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Everything posted by Nerio72

  1. So this is like 60° villainous? <Agrees clovely>
  2. I thought Piecemeal was the villianous one! 😮
  3. Welcome home Hero (and/or Villian)!
  4. Yup, I didn't look at my link and see I was on the archive lol 🤷
  5. And this
  6. This might be helpful https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Macro_(Slash_Command)
  7. I drank a lot on Live and didn't give a shit... Now I rarely drink and still don't give a shit. I do remember everything now tho...😉
  8. Well done sir, you have won many times over with your moocabulary! /em fancybow 🐮
  9. But I die-grass... This was very amoosing 😉
  10. This page may have some info that could help. The first two topics have font and window scaling tips.
  11. I'm glad you cud field an answer to this design but I feel like you're trying to fence me in. You are kinda coming across as a bully, trying to shoehorn your opinions in! Trying to corral me in and put your brand on my look? Why are you oogling me anyways, this isn't some kinda meat market! We could talk about this till my family comes home but... Just don't be such a Pooh-head! 🐮
  12. The Cake! I've heard alot about it...
  13. Can we request a GM to just hang with us?😁
  14. Meet UdderNonsense! WB(MB?)/Nin Yep that IS a Milksword™!
  15. I knew that, just an attempt at humor. It went well...😉
  16. Is this a ploy to see who to invite to closed beta? 🤔
  17. There are uses for it that aren't "cheating". We could all walk everywhere too, it's healthier.
  18. Made UdderNonsense, cow themed (duh) a WB/Nin(she has a milksword 😁) Nerf Regen, WM/Regen StimuLass, El/Something(I don't remember hmmm)
  19. Welcome home. You've got some dusting to catch up on...😛
  20. Nerio72

    open gl

    This might be helpful for this issue.
  21. If we could join more than one SG I'd totally be in, unfortunately Fire N Rain and RocketQueen both already have one...
  22. It appears Wordpad and/or Notepad can edit and save in that format.
  23. There's also this
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