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GM Crumpet

Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Crumpet

  1. People will find exploits sadly. Then those exploits will get fixed. At least you have to work for Scrapyard rather than sit there AFK
  2. You beat me to it. Just delete all the old files and it works perfectly
  3. I always found it an absolute pain to download and install vidiotmaps. I'm not very good with modding and stuff. The modder is so easy, and does all the work for you. You do have to make sure to delete any old files first though.
  4. locking this thread due to hostility
  5. Did you report some stuff missing in the recent database kerfuffle? The admins are emailing stuff to players to restore or to rebuy things that went missing I don't know the details, or who is getting what, I just know things are being sent out
  6. People use the macro/binds because they don't like the popup power trays. I don't care. It saves me worrying about extra trays. I just bind the two shapechanges to a button using the keymapping page in options. I am left handed so have them on the right hand number keys as I have my mouse on the left and use the arrow keys to move around. But you can bind them to anything. I hit 1 and squid, and the nova powers appear in the top tray. 1 again and I'm human. 2 is dwarf, and if i click between the 2 I go squid to lobster instantly. I also have the teleports on number pad keys.
  7. I've got some level 50 builds in this section that work for me. They are tri-form and it's a really fun AT to play, but it can be complicated. I run or tp into a group. cast shadow slip to group them up, then eclipse, mire. swap to dwarf, mire again, human and nuke, then dwarf to mop up the survivors and nova to catch the runners. Self rez if I miscalculate.
  8. I've never spent more than about 700 million on a level 50 build. I do buy standard ATO's and use catalysts on them to turn them purple though. Anything that costs over 20 million is best purchased with merits. Hami O's and D-Synchs are best left for those people with more inf than they can ever spend. I'm kind of useless with builds. If I'm building for myself I'll just shove the entire set into the power rather than frankenslot for every possible advantage. Procs I tend to use are the recharge ones (luck of the gambler). healing ones in health and end mod ones in stamina. Other than that, if I have a power I don't use with an empty slot I'll shove the appropriate proc in there as I have the inf and it won't hurt. Some of them are really helpful like blessing of the zephyr 4 points of knockback resistance. It's not always about the raw damage.
  9. Nicely put and I can't think of anything to add as you seem to have covered all the bases 🙂
  10. I use shareX, but the snipping tool is now surprisingly helpful. It saves screenshots in pictures now instead of the clipboard and I don't need to go into paint to save it 🙂
  11. Any of the GM's will be more than happy to discuss concepts and idea with you on Discord. We aren't monsters. You can always DM me with a costume or name and go "Is this OK?" and I'll give you my honest opinion. As many long time players will tell you, I'm not overly diplomatic. But I'm reasonable 🙂
  12. At some point, in the fullness of time, eventually. But that's a conservative estimate so don't quote me 😛
  13. Speaking as a GM of long standing I can't imagine our policy ever changing. We often get accused by people of GM overreach and we have a very hands off approach to most things unless it's a breach of the code of conduct. We can argue with people, and we can both disagree, but that's passion and love for the game. I'm sure @PeregrineFalcon will agree that we've had very different ideas about things in the past and will again in the future, but have we banned them because we don't always agree? Of course not. I value players like them for standing up for what they believe, even if sometimes their passion gets the best of them. I actually agree with them a lot of the time and value their input. I've also changed my stance once or twice because their argument has been persuasive. I've had a lot of players over the years argue with me about names they had on live and my answer is always the same. I can't help. If they want to contact the player directly and ask them if they will surrender the name to them then that's fine, but if they don't then that's their prerogative. The only time I would step in is if the player asking was rude about it and tried to involve me in some way. "GM Crumpet said..." better be a direct quote with a source or you'll find the limits of my reasonableness 🙂
  14. I don't know the amount of data all those unused alts take up, I can't imaging it's that high. If I need to search the database for a character it's pretty easy and depending on how loose my search criteria is depends on how many results it throws out. It's not the number of names and alts that are a problem.
  15. Thanks for the vote of confidence. And I'm a he 🙂 I can't go into details of names on accounts, or say how many are name camping due to confidentiality, but you are correct in the lack of null names that nobody would want or care about. There are names I'm panting to get my grubby mitts on 😛
  16. Everyone has their favourite from the look of things. I'm not a fan of thugs myself but have had great success with electrical affinity. Summon gang war and electrify the troops!!
  17. The thing with live was people were restricted on how many names they could have and so a name release policy wouldn't really have too much impact. We now have 1000 slots and unlimited accounts. I have seen accounts with 300 and 400 level 1's that are just name camping. They are never going to be used. The chances of an individual name being released is small on it's own, but cumulatively when there are just so many sitting idle the effects can be huge. The solution I suppose is to rename them all really badly so nobody would try for that spelling 🙂
  18. And if you are talking about characters you played on live they are long gone and not recoverable
  19. I'd be surprised if a Smith or Jones didn't run into themselves at some point
  20. I'll get the wafers and holy water ready
  21. Where they're going they won't need no door!!
  22. And much appreciated the reports are too, thank you to everyone who is participating!!
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