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Everything posted by killigraphy

  1. As a lvl 50 Invul/EM tank (twice to 50), I always felt like PVP killed much of everything, both on Defense/Resist and Offense. The devs just need to ignore PVP and let us run a bit OP, CoH was doing great without massive nerfs. There's a PVP server, nerd that, leave the rest alone. As for AoE vs Single target; I already assumed, reading the powers, that it was going to be single target heavy, with the option to spam one AoE. Its basically, a better looking/glowing, martial arts. A stun no one will really use, an AoE and two very strong single target attacks. In the end, I'd like a PBAOE on TF ala Radiation Melee, and make the stun, cone based.
  2. I agree OP, a Monk (essentially) class would be great. I just need it not to look like MA and or KM, because woooo, they look turrible.
  3. I use my End to heal/buff. So while my Demons play, I pay to heal. I saw the class as yet another reason not to pick a Defender (which I have at level 50). Honestly, that's what it felt when CoV came out....Corr's and MM's were the reason to never look at a Defender again, then CoX happened, and it cemented that ideology, all the way through. Sure I heal 20-30 points left, but with regular IO's, that doesn't matter. Its not really an argument, everybody knows MM's don't use much end, and that's fine, so long as I'm getting buffed and or healed, idc about how far your blue bar retracts.
  4. It(MA) was always pretty trashy, even on release, the moves look clunky/corny, and it was only really used by SR scrappers who wanted that huge def buff from Storm Kick. Martial combat looks better, we just need it for Tanks. As for the CC and AoE....pretty much agree there, if you're an MA main (like I once was), you're really just a LT and Boss killer, you don't just trash mobs....ever.
  5. Total focus for me, is purely aesthetic. On my Invul its always fun, I love whirling hands and TF, but thats about it....
  6. That was the main problem when IO sets first came out. Everyone with money thought they were the cock of the wok due to steroids.... Tons of team deaths ensued, and a bad tank kept moving on. I don't want to see or hear that your tank in "unkillable" or that you can tank Recluse with no problem....Incarnates + IO sets break the game, and thats fun for a bit, but the delusion it brings, is the real problem.
  7. While Corr's have a stronger Fulcrum, Kinetics Def's, make sure you run through anything with SB. Rad - classic for several reasons, besides being the original AV killer, it has a little of everything, and one of the strongest debuffs in the game.
  8. Few things; Healing is still needed. If you're IO'ed out, you're pretty much done with the game, as even Blaster can solo high level content. If you run TF's, healing is always needed, even if you're just running DA/PI missions. Don't be fooled by the farmed out toons, healing matters. Debuff/buff is also important. Any Rad/Rad will tell you, if they can't hit you, and take more dmg from you, then you've already won....that being said. Never scoff at healing, as tanker main, I always appreciate it. Bubblers are great too, learn to take any kind of defender...except TA, they're definitely trolling. Attacks - You can grab a few or not, Defenders aren't like White Mages or any other healer class that DPS's in MMO's like WoW or Final Fantasy, in those games, their dmg is high, and even needed at times. Strong DoT's and even DPS is given to said classes. Defenders don't get those. They get very weak attacks. Sure you can add more -Def to your Rad debuff, but it will only make somewhat of a difference with Raid bosses/AV's. That doesn't mean ignore all the powers and get aid self and other, have fun, just know, you're not a Blaster, Corr, and or Sentinel. That's not your job.
  9. Wasn't my point, stop moving the goal post. There are better powers in other pools, than Kick and Punch....new and old. two very weak attacks, are overshadowed by; Leadership, Speed, Force of Will, etc. There's no way I'm going to take a kick and a punch over hasten and or say Hover. I'll take a Def All + Pseudo KB prot over two weak attacks.
  10. TA/Archery Defender....probably the most useless of them all. Why the devs even put it to begin with was beyond many players. No healing arrow, horrible holds, and zero aesthetic appeal. This honestly, felt like a waste of an AT slot.
  11. Add in an AT with Def + to all on any one of the powers ala MA's Storm Kick... We need new sets that don't look corny and yet are super effective.
  12. I'd rather take everything from the Leadership pool....and that's a classic. We can dabble with the new ones like Force of Will, which is far more useful than punch and kick.
  13. Read my post again carefully...not used for mule-ing powers....for example. Hasten is good just with so/regular IO's. Its simply useful by output/design. As is Hover. By THEMSELVES, these power shine, Punch and Kick do not. Ignore crazy IO's for a second, and the fact that you're only using them to mule.
  14. Yeah both CAK and EC are fine and over the top enough to want to use repeatedly.....but Storm kick looks goofy, especially compared to MC's version.... Had a MA scrapper since release, I don't let bias cloud what I think looks nice. MC's Storm Kick is far more fluid and looks less floaty/cringe....now its no Kinetic melee but its still not aesthetically pleasing to me.
  15. If you think punch and kick are worth it standalone....you're thinking is rubbish. Find me a build that incorporates them to any noticeable degree (besides mule-ing).
  16. Seems to me like the Experimentation pool would be better, Experimental Injection, sounds like it would be enough...in theory. Plus you don't have to get a prerequisite power.
  17. How would this work with a staff secondary? Would you then want Hasten for the def stacking of Guarded spin? Or is the regular %15 of the initial GS work just fine without?
  18. I can tell you right now, in AE, everyone is 50(+3), its not that hard to get, run BAF's and you should be good. However, a lot of the time, people are just running TF's and only need alpha slotted (Tin), plenty people carried me after 50, I made it quite apparent that I'm not killing anything that's 54++, and the team leader was okay. This of course was very situational, and hasn't happened since.
  19. Really not an SSD issue, CoX isn't an intense game to run.....you can run this game with a 5+ year old rig. Sounds to me like RAM is the issue. Get more.
  20. -Fighting; Punch and kick are still terrible, and they always have been for sure, but I don't see them being spiced up....in every game, there's gonna be a power that is pure trash. Fighting was dived into because of the great toggles (Tough/Weave). Make them boost defense and or res, though I don't see these powers going anywhere, popularity wise.
  21. Better more unique powers in other pools.... Inherent powers like Sands of Mu, Staff, IO's increasing recharge speeds, etc.... More options that are better, than a very standard and low hitting punch and or kick. They're better mules power at that. So yes, even more useless these days.
  22. They were never worth anything back then, and even less now. There's so many other power pool choices and or travel powers that, they're really useless.
  23. For starters, the moves just look ugly. Always has been. The slow moving, corny looking kicks, have always kept me away or at low levels with MA. -For sure replace the current animation of Storm Kick, with that of the Storm Kick from Martial Combat (blaster secondary). Looks smoother, and much more appealing. Everything else, the nerds have dissected and discussed....but really, make the set look cooler. If you're gonna keep the (crane) blade kick, make it look more like Ryu's in Third Strike, As for Thunder Kick...smh, just put in the "No can defend kick" from Karate Kid, I'd rather have something look more spectacular than boring and one dimensional.
  24. I fuck with this build so much....the only problem? MA is probably the worst looking set since Psionic melee. Storm Kick's 10% to everything is too beastly to ignore however. They need to change MA's storm kick, with MC's storm kick animation. Besides that, this build S tier.
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