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Everything posted by killigraphy

  1. The nerds have done the numbers....Opportunity is trash, great idea, bad implementation. Its supposed to be OP, in a game with Rad/Rad and Bubblers, its fine if the half-blaster, gets a boost in its inherent.
  2. I never got it...maybe its due to me playing MMO's like WoW(vanilla) and FF14 but I usually let the tanks go a bit nuts before I alpha strike.....then everything is dead, and I'm flying away.
  3. Bad tanks....I never had aggro taken from me (Invul/Enrg), and this is on 54+ enemies. Could be that I tell blasters to wait, but even then I've been on both sides. I've been the king of pulling aggro (Fire/Elec blaster) and still never die.
  4. If you're faceplanting every 5 minutes with a Blaster, you're either really bad at DPS or have no tank(s) on the team. Play smart, understand your weaknesses, and play around them. I'm never dying on my blaster (Elec/Fire), mainly due to the fact that I pay attention, wait for pulls, and make sure, I'm only getting purps, orange and green insps. The sentinel is basically a weaker blaster with defense/hold prot. Which is very convenient, and forgiving....but is it needed? I would say no. Every game of any sort, has a glass canon class....that's the point really, you sacrifice defense/mitigation, for the strongest dmg in the game. It makes you play smart...or it should. If you're "needing" to play a Sentinel, you're more than likely not good at team tactic...which is fine. But I'd rather have more dmg/control, over shields, if there's an option.
  5. Truly the best thing about playing an MM - AH prices are cheap, you can second as a healer/(de)buffer, and you do more dmg than scrappers....just a great time to be alive.
  6. Warshades are stronger the Peacebringers....nuff said.
  7. More than likely didn't run with any other Blaster, as a person who's made an Elec/Fire and Ice/Elec, I can tell you that any AR was deemed useless if I was in the party. Full Auto is nice, and with IO's perma, but when anything else comes into the party, it means nothing.
  8. You're more than likely focusing on the ENRG part of the build, which would make sense, since its explosive and kills everything in sight with just a breath. As far as devices go, on large teams running through TF's and missions in general, no one is going to wait for you to plant mines and time bombs, I already gave credit to the drone and invis bonuses, but even then, a few IO's slotted already do plenty of regen/recov. I'd agree that trick Arrow is the king of completely useless secondaries.
  9. Blaster - AR/Devices, Ar being the lowest hitting (albeit fast recharging) AT in the game, coupled with the most useless secondary in the game, just made life hell. And I trudged along for 50 levels of that nonsense....it never got better, IO's made Full Auto pretty much perma, but who cares? You're not killing anything with that tier 9 if your target is a red or above. On its own, Devices seems "cool" but its essentially, just a stealth secondary with a decent acc/dmg boost (Drone). I never used mines, mainly because waiting three-five seconds to set up a time bomb and several mines-per, was a waste of time. I Never soloed...and even then the experience was trash. Martial Arts.....looks tackey as all hell, slow, and really only used for the def bonus from said tackey looking move. Storm kick from the MA pool, needs to be replaced with Martial Combat's Storm Kick...looks much better.
  10. Fire and Ice, are still the strongest blaster sets in the game - With Water blast's tier 9 doing the most dmg out of both. Food for thought. Warshades are stronger than Peacebringers. Castle (former developer/Lead power designer), once said "Changing the colors of powers in the game, cannot be done, because it would take an overhaul of the engine.). He didn't realize that color swapping is (in)famous in game/character development (Sub Zero - Scorpion) and that most gamers knew that fact... Posting something on the AH for 1 influence, will have it sold to the lowest bidder...keep that in mind.
  11. No matter what you go with.... A debuffer will always be needed/make things much easier. Whether its a rad or a Dark. Time is also the FOTM. As for anything else. blasters/corr's handle everything that needs killing.
  12. Invul if you eventually want to be the king of the heap, without any worries. Willpower if you want to feel like everything is a breeze (auto's), and you don't want to be a shining rainbow when you turn a toggle on. As for secondaries ....for me, nothing beats the aesthetics of SS and EM. Both look great, and have beautiful splash page moves (Total focus delicious). Also both are quick, and don't leave you wishing you could do more dmg (I'm looking at you MA).
  13. I'm not a fan of the powerset when it comes to he moves, I get they were going for a tai chi quan aspect, but it just fall flat. Then there's the knockback.....you're tank, knockdown is your best friend, not knockback. Seems like they dropped the balls for tanks on this one. Would be nice they changed the KB into KD (Tank only).
  14. Ultimately, so long as you can survive the alpha, and pay attention to how you have your resists/defenses slotted, you should be more than fine. You can find plenty of builds on here. Essentially; learn more about what your role does and how you're expected to lead a team.
  15. I'm with you there OP, all my kryptonian themed toons take it. Useless back then and now, but its still a cool looking power. Mule it with something dmg I'm sure.
  16. To quote myself "No IO's". Like I already mentioned, everyone is now "godlike" because of them. I like to humble that ideology by using base values just with SO's. Even then, they have 6 set defense and res IO's, so it still works, overkill? Sure, but end game you really have nothing to do with a level 50 besides min maxing.
  17. Without IO's? You're pretty much gone in seconds. With IO's and Incar? EZ....but again don't let anyone fool you, without IO's you're built like a thin sheet of paper.
  18. Primary wise; You're a wall for all dmg, obviously some shine more than others; Invul, Rock, etc are S/L resist machines...naturally, I'm excluding IO's since everyone is godlike with them. Every power but your T9 are worth getting (depending on the t9). Six slots your res's in case you eventually want to slot some IO's in there. I'd say the same with your Defense based toggles/auto's but again, you can look for guides on here for the specifics. Secondary's; Take taunt, you're a tank, any little bit is helpful, as well as...its your job. Don't assume you're gonna be a powerhouse even though you took SS and think you're a Brute, again, not your job, and without IO's, you're 10th best at dmg. A lot of your life is going to be flurry spamming till you get all your primaries. Plenty of temp/p2w powers there, so that'll keep you busy for a bit. You'll also be running three-five toggles depending on your type (Invul/Dark know the pain), so you don't want to be spamming many attacks to begin with. Rad and Bio tanking, are very noob friendly, and don't turn you into a brawl pup just for attacking twice. My best advice on the issue, is to never pick a DA until you have the influence/Io's to do so. Since you're pretty much going to be running the most toggles in the game with that powerset. Stay away for now, and make one later when you're a rich man. I would also advise WP as its a great regen/Invul clone that makes life a lot easier and has minimal fx. Invul is very flashy (Rainbow Invincibility), and only has 3 toggles. DA is the flashiest, but again, you're running 6-8 toggles, you will have zero end. Bio and Rad have polarizing flashy abilities and are user friendly. Decide around that area, if bright lights are a must.
  19. Rad melee is just too clunky right now, strong, but the start up times are very slow. Its very much a set you won't have fun with unless fully IO'ed.
  20. Honestly, its irrelevant, farmers gonna keep farming, and flooding the ah with ridiculous prices. I would rather they focused on fixing powersets like AR or Martial arts, instead of getting rid of inf gain. Especially when IO's are still the way of life.
  21. Don't bother with GA, its too pricey right now, and honestly, when it comes to dmg res, you'll be hard capped easily with UG and Tough. As far as defense goes, you can try your best, but invul is all about res, so don't be surprised if you don't see a huge boost in your Deff all.
  22. You can skip charged brawl, and Jacobs ladder. You'll focus more on Hasten + Burn stacks and thunderstrike/lightning rod. I took taunt on mine, took Perfect Zinger and 6 slot melee with dmg. The point being; your recharge rates are gonna be perfect for burn stacks. To me this is faster than Spines, and a tad slower than Rad melee.
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