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GM Crumpet

Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Crumpet

  1. Unchain essence is an odd one. It's another good nuke, but you need a macro to get it to target. /macro dead ""targetcustomnext enemy defeated" then hit the power is what I use and have it set to a key along with my shapechanges. You can have the power on a key too so it's two key clicks. I tried it with the power activation in the macro but if there are multiple corpses it just cycles through them rather than exploding the targeted one. So annoying. But I agree that given the choice between that power and Stygian Return I'd pick the latter any day. As for Extract essence, that one does actually target the dead enemy automatically. You may have to hit it twice (I forget). As for Shadow slip, I'm not sure about human based. I play dwarf based and only use human for the buffs. A warshade benefits from more enemies up close, so for me it's a must have. Gather the foes close, then all the different AoE powers straight after. Time it right and you can get 10+ buffs from eclipse, human mire and dwarf mire. The two mires are classed as different buffs so both is preferable. Then a quick nuke or two and it's just a matter of mopping up the survivors. Dwarf has a rather good heal as part of it's attacks as well.
  2. I would say to pick stygian return, it has a short recharge time and gives more health and stamina the more enemies are round you. It also makes you invulnerable for a short time so you can pop your toggles back on and protects you from XP debt for 90 seconds. Return to battle is fine, but it's recharge is 60 minutes. SR just needs a recharge IO in it and you're done
  3. If Michiyo is doing maintenance it will be down, same as the wiki. It'll be up again eventually 🙂
  4. looking at the totals that's not too shabby at all. If it works for you with the power picks then that's all that matters. I'm sure someone would look at my build and go "why do you have X but missed out Y?" and my answer is "it works for me". There is no right or wrong here. What happened to me was I found my original build had things I didn't like or didn't need, and other things I found were super useful that I needed so it was a matter of evolving until I got to the point I am now. Sadly it's an expensive game when you redo your build to optimise yourself with real game experience, but totally worth it. Khelds in particular are a weird AT due to having so many options and sometimes what looks good on paper doesn't translate to your particular play style. I do try to prioritise the superior or purple enhancement if the power takes it though, so that's not cheap 😛
  5. if you type /loc it tells you your location. Good for narrowing down badge locations if you don't have vidiotmaps. typing $loc tells you your location but also puts it into the chat box which if players click on it generates a marker on the map to follow
  6. The "here" shout annoys me. "OK great, where is here?".
  7. @Laucianna Mids tends to be a pain when they update. Sometimes it's just easier to delete it and start again with the new version. And yes, that's one of the main problem with khelds in general. So many powers to pick from, so few slots. It's why I never got a good handle on PB and WS all these years. There are optimal builds for different play styles, the hard part is working out what that build is. I've got the builds that work for me, and the playstyle that makes me comfortable and feel powerful, but with all the options available my build isn't necessarily optimal for someone else. There are some powers I would consider absolute must haves, like light form, eclipse, mire and the various self rez, but you can play single form, dual form or tri-form as you like. As long as you have the inf to buy the best enhancements you can be quite viable even if you play in a way that someone else wouldn't.
  8. A lot of contacts are fillers and don't have any badge missions or arcs. Once you have done the solitary badge mission or arc you'll just get the same random missions till you out level the rest. It's always wise to check the wiki before starting a contact just to see what they give you and what the arc is. If you don't have contacts in your list just hit the find contact button to see what you have left in your level range. Anything that pops up either has a badge mission or story arc/s
  9. You know those are filler missions don't you? They'll keep coming forever once you finish his story arc
  10. I'm terrible at builds, but WS it's all about the enemies. My builds are here. I started with Dooms, discussed with Laucianna at great length about my play style, then tweaked and adjusted through playing to make it as good as I could. And I'm loving my WS but tend to play it as dwarf primary, squid as secondary for those times I need range (MSR, Hami and annoying flying enemies) with human just for the buffs/debuffs/nuke and pets. My usual tactic is TP in, shadow slip to collect as many enemies as are in range, eclipse- dwarf mire-human mire-human nuke-dark extraction, then dwarf to mop up the survivors. Essence drain when required, and stygian return for those times I overextend myself and die. Teaming is amazing with the inherent, and outside of some enemy groups with some unfortunate debuffs I can handle +8 well solo. I generally play +4 though as it takes forever to clear large mobs. (Fun though 😛 ) The only binds I use are to swap forms quickly. I have the forms on keys I can hit with my little finger, plus the teleports. Other players swear by their binds and macro's, I personally don't need much more than a fast shapechange.
  11. until

    What time is it on, for those of us in different time zones?
  12. I'm now confused. People always tell me procs like LOTG don't need to be attuned as the effect works down to it's min level. "Don't attune purple, PvP and procs" is the accepted wisdom I hear from others. I do attune as I get itchy skin when some are attuned and some aren't, but it always confuses me 🙂
  13. There is a large difference to live, in that now people often have their own SG and base filled with their own alts as a handy storage and transport hub. On live that was more difficult due to the sheer cost of running an SG with prestige requirements. Saying that, there are are open SG's on all the shards, and they are very good at welcoming and helping new and returning players. If you do regular events on the different shards like Mothership Raid, Hamidon, costume contests etc you can throw out a desire to join an SG and there is a high probability of an invite. Not guaranteed, but many of the organisers of those events are in open SG's.
  14. It might be the sound files you are using are old and not compatible?
  15. I was going to paste the same link 😛
  16. I'm assuming it's not on the 1st of December then.....
  17. I'm mostly skipping Christmas. I'll pop to my sisters for dinner at 1pm, open presents at 2pm, home for 3pm. CoX till 6.25pm, then Doctor Who Christmas Special at 6.30pm.
  18. But the event might be 1st December or it might be after server maintenance on the 5th.
  19. The official first day of winter is 23rd December...... Edit: I always get it wrong, the solstice which is the official first day of winter is around the 21st/22nd December
  20. It's a weird one, but this is the best place to post so the devs can take a look under the hood.
  21. Good advice form Unintentive. If you can access the forum account it's easy enough to change the email address in the account settings. If you can't access the forum as you've forgotten the password then send a ticket in from in game for the relevant account (that helps us to verify it's you) and give us as much info as you can. Account name, global name, an alt name you played recently that isn't the one you are sending the ticket from. Plus the old email address if you remember it and the new email address you want to change it to. Basically we ask for lots of information so we can be sure it's actually you. If you can't access the game as you don't remember the password then basically the same information from an account you can log in with. We'll then check the IP address to see if it's the same for both accounts. And hope you don't use a VPN 😛
  22. Does he offer you missions? Then you can abandon and redo until you get the ones you want. Or you can do it through Ouroboros if that isn't working
  23. Oh sorry, I didn't mean to be snarky if that's how it came across. I'm the worst person in the world at doing good builds so I rely on others to point out if it can be better. I saw your comments and checked out the changes you mentioned, but the overall result (according to mids) is about the same. If there had been a noticeable benefit I'd have changed it round. As it is, both builds are viable and one isn't going to suffer appreciably against the other so for me I don't feel there is a benefit to changing. Now if your build was seriously worse in places than mine I'd be trying to persuade you to do it differently, but its your call and not mine to make. There might be a must-have power you love and want so something else has to give, and that's absolutely fine. If it's a matter of different slots and enhancements being moved around to maximise your survivability then it's a different conversation.
  24. Don't worry about it. The guys are just messing with you. Everyone has issues where it's a simple solution. But as nobody has mentioned it, have you tried exiting SG mode? 😛
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