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Everything posted by Taboo

  1. So if folks aren't on discord their comments are too late. Discord is the official place to make comments. Just say that HC peeps and no one like me can argue. Having Zepp here saying just makes it look like there is a group doing polls that drives decisions that many don't see.
  2. I am getting the idea some peeps vote on both and skew results. It is making sense how some changes are decided and ideas are pushed through by a minority just because they troll more than others. IS THIS THE HOMECOMING FORUM OR IS DISCORD?!
  3. That works for Tankers but what about everyone else who SKIPPED Barrage & Stun, now they have to cram two more powers in? It is soo messed up to scrap an existing power set. For those who wanna say it's easy or it's optional that is a pretty f'n shitty way to justify getting what you want. The whole game is optional, the whole game is relatively easy.
  4. WHAT!? It has stun and it has dead enemies.
  5. So Energy Melee got hijacked by Energy Assault. That's what you're saying? That just seems so wrong. Is this the way it is going to be for real?
  6. What the hell happened?!
  7. That is just messed up. How do we vote thanks for trying but NO! Do we get a vote? I WANNA VOTE
  8. Thanks for the changes on Whirling pom poms & Total pom poms. Much appreciated. A couple quick questions. Why the negative changes to Energy Punch? Is 16% more damage really more if it available 20% less often and it will also cost more?!! I haven't tried the Energy Focus but WHAT THE FRECKLES!!?!! Aren't their enough of those type sets out there? I thought there were people asking for the old set. What was wrong with just turning this sucker back to the way it was? If the numbers weren't good enough just juice em up. Why does shit have to be all complicated, aren't we hear to have fun? Also what is up with making all the sets the same? Just because that set has something that doesn't mean all the sets need to have it. There is some shit that some folks actively avoid.
  9. yes please
  10. ah the Icosahedron automatic failure. 5% chance
  11. Like a variety of enemy responses? Oh shit this enemy group swarms vs that enemy group tends to aggro additional groups. More situational awareness. Maybe that +4/8 steamroll team gets slowed down by a tactical error rather than bags of hp. Can still go fast but have to pay attention.
  12. @GenesisMan That sure is a pretty post.
  13. nerf bait..
  14. Wrong. At best, opinion.
  15. did anyone mention that large number of peeps who can jump over buildings, run faster that the wind or seem to fly without wings.. everything else seems normal in context.
  16. ..in the bathroom. ?!!? Oh no, you may wanna get that checked out.
  17. Still too much.
  18. day drinkin or click bait.. hard to tell.
  19. Some really good suggestions. Badge combination to unlock seems very interesting. Good input on where a sweet spot might be for cost and what level to bump to.
  20. Maybe there should be an option somewhere to skip to level 25 or 30. Maybe once a player has hit 50. Maybe only so often. Maybe for a crazy amount of infamy.
  21. @Golden Azrael Noooo too much dude.
  22. If they switched ET back that would be awesome. If they gave it to scrappers that would blow peoples minds.
  23. could you invite someone else and see if it shows for them?
  24. I swear I could roll a new character and they would receive badges related to the length the account had been played.
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