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Everything posted by Nerio72

  1. I assumed they were @VileTerror alts 😉
  2. The same thing we do every night, @Snarky. Try to take over the world.
  3. That's MINIMUM requirements, you can have Win 10
  4. "Bowman: HAL, I won't argue with you anymore! Open the doors! HAL 9000: Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye."
  5. If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!
  6. Any minute now they will call @Telephoneto ask if they have tried rebooting yet. And if its "plugged in".
  7. I think it's a trick... They are waiting for us to go all Lord of the Flies.
  8. Seems pretty active, there's usually people running TFs, mish teams, etc. There is that kinda stuff on LFG but I don't think I'd say it's full of it all day, sometimes more than other times.
  9. Shot down in a blaze of glory Take me now but know the truth I'm going out in a blaze of glory!
  10. Not really embarrassing but during Live I was typing in a hurry in SG chat and typo'd. My SG thought it was hilarious and thus Waesome Lass was born!
  11. I feel like you should find a mentor to help you out if you are just having issues with how to play the game If you are truly getting depressed from playing this game I would suggest doing playing and seeking someone out to talk to. If you have a friend you could talk to them or a professional. If you are depressed please seek help (I'm not saying this in a mean way btw) Best of luck.
  12. It IS pretty common, It DOES happen to everyone, And it's NOT a big deal. Oh wait...didn't read past the title... Yes.
  13. Halloween? OK. 😁 This is Jill O'Lantern
  14. That's a REALLY weird global name, but sure 😉
  15. Can't really see details on the pic but just based on what you said is the launcher directed to the correct path that you have Homecoming installed?
  16. Was it a hard drive failure? If not you could pull it and save your live CoH (and I guess other stuff 😉) Mine died a while back and I was able to access the files from it. I got an HP gaming system too, and the no CD drive threw me for a loop. Also it didn't have a second connection for dual monitors, but it turned out I didn't need it. I've had no issues with it running the game.
  17. I don't Respec a lot, but when I do I take screenshots of my enh setup to make it easier, maybe the same would help for you. I think that your idea would be great but not sure how easy it would be at this point. Maybe they could make it where respecs leave macros where they are, that might be easier.
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