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Everything posted by laudwic

  1. Wild guesses that are almost guaranteed to be wrong! (a flashing digital clock is right once a day, a broken analog clock is right once a day, I get lucky about as often as monkey's type Shakespeare. Its possible, but don't bet on it.) Picture 1: hinting at a further revamp of Titan Weapons and adding a new cartoon style oversized swords Picture 2: revamps to the fire zone event. I would be really impressed if they pull that off Picture 3: grey guy with mace - I have no idea. War Mace revamp? Picture 4: looks like a giant dead snorlox to me. I'm sure there is a deeper meaning, I just don't know it. Picture 5: X-Men fighting a Sentinel - updates to the Sentinel AT. (An AT I really like that doesn't get a lot of respect but I've had great fun with. But, man, don't run a Posi 2 with a bunch of them or your controllers won't be able to do much in the big final fight due to defenses against holds) Picture 6: The Dark Crystal but animated. I remember the original movie, I'm thinking there is a hint about nictus crystals here, and I want to say there was an earlier post about this update that had crystals in it. Picture 7: Dr. Strange looking like he is losing it, again, ala the last Spiderman movie. They already did a wonderful job revising the sorcery pool, so no guess here. Picture 8: Non-Stick Pan Witches' Hat. Serious purple theme in a lot of the pictures.
  2. and it is exceedingly good for Dominators. . . .
  3. Let's see if we can add it to the monthly fundraising goal. It is a public good. I mean, really, we're at ten pages of abject speculation at this point, it could be a benefit for everyone to beat some new information out of him.
  4. I think the better questions are, do you sleep alone? If so, did you harm anyone flailing in the night? If so, do you now sleep alone? Also, do you mind flailing next to Troo for awhile until you beat all the information he has out of him? (I still think he is holding out on us)
  5. The difference is shoes is the most I can take from that picture and the others of Nemesis, sandals vs. steel toe boots. So, I guess it cold be a hint about more costumes being proliferated to players, or it could be a Nemesis Plot to throw us off.
  6. Ah, but you forget one thing, this game was made during the time of 3e not 5e. According to the 3e SRD, Rust Monsters corrode metal, in 3e they don't differentiate ferrous vs. non-ferrous. So, I'm starting to think Nemesis would be vulnerable, but I'm sure there is a plan for it. You might even say, a plot.
  7. The Blob, now that would be a hard to implement but interesting special event.
  8. Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet? {See now the knife Emoji makes sense!}
  9. On March 25, 2020, Troo made the stated the following in the Huge Announcement -End Game and PVP Thread Clown Summoning Power Set Short Description: Grants you access to the Clown Summoning Mastermind Set. Clown Summoning: With the Clown Summoning Power Set for Masterminds, you will be able to command and control your own circus of clowns. The minion pets are three traditional happy clowns, with squirting flower ranged attacks and balloon-sword melee attacks. The lieutenant pets are of the sad clown variety, and finally the boss clown is a vicious mime with a very powerful self-containment attack that puts himself inside of an invisible, shrinking box. Clowns arrive on the battlefield via a single tiny car that they all pile out of. I think he is holding back on us, time to start lighting those torches and sharpening the pitchforks!
  10. Let's see, lame ideas and topics, concepts for my future Clown Masterminds: Clown/Dark Miasma - A black and white clown, or Goth Clown Clown/Force Field - The name will have bubbles in it, darn it Clown/Nature Affinity - I wonder if the name 'Twiggy' is taken on my server Clown/Pain Domination - Here is your evil/menacing clown look Clown/Poison - Maybe an evil nurse look. . . but you know, a clown evil nurse. Clown/Sonic Resonance - Think 80s hip hop but a clown, use the stereo thing too much Clown/Storm Summoning - Weird clown weather guy that drives you crazy with a multi-colored Hurricane (note groups would hate looking at that) Clown/Thermal Radiation - I wonder if "Hot Bo Bo" is taken on my server Clown/Time Manipulation - Maybe a rif off Doc Brown from Back to the Future, but, you know, a clown Clown/Traps - Yeah, what is the name of that clown in the recent horror movie franchise that makes you cut off an arm and do other stupid stuff? Clown/Trick Arrow - Bonzo Tell? Totally in Green like Errol Fynn's Robinhood but a clown face, and shoes, got to have the shoes. Clown/Electrical Affinity - The high voltage look Clown/Cold Domination - Bo Bo Frost? Clown/Radiation Emission - I wonder if "Love Da Bomb" is taken on my server. Clown/Empathy: Hugs the Clown? Clown/Kinetics: Normal looking, for a clown, but some form of a Zoom joke in the name. Clown/Not Appearing in this Update: Well, that's pie in my face but I'm sure whatever the Devs put in will be fun!
  11. Yeah, but we haven't chased you down with torches and pitchforks for not telling us what is in the update . . . . yet. Hum, come to think of it, I do play on the Torchbearer server.
  12. I was thinking Clowns/Pain Domination for the 'sad clown' motif, but Kinetics would be great if you could add in a yakety saks sound in there. . .
  13. I would know and be enlightened and then I would do things like: Enjoy Regen before the incoming nerf, about time if you ask me Plan names for my incoming Clown and Pirate masterminds! Oh, and then I can start a debate if Ninja or Pirate masterminds are better! Sure, Ninjas have their problems, but the movement speed reduction for the Pirates due to the peg legs gets old. Old school internet arguments rise again! and get more excited than I already am! <Thanks Devs for all you do, even though I have no idea what is really coming because Troo won't tell me>
  14. I keep encountering the Map Server event from time to time without the spawns. . . . (I kid, I kid) While the idea of a Rikti Mother ship over Atlas City Hall on July 4th has a certain ring to it, give existing nemesis a color update (red white and blue Jeagers would be fun) a new alternate world Nemesis invasion with the False Nemesis altered to look like Uncle Sam (Change the color scheme and give him a top hat). Have the Nemesis fight everything with cheesy patriotic dialog that they are here to liberate this world from it's oppressors, it is Independence Day! Basically a dialog and color scheme revamp of the Nemesis Plot Invasion Event. Maybe throw in spawns from the alternate Counsel worlds invading too agroing on everything. Everybody likes beating up on those guys and I enjoy villian groups fighting against each other.
  15. And the ghosts of normal people walking in the fog as if they were continuing their normal lives. Always liked the original Dark Astoria from a visuals standpoint.
  16. Too many players are more interested in the destination of 50 rather than the journey. With that being said, some of the early launch missions are not super exciting. I wish we could get more people to start out with Matthew Habashy as a first contact. That is a fine story based experience. I understand the Flambeaux hate, but running Matthew's arc then twinshot is a nice intro to the game.
  17. While I would love to have Wind Control, and I'm betting a good number of existing in-game textures could transfer over, I can just see the forums start talking again how Wind's level 18 power of Keening Winds is better than Mind Control's lvl 32 Mass Confusion like how we already talk about how Plant's level 8 Seeds of Confusion is better. Still would love to have Wind Control. . .
  18. The fast travel/teleport ability you can either be logged into and hang around Pocket D for an hour or you can find all of the Exploration badges for one zone. It is actually pretty easy to get all the exploration badges now without resulting to the wiki or vidmaps. When you fight enemies in a zone, there is a chance that when you defeat them you will receive a tip. (Chances are higher with the higher power the foe is, bosses better chance lts or minions for example. Level does not matter, nor does your it matter if you outlevel them. Grey enemies can give you tips. Tips then lead to exploration badges. One note, once you have the fast travel power, you need to have an exploration badge for the zone you want to teleport into. For Ouroboros portal, you can get it through certain missions, I highly recommend the Faultline arcs. The easiest ways is to have someone drop one and just use it. The Chimerrora portal is inside the Midnighters club house. Go in, go up stairs and through the door. The portal is a clickie an an alcove.
  19. Sorry, don't mean to interrupt, please feel free to give me more details about things to be excited about. . . . (Hey, it's worth a try!)
  20. I've got a 50 Demon/EA that I've enjoyed taking to 50 and beyond. I haven't seen it mentioned here, but you might want to consider Ninjas. I'm running a set with Trick Arrow that I've gotten to 45 so far and they do a good job going through mobs. Healing, absorb and 'thunder dome' will help mitigate their lack of defense. The only real negative is the lack of a mule to take all the MM unique pet IOs. Also, Discharge will give you some good AoE Debuf on Damage. Plus, you could do a pretty good 'Big Trouble in Little China' theme.
  21. Me too and since the meta was you're, essentially, fighting the game gone wrong, it makes sense to have things happen that normally couldn't. Great job by the Devs! I appreciate all you do for us!
  22. It's location helps keep down the riff-raff and helps ensure a better experience for their exclusive cliental.
  23. Yeah, I've never heard of anything being stolen from them! /s
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