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Everything posted by Peacemoon

  1. If you were to go this combo I’d be inclined to go dual pistol. Unless I’m mistaken Pain’s -res is PBAE, which would would work with DP’s Hail of Bullets.
  2. I’m not the best person to answer this. The truth is there isn’t a huge difference between Defender and Corrupter, it’s not quite dancing on the head of a pin but it’s not massive. I prefer Defenders because I prefer the bigger buff numbers and you still get a damage boost via vigilance when soloing. You do less damage in a team but that’s a reasonable trade off for the best buffs/debuffs in town! As for the regen numbers, I’m assuming we are talking AV soloing? You would probably be better as a corrupter for that, as a complete package with Scourge damage. Unless you team, in which case you will usually add more value as a Defender. Sorry to be vague. I’m less familiar with BR and Corrupters
  3. If EM pulse hits any mobs you get 15 seconds of 0 recovery. Just for dramatic effect it will give you a stack of this for every mob hit, but it’s still 0 recovery even if you only hit 1! EM pulse still has its crash and as far as I know this is the only crash that remains in the game. On the plus side there is no AE hold in the game that compares in duration. However if you aren’t careful it will kill you. Keep some blue inspirations as back up until your recovery comes back online. Or the Ageless Destiny incarnate power also works to restore your end bar. (Not the +recovery, but upon activation it restores a ton of endurance which does still work).
  4. You will forever have the Hellion clue “why we fight”, guard it well!
  5. Very occasionally they won’t come back they will time out, deaggro, get lost and then return slowly to their spawn point. Have you seen it in a kill all mission and somehow you missed a mob in the middle of the map? Sometimes you genuinely missed it - not helped by the fact on some maps ‘mob groups’ are terribly spaced out, and only aggro at an individual level rather than triggered as a whole group (which I also find annoying), but other times the mob was missed because it took off and ran away, and managed to escape without notice and did what I mentioned above, deaggroed and only walked back slowly to its spawn point after a few minutes delay. The only good thing about the run away is the satisfaction of finishing a runner off with an AR/ snipe to the back of their head... (a heroic snipe; of course!).
  6. Yeah there always seemed to be a bigger emphasis on exploring in the older games. These days we seem to be much more objective-driven. We need a mission or a quest to tell us what to do otherwise we feel stuck. I played a game called Asheron’s Call like 20 years ago, and it was just one massive world with not many quests. You had to explore and create your own your own adventures. Who does street sweeping these days? I used to do that a lot. Particularly on the bridges in IP or around urban districts in Terra Volta, Brickstown, etc. Knocking enemies off the bridge, fighting up to rooftops, fighting on the industrial gangways, it was always quite fun. I’d do it solo and just dream up my own adventure, and it was always fun to fight more regular enemies like the Sky Raiders and Mafia (magic is overdone in this game, sorry!) Just finally to add, I noticed I felt much more connected to the world when I made my superspeed character rather than fly. Having to navigate vertical terrain made me think about what I was doing a lot more. Fly is a very afk-type of transport. For those that want to do a bit more grounded play, try doing the next Ouroboros without travel powers enabled. Not only do you get a badge, but it’s quite fun trying to travel the city as Johnny Ordinary 😃
  7. It’s okay, I often create these really vague threads by accident where we all end up talking about different things 😆
  8. I tend to think of “the current meta” as “the current state of play”. E.g. given the current state of gameplay/powers/balance (the current meta), high damage is really strong.
  9. I’m talking about my radiation debuff toggles which are toggles and not patch/rain type powers. I think people know mobs run from rain powers, this is basic stuff.
  10. Scrapper for pure DPS, Brute if you want some (limited) tanking capability. Stalker if you want the rogue type gameplay. That’s not to say Scrappers aren’t tough, but Brutes have a taunt effect on their melee attacks. (Tankers have one too, but theirs is an AoE taunt on every attack whereas Brutes is single target). Scrappers can do critical damage, and % chance goes up based on mob type. From memory, 5% minions, 10% lieutenants, 15% bosses.
  11. Starting to believe -res is a big cause, as someone mentioned earlier in the thread. So far I’ve noticed two types of run away during ‘regular combat’: 1) The ‘I don’t like this’ flee where they run away a little bit but then get brave again and come back and fight. Probably triggered by debuff discomfort. 2) The ‘RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!’ flee where nothing and no one will stop them (even taunt). Seems to be triggered when all their friends have been brutally murdered. For the sake of this discussion presume we’re talking about regular mission combat and not scripted AE/outdoor run always.
  12. It can be a bit annoying but personally I like the excuse to visit different areas of the city. The new zones and remade zones are all ‘inclusive’ which can make them feel a bit separate. It’s nice that the city zones are more interconnected, and just because your contact is in Brickstown, doesn’t mean that’s where the bad guys are developing their evil plot. Granted sometimes things get a bit silly, like Numina’s TF, but generally I quite like it...
  13. My Defender brings fully slotted Tactics to a team, which is about +20% to-hit. My Earth Controller also puts -20% defence on mobs with every application of an earth power. Thing is, even when you’re doing this sort of thing really well, no one really notices 😜 It would be great if support ATs could raise people’s accuracy up to 100% with extreme buffs/debuffs.
  14. So this is how the Founders’ Fall!
  15. This is what makes me think about dumping combat jumping and picking up Provoke... on my Rad Defender 🤪
  16. Writing this I just realised I had the same thing with Matthew Habashy in Atlas Park - did 1 mission with him and never came back, but been carrying round a Hellion clue all this time! My clues tab is now nice and clear 😉
  17. Sorry David Wincott... always slightly embarressing when you get a little sidetracked at level 15 and don't return until you're a level 50 incarnate 😳😳 Wondered why I had these low level clues stuck in my clues folder.. turns out I was half way through his story arc! Time to finish the job...
  18. Most of the TFs could be duod if you optimise your characters to take out AVs. Just beware the TFs with ‘special mechanics’ like Ms. Liberty’s, etc. Numina’s with Jurassik is probably among the harder regular TF to duo, since he hits very hard, but I’ve duod it with my husband on a Controller/Dominator duo so definitely can be done.
  19. I sort of go for +4 rather than +3, and often set bonuses will work well on giving extra accuracy, if you’re lucky. Also I like making sure the accuracy will transfer to lower levels. I like procs but I don’t like to go over the top with them. I will use 1-2 damage procs per power and use sets to give them some respectable raw damage. It’s not just accuracy, but base damage, endurance and recharge and of course, set bonuses. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some damage in order to build a well rounded character, and in okay with that. The only time I add more than 2 procs is when the 3rd proc also counts as part of a 4-piece set. Also -def powers are useful in the situation of +def mobs. So it depends what sets your playing. Earth Control, Freezing Rain/Sleet, Rad Infection, all great for debuffing defence a lot and no to-hit check. My Defender’s Rad Infection does something like -50% defence, which is usually overkill!
  20. Not really, all the ranged damage ATs play very differently despite sharing the same blast powersets.
  21. Heart of Darkness is an awesome power and combines nicely with immobilise to hold most enemies. As for stacking the stun, at high levels you can stack it with itself with super recharge - and if you are dark/dark you can stack it with howling twilight 😉
  22. With the no redraw weapon sets work much better for defenders and corrupters now. It’s a good set for all 3. Blaster for max damage, Defender for max support, Corrupter somewhere in between (as a very rough outline!) Sentinals play much more like ranged Scrappers I believe so comparisons there are more limited.
  23. I love darkness control. I have veteran level 40 Dark/Dark controller so I’m familiar with the set. From a balance point of view the set is fine, however there are some bug fixes and minor changes that I’d like to see: 1) Haunts regularly spasm out, particularly when moving from one enemy group to another. I don’t know what causes this, but they basically become unresponsive and won’t follow or attack for the remainder of their duration. This is relatively easy to reproduce. 2) The graphics for the immobilise expire before the duration does, making it very confusing to see who is actually immobilised. Particularly annoying as a controller as you’re trying to do containment damage 😊 3) The graphic for Shadow Field (the AoE hold); the shadow dome effect is smaller than the actual diameter of the power. Not sure if this is intended but makes the power look a lot less effective than it is. 4) Umbra Beast - He has a single target immobilise that has a 4 second recharge, and it is his favourite power to use. It is also the ‘howl’ effect with howl audio, so once you get to 32 it’s all you hear every 5 seconds. It’s also a low damage attack and means he often doesn’t do his big damage hits for sometime as he keeps cycling back to the howl. This is probably the only balance change I’d make, but would be great if this were given a longer recharge so wolfie can cycle through his attacks much more effectively. (Or just some optimisation in general). I would love if the immobilise were an AoE instead of a cone but I doubt this will ever change.😉 Currently everything I do is in melee range but have to jump out to cone-hit them with immobilise. Cheeky Controller request that effects Dark Control (but particularly Mind Control), please please PLEASE can Fear and Confuse be allowed to grant containment damage. Containment seems to have been wrongly interpreted as ‘physically contained’, but mentally contained through fear and confuse should also count for extra damage. It would be a very welcome change, particularly for Mind Control, but also Darkness Control and others. Thank you.
  24. Fortitude is Empathy’s best power, if you go Empathy you should get Fortitude at 20. Move other things around if you have to. If you go primal forces then get power boost so you can use it in conjunction with fortitude. Then make it your mission to keep it on 3+ people at all times. Fortitude will have more impact on teams than anything else, except for maybe Adrenaline Boost.
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