehGo. Kill Skulz. Be happy. 😛
  13. Plus, with a dual pistol/ninjitsu sent, you get to be a cowboy ninja. I mean... COWBOY NINJA! C'mon. 😁👍
  14. I mean, he's going his job, I guess. There's a bit of Security Protocol Theatre going on here, though. At higher levels, a hero or villain is: 1) Easily recognizable. 2) Powerful enough to easily restrain the guard and enter before the guard could even sound an alarm. 3) In many cases, may have mind control and/or illusion powers that can "create" an ID or make the guard think that the hero/villain has a valid ID. Of course, it's a comic book setting, so we can just go with it. Also, it provides an opportunity to RP humorous exchanges with the guard... Ralph, you do this every day- don't you recognize me by now? Piss off Ralph, I outrank you. Ralph Williby, don't you get bossy with me. I was changing your nappies when your parents were still privates in Longbow! And so on. 😛
  15. Epic bug crunching. This was some serious work/time investment and it is appreciated. I'm very excited about the coordinate/map-pin changes. *identifies the applause emoji he's about to use, because it looks rather like the head of a mutant chicken* 👏
  16. Would be fun if targets hit by it would catch on fire and fall down and flop around on the floor, like the ghouls in the praetorian underground.
  17. What is the problem with AE noobs? What is the problem in skipping levels? You're right- Having only played here for a bit over a year, and never having played during live, I'm one of the noob players. I always skip the first 15 or 16 levels (I find play boring at those levels). Once I feel I have a good handle on a new powerset, I skip to whatever level I desire (usually 50, but not always) in AE farms. Since this is functionally happening anyway (I'm doing precisely what you suggested), what do you (or other players) get out of retaining the requirement, for those of us who wish to level skip, jump through these (minor or not) AE grind hoops to reach the desired level(s)? Why do you object to others starting at a higher level? How does it impact your own game experience, in a negative way?
  18. He means that a large percentage of the time, players running a Brute in AE are just fire farming, rather than playing story missions for the missions sake. I reckon this is largely true.
  19. Instead of removing them as requirements, just carefully (and thoughtfully) tweak them until they aren't hot garbage anymore. I don't mind having to take one power to choose another power. I do mind, if that power is a turd.
  20. @TheCorvus I think it's fine. Almost everything in comics or comics-related material is a trope of a trope, by now. DC and Marvel have ripped off each other for years. Look at nearly any character from one publisher and you'll see a similar character created by the other publisher in response. Mashup characters can be a fun, new take on old character concepts that might be feeling a trifle stale. There are legions of sex demons and anime cat people on CoH. Why should anyone feel embarrassed about taking inspiration from existing super heroes? I'll put it another way: Show me something you think is an original idea, and I'll show you how it (or something like it) has already been done in the comics.
  21. I'm no build expert, but it looks pretty dang solid to me.
  22. I actually think you'll probably get # 2 and #3, given enough time. Not as sure about #1. But, yeah, as others have stated, this is mostly pie-in-the-sky musing. I don't think it's realistic to expect that I'll ever get any of the wishes that I posted, for example.
  23. I'm discovering that you can pull off some fun tricks with Mind/FF. I tried running that new arc, The Graveyard shift again, with my controller. The 3rd or 4th mission, where you crash the rave in the warehouse that is packed with all those orange con Freaks has always been some of the most challenging content in the game for me (feel free to search the forums for folks bitching about the difficulty 😁). With a Mind controller, though, you can literally amble through the warehouse and hardly ever even get damaged. Confuse lets you turn all the freaks against each other. You can then finish off whatever remains at your leisure. I had a blast in the final room at the end. Try confusing the big tank on the platform up above the warehouse floor, then use force bolt to knock him onto the level below and watch has he wades into the stunner chiefs and creates havok. What a hoot! 😂
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