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GM Crumpet

Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Crumpet

  1. I can't talk about the licence, only how it was explained by Number Six when he rolled it out. Tequila has zero security and it's very easy to create a manifest riddles with nasties. Viruses, malware etc and you'd never know. If you got the manifest from us (or the actual Rebirth/new dawn/Thunderspy etc site) you are most likely fine, but some people don't realise and google "city of heroes manifest" and get all kinds of hits, not all of which are legitimate manifest re-uploaders. To combat that we came up with the launcher which can't download anything except our designated up to date manifest. It's got a lot of tools behind the scenes to fix loading issues before they appear to the player, plus a few utilities that are very useful. So even if it is (or isn't) a condition of the licence (I don't know myself to be honest, just what's been said in the announcement) for player security the launcher is the best way to download and play the game.
  2. Finally I can actually confirm we have an update coming!! People keep asking me and I'm like "eventually, at some point" 🙂
  3. Seems kind of unproductive so locking this thread
  4. I did a quick google and I think you might be misremembering. The gender swap was at icon and facemaker https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Super_Booster_III:_Superscience
  5. I'm mildly sceptical as I've tried to put saved male costumes on female characters and vice versa and it's always refused to let me. It's actually a great idea, but on my multi-gender characters I've had to make separate costumes and use a cc emote to simulate the gender swap. I'm not categorically saying with my GM hat on that it's not possible, but I'd be surprised (and delighted) if it could happen.
  6. Illusion controllers and dominators can use their existing costume slots to make their illusory pets look like themselves, but masterminds have no facility to change the character model.
  7. That feature doesn't exist on Homecoming I'm afraid.
  8. Locking necro thread
  9. Michiyo runs and maintains the wiki, so you can always send them a DM on discord if you think something needs editing or fixing.
  10. Hardly secret, the devs mentioned it at the time
  11. You know how when you read something and know something they don't know, then laugh?
  12. I am also in awe of our development and admin team. I've seen them knock together a hot fix for a game breaking bug in minutes, then act as if they just made coffee. What makes it even more incredible is I know how busy most of them are in real life. I swear they have Nemesis duplicates running round doing the mundane stuff so they have time to fit everything in 🙂
  13. It's all down to personal preference and play style. And inf. A lot of inf. While it's not ridiculous like it is on live, it can still cost you anything up to a billion inf to fully slot out a character. For me I work on around half a billion, and don't do badly at all. Purple sets are affordable and make a huge difference. I totally get why someone would say beasts are mid tier. They are mostly melee, have little in the way of range attacks, and can be quite squishy at times. The secondary really helps, as buffing any pet (not just beasts) makes a massive difference. I find Demons a bit meh, but other people love them and think they are awesome. Mercs are great since the rework, but for me they come below beasts. And no, I'm as in the dark as you about future reworks 🙂
  14. Have you tried it with the new launcher and whitelisted the launcher? Tequila is old and cranky and can be annoying. Part of the reason for having the launcher is Tequila has zero security and it's theoretically possible for a bad actor to supply a corrupted manifest. The launcher has some back end features that prevent that plus some useful little tools that solve a lot of the most common launching problems.
  15. Yeah, sorry Necromancy. I kind of forget new players aren't familiar with power sets so swapping the names isn't helpful when someone new is trying to find it 🙂
  16. Hey 🙂 I love Masterminds. Top tier are Beasts, Bots and Undead. Mercs got good, and the others are in the process of being reworked to make them better. They aren't bad, but from my own perspective (other people may disagree) they don't pop like the others. The secondary is what can make a massive difference. Empathy is OK but a bit old school, people have change the way they play and enhancements are more potent now. Something like Pain or Time or Thermal are really good and electric is surprisingly effective. It's all about you though and what you enjoy. There aren't really bad choices, just choices that don't work for you.
  17. You mean there is more to the game than AE farming?? Why did nobody tell me this before??
  18. You know we don't get paid, right?
  19. Tell me about it. I'm still trying to get my head round all the discord and forum changes. I'm mildly Aspergers so change is very uncomfortable. If it makes sense in my mind it's fine, but at the moment it's kind of "aaaaaaargh!!" for me 🙂 "Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should!!" 😛 Edit: The opinions of GM Crumpet don't always reflect the opinions of the rest of the team, and any issues GM Crumpet has is his own problem and he needs to deal with it 😛
  20. Yeah that's definitely not working as intended. Hopefully the devs will take a look.
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