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Everything posted by PhoenixV117

  1. I guess somthing that can hold its own +4x8 i made the mistake of having a TW+ bio as a main and didn’t realise it was so op. So I struggle to play other at’s as they just don’t compare. Im happy to use macros needed to form shift to maximise potential. so if you reckon you’ve got somthing that’s top tier as far as a WS goes I’ll happily try it mate.
  2. Just like the title says. Looked through the forums but can’t find anything conclusive to use on Mids. I am a Mids noob myself with little time to learn it. INF not an issue. Show me what you got (please)
  3. I’d be interested to see the build of you’ve got a link
  4. I’ve noticed this, I thought I was just missing but there’s never a ‘miss’ text. Very annoying, happens on my scrapper using the dark snipe skill as I use meld with the shadows.
  5. I wanted to run EA with Beast as I’ve never ran either, would it really not work to just manage your pets targets inside the cage 😕 disappointed
  6. Anyone got a beast/ea build I can try? Preferably one that is the best it can be with unlimited funds 😉
  7. I’d be interested to see some footage as I was considering this myself.
  8. Hmmm, what secondary would you reccomend for beast MM ? I was thinkifn about rolling EA but I have 0 experience with either, does anyone have a build for it ? (Inf is not a problem)
  9. No idea about blaster mate sorry
  10. You’re forced to use cones on sonic, but slotting enhancements which increase range will increase the arc of the cone making it more like an aoe. You could use an epic pool like fire. And take one of the nuke incarnates at 50. As good as you can get I think.
  11. Also beam rifles aim increases range
  12. Bio has some + ranged modifiers from offensive adaption, and if you want -res and range go bio armour beam rifle
  13. Just seeN this on YouTube looks pretty cool, an interesting way to customise pets 🙂 be cool to see this here.
  14. How do you know it’s writhing in pain? Could be a strong orgasm.
  15. You made any changes since the new enhancements ? I run the same build but with hover so the higher melee is kinda useless for me, can you see a way to change the build to adjustt for higher ranged defence vs melee without gimping the whole build as a whole ?
  16. Any idea when pines will be updated with these sets so I can try and work out a better build for ranged defence without getting the numbers lost in my head 😂
  17. Yeah I mainly meant for stat wise, I’m running the beam/ bio with hover so I’d probably benefit from more ranges defence over the current higher melee defence but I’ve had a play around on pines and I can’t seem to do it without ruining everything else 😕
  18. With the addition of the new sets would you have any recommendations to add / swap any ?
  19. I don’t want a cheap one tho XD want the bestttttt
  20. Ooh, I’m gonna make one now, I want to play it as a hover blaster, could anyone tweak the above to make it function mainly as a capped ranged defence with Max dps, don’t mind taking one or two melees if they’re really nice dmg but otherwise hover blasting is superior as you miss most attacks due to ranged attacks being slower and fewer.
  21. Yes I do, but not a game changing one. It would be as simple as the architect mission options. It’s not as difficult as managing a +5/6 where other variables come into account like the scaling to hit etc.
  22. Pretty simple fix would be to have a , no minions option in the chat panel difficulty option bubble, so all mobs are lieutenant and higher... that won’t require any change to code.
  23. Cheers I’ll try it, the beam one, what’s it like for survivability ?
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