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Everything posted by ZekeStenzland

  1. I usually head over when it’s announced. I do nothing but fight Supa Trolls until I get all 50. Then I blaze my way through all the rest. I can get both badges in one event easily. It only takes more than one if I’m lowish level (less than 30) or if I happen to stumble across an existing rave while doing other stuff and don’t have the full time.
  2. AFAIK, the team tp always asks everyone (that are in the area) if they want to be teleported. The to prompt is only for the single target tp other when used on friendlier.
  3. I was going to guess lotro as well, but somebody beat me to it. Grrrrr. On the other hand, penalizing characters for doing anything difficult or risky doesn’t seem like something you’d want to do as part of a superhero game. IMO. Maybe if there were an Iron Man setting or something? Where you have the badge while you’re alive and then you get deleted when defeated? Doesn’t seem worth the effort…
  4. I am not a high end player. I don’t solo giant monsters. I don’t solo or even lead incarnate trials. I can occasionally solo regular task forces, but only sometimes. That being said, my gut take is that no matter what AT, primary, or secondary you have, with even basic slotting, you can probably do good enough at basic difficulty levels in general. The only suggestions I have… Avoid sets like Empathy that mostly affect other teammates rather than you. Avoid set combos that don’t mesh well together. Like a primary that does lots of damage to things next to you with a secondary that continuously pushing things away.
  5. Yep. Happens to me a fair amount. Easier to avoid if you have flight and hover both on and turn off flight before clicking on the base portal. Or you just feel like blaming it all on Lord Recluse.
  6. It occurs to me that I have only really played Dual Blades on Stalkers. As much as it pains me to say this, my DB opinions for other lesser melee ATs may not be based on reality. But really, who actually plays any AT other than Stalkers anyway? 😉
  7. Sigh… Of all the damage sets, this is the only one that I always take all the powers so I can do all the combos. They may not be the greatest powers, but THEY LOOK SO AWESOME!!! That’s all I have to say…
  8. I'm thinking having a L50 Empathy Defender on the 2nd account is probably the safer way to go. I was a bit of a moron, thinking I'd have to PL the empath to L50 from my first account. But I'd totally forgotten that lots of folks happily PL others until I saw someone announcing open slots in his AE farm. But I was almost done getting my ghost pirate hunting badge and hadn't really confirmed that Empathy Defender would be the best way to go, so I didn't join up. It certainly sounds like a better idea than me PLing my own healer. If for no other reason than I am not a Professional Farmer (tm). I USED RIKTI MONKEYS TO GET THE FINAL 'IMMORTAL' BADGE... MAYBE IT WOULD WORK FOR YOU? MADE THREAD FUTHER DOWN THE LINE IN BADGES.... I've teamed with you on quite a few alts, quite a few times, while you work on various mission badges and have always enjoyed it. When I read "rikti monkeys" my first reaction was what a stoopid idea it was since most of those monkeys are *way* higher level than L36 me! But duh, if I'm sidekicked to a L50 empath, they're probably not as instantly suicidal as I first thought they might be 😉 And of course, in the 20mins while you guys were responding, Pirate and Exterminator are already acquired and now it's just Born in Battle I'm waiting on... Thanks for the advice!
  9. Doing a lot of missions on my L36 Necro/Dark MM. Mostly blue side, but a fair amount of red side too. I've gotten 3 of the 4 stat accolades. I'm looking at unlocking the last one: Portal Jockey or Born in Battle. Born in Battle seems like the simplest one to get. Got 3 badges left for that. Two are relatively trivial and I should have them soon (Pirate and Exterminator). The last badge is Adamant, the 3rd damage taken achievement badge. I have the first one, and am only 50% through the second one. I'm up for ideas on the best ways to speed up getting this particular badge. Some possible thoughts... My main account has probably 100+ chars, from levels 1-50+. I have a second account with 1 L50 brute and 2 level 1 chars. I doubt the existing characters on account 2 would be useful. But I suppose I could make another helper on account 2, use someone on account 1 to PL him to L50 or so, and then use that new helper to assist the MM (as well as any future characters) in getting his Adamant badge somehow. It's an option. I'm not sure what that helper would be but am up for suggestions. I know there are a few zones where you can stand (or rest!) in fires. It seemed pretty tough to survive on solo melee characters, but this plan doesn't seem very plausible for this character. I have this vague idea that there are certain types of pvp matches where I might be able to make much more effective progress on this badge. But I don't know what those are. Again, I have that second account, so that might be helpful in getting that arranged. Any helpful suggestions?
  10. Yeah, order not mattering makes sense. Thanks everyone for confirming what should have been obvious to me.
  11. Not sure why I'm having problems understanding this, but this seems a bit ambiguous. Either (Collect the following badges) (in order) (to unlock stuff) meaning you have to get the badges, in a specific order, to unlock stuff or (Collect the following badges) (in order to) (unlock stuff) meaning you have to get the badges, in no particular order, to achieve the goal of unlocking stuff The second interpretation is the one I'm hoping is intended, but for some reason this morning the first interpretation was the one that leapt to my mind...
  12. Specifically, Cold damage works against the fires. Fire damage heals it. There are some Water Blast powers that dish out Fire damage — Steam Jet, I think.
  13. Some other things you might want to consider depending on how much you want to stealth missions: -perception powers and placate powers. These can help with the following cases. Some mobs ignore stealth, like Rularuu eyes and Rikti drones. Some mobs have much better perception, like Nemesis snipers and Knives of Artemis. Stealth suppresses when clicking glowies, but mob debuffs do not.
  14. And generally, teams are good enough that I’ll just split off and solo the fuel things myself with no problem.
  15. After you’ve cleared the ships, and you’ve gone to the giant walled floating compound… At the north end, inside the walls, there’s three(?) boats, a giant fuel container thing, and another three boats. As I recall, each boat has a bomb glowie and the fuel container has two. I dont recall being attacked while clicking the glowies. I also don’t know that it has any effect on the mission or rewards.
  16. Yeah, I'm late. But in my defense, I'm slow. Proton Jaguar made it to 30 today. He's pretty fun and just starting to hit his stride, I think. I'll probably take him all the way to 50 at some point. Thanks for the fun challenge, @Troo!
  17. I’ve always assumed that, while CoD will show whether attacks notify or not, exactly when or if an attack notifies is somewhat algorithmic. These are the rules as far as I’ve experimented: if a normal attack misses, it notifies at the start of the activation. if a normal attack hits, it notifies sometime on or before any effect lands if assassin strike misses it doesn’t notify if assassin strike hits and hide procs, it doesn’t notify if assassin strike hits and hide doesn’t proc, it typically notifies after the damage lands There’s a known bug with staff melee, where if you start assassin strike while hidden with weapon not drawn, the staff pops into your hands while you assume the position. Then after the wind up, instead of striking, you drop out of hiding and notify enemies while the draw weapon animation plays, and then the damage lands. You didn’t say what melee set you were using. I should check on my various stalker sets to see if I’m getting similar results.
  18. I rarely have a target number of people when I make teams (with the exception of SBB). I just recruit until bored and then go with what we have.
  19. The owners would kind of have to give the game some rights to the owned characters, since the characters (name, likeness, chat) would need to be visible to other players. I am not a lawyer. I haven’t studied the actual verbiage of the EULA and ToS. But I’m sure there’s a way to word the ToS so that the owner could allow the game to use the character as normal, but not cede any and all rights to the game. Oh yeah, the author is Jim Butcher, not Dave.
  20. It’s not against the terms of service if you are the owner of the character in question. You might need to make arrangements with the GMs though. I seem to recall a story about Dave Butcher(?) making Harry Dresden in CoH. And he was reported. But since he actually owns the character he wasn’t genericed. Otherwise, yeah, don’t do it.
  21. These sound like major arcana from a Shadowrun tarot deck… 😁
  22. Was the legacy Lord Recluse Strike Force, I believe. The one where Statesman drops 3000 pt zone wide aoes. The guy putting it together wanted to avoid all the known strategies for success, but didn’t want to try anything else other than just zerging it. Surprisingly, this was not effective. After 4 or 5 tpks without dropping any of the 8 AVs — or even coming close — we bailed.
  23. Debt works the same way it always has, as far as I know. Half of all xp earned goes toward paying off debt, until it is all paid off. All the rest (or all of it if you have no debt) goes toward leveling. If you use the 2xp booster, or are playing on servers with intrinsic xp boosts (like indomitable), or we’re doing lots of mapserver stuff, you might not have noticed on account of how quickly debt was paid off. Also, patrol xp pays off debt as well, if you had any. As I recall.
  24. What’s actually happening is that people found a way to get outside the base rooms while editing the base. Once there, you can place base items as usual as long as the center point of the item is above or below a room. You can also move your base entry point outside as well so that folks enter your base directly in this much larger space.
  25. Check out Dacy’s base building guides in the base forum. There are step by step videos for how to build outside the base rooms which will give you what you’re looking for.
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