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Everything posted by TJBC

  1. I have mighty judgement but not hover. I can confirm it will not fire will I’m jumping. Have to be on the ground for my toon.
  2. Thanks for the input, I have little experience with Controllers and zero experience with Dominators. My purpose for this toon would be 100% team-oriented control/support. I’m thinking If I went Dom I would basically only use the attacks to build Domination bar So I guess what I mean is, would it be more beneficial to a team to have a perma-Dom or a Controller with a handful of debuffs. Probably depends on the team. Maybe I will make one of each!
  3. So, I have a character concept for an Earth Control toon with Ice/Cold secondary and am having a really hard time deciding between Earth/Ice Dom or Earth/Cold Controller. My focus will be on the Earth control powers. As a Dom I would probably just take the ranged ice blasts (and Power Boost!) and with the controller would skip the buffs and take the debuffs. Would an Earth perma-Dom actually be a better controller than the Earth Controller?
  4. I would really love some options on which buff/power icons we see when we enable team buff display. As a Defender I really just want to see what buffs I have given my team members so I don't double up someone or miss someone. When teammates have 20 buffs/powers active it stretches halfway across my screen and I can't tell who has what and it drives me crazy.
  5. Haha you are not the only one. I had an Ice/Ice concept character I had been thinking about making for ages but never did and this post was what finally got me to do it!
  6. I’m very late to this but it got me thinking. If it were me I’d choose a Tank for dad and let son choose whatever. A well built Tank doesn’t need any support to stay alive in a duo team, just needs to hold aggro to keep teammate from getting attacked, which isn’t hard for a Tank if that’s your goal. Then teammate can do whatever they want.
  7. Oh right that’s the part I was forgetting! Elec’s weakness is lack of a good single target heavy hitter and AS fills that gap. I think I will try a Stalker. Thanks!
  8. Really want to start a Shield/Elec or Elec/Shield character but can't figure out which one I would enjoy the most. At first I was thinking Elec/Shield Stalker until I learned that AAO is suppressed by Hide. Seems like between the telenukes not dropping Hidden status and the ATO procing Hide there wouldn't be much use for AAO. Obviously in it's current state it has to be suppressed or the -dmg debuff would not allow Hide to function, kinda wish the Stalker version didn't have the debuff. Do Shield Stalkers take AAO? Is it worthwhile? Now I'm thinking about going the other direction with a Shield/Elec Tanker. Seems like the increased target cap for AoE's would fit nicely with the telenukes and Thunderstrike. Or maybe something about these sets that I'm not considering would favor a Brute or Scrapper? Not sure what the all the pros/cons would be across the AT's for this combo.
  9. I also had a concept character I wanted as a BS Stalker. I decided to go /Elec. Only have him up to 40 but I am liking it. Resists from /Elec. Defense from Parry. Endurance from /Elec. I’ve enjoyed this toon.
  10. That makes sense, I didn’t consider the debuff. I will definitely play around with different strategies. Thanks!
  11. Thanks. I guess I was hoping the telenukes could get executed after they were buffed. I guess they still can but definitely not the first one. Does this mean if I use the Stalker ATO chance for Hide enhancement that every time it goes off I lose AAO for a moment?
  12. Recently asked this question in a new post but found this thread and it might be a better place to get an answer: Does the Against All Odds buff work while Hidden? I just made my first Elec/Shield and was excited to sneak into the middle of a large group and see all the little blue buff icons before launching my first attack . . .not seeing it. 😢
  13. I see. Have only played one Stalker before this one, an /SR, and pretty sure it was exact copy of Scrapper /SR other than Hide for the AoE defense power, never thought about how the others might have ported.
  14. I’m playing a Shield stalker for the first time and it seems like the Against All Odds buff does not trigger when Hidden. Is that right? Is it the same with Invincibility and Rise to the Challenge?
  15. #1 Aid Self animation options. I hate the tricorder so much. I tried to use it on my magic SR scrapper cause the power was very useful but had to respec out of it cause it ruined the character concept. #2 i think boxing and kick would be greatly improved by being ‘high attack’ and ‘low attack’ or ‘light attack’ and ‘heavy attack’ and let characters have options to choose their animation for each attack. This is a short list off the top of my head but in conclusion: I think that a few power pool animation options would be an easy and popular fix without needing to worry about tricky balancing concerns. (He says hopefully with no clue how easy/difficult this would be).
  16. My problem is I have a possibly misguided idea of making a ‘shadow healer‘ Ill/Emp that doesn’t use pets, just holds/confuses/heals/buffs.
  17. Does healing break invis? I thought it didn’t, that would be a bummer if it did. But if not then how can they target you?
  18. Does an Ill/Emp running Superior Invisibility get mob aggro from Heals?
  19. I’m all over the place on this list. When I started playing in Issue 3, I was a solo only scrapper who thought he was a min/maxer, even though I didn’t know how to do it correctly. When I got my scrapper to 50 I started experimenting with other types. Ended up loving some very odd ‘underpowered’ builds cause they fit my character’s bio. Once I felt I understood the game well, I loved putting teams together, but that was before IO’s and Incarnates. I don’t feel confident about being a team leader in Homecoming. I feel like a newbie again. I have slowly come around to enjoying IO’s (they do make you feel powerful!) but one of the things I loved about CoH before IO’s was there was really not significant ‘loot’ until lvl 50 (Hamis). I hated the loot based system of games like EQ, where it felt like your base stats were trivial compared to your equipment. Currently the only things I like better than mowing down a fire farm in 4 minutes are: finishing the last badge for an accolade power, beating a seemingly unwinnable mission after several team wipes, finding a newbie and helping them get started, doing anything with a fun team, winning a costume contest, selling something for a big profit in the auction house, starting a new character . . . Hmm seems like I enjoy lots of things! So glad it’s back!
  20. So, quick follow-up to that: I was so proud of myself for doing +3x8 but it turns out the key was I was doing it solo. Tried to add a friend and I got hammered! Had to drop it down a notch and still almost face planted numerous times. Still a lot of improvement needed lol!
  21. Found this guide for the first time last night and made a Spines/Fire just to see how this works. No sooner had I finished shopping at P2W for my exp doubler I see in LFG chat an invite to an AE farm! I got to follow a Rad/Fire farmer while he annihilated hundreds, maybe thousands of mobs. In less than an hour I went from lvl 1 to lvl 34. Now one day later I got myself from 34-45 with about 3-4 hours of playtime and am now doing +3x8 at 45 with just SO’s. It is fun! Thanks!
  22. Wow nice that’s super easy thanks!
  23. Just got back into the game and wondering if there is an easy way to transfer influence between characters on the same account. My main is a Battle Axe Brute concept character. Decided I want to re-roll him when I found out Titan Weapons has a GIANT Axe option! He doesn’t have much but would love to transfer it to my new toon before I delete him.
  24. These are the steps that worked for me, not sure if they are all necessary but it worked for me (running macOS Catalina on a MacBook Pro 2014): 1. Update to Catalina! 2. Open Finder, go to Applications, create CoH folder 3. Open System Preferences, go to Security and Privacy, whenever you get an alert that says you can't do something toggle back to this and tell the computer its ok. 4. Download 'Island Rum' https://telstar.eekstudio.com/islandrum-mac.zip this is the current version as of now. 5. Follow any directions it gives you! I hope this helps
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