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Everything posted by Ironblade

  1. I never timed it. You have to visit six meteors (which are marked on the map) and analyze them with a gizmo from the scientist. Then you have to take over a firebase by destroying the 4 large turrets surrounding it and the 4 little turrets on the roof. Then use the 'ore processor' inside to process the samples and return to the scientist. The only annoying aspect is that the turrets are on a five-minute respawn timer. You can be on the 7th turret when they all respawn. On a high DPS character with a good travel power . . . maybe 6-8 minutes. On a defender or controller, I'll take out ONE turret and wait for it to respawn so I know I have five full minutes. So 10-12 minutes if you have low DPS.
  2. I think Rest used to accept sets, briefly, many years ago. Certainly, it does not now and has not for a long time.
  3. And this is why I have a Shivan Shard on every single character. My empathy defender can 'solo' stuff when he has a Shivan with Fortitude and Regeneration Aura.
  4. Noooooo!!!! Both of those names are just top-notch lead-ins for jokes. I always crack wise about one or both of them when I lead the task force. Take out a 'defeat all' but leave me my childish humor. I wonder what percentage of players respec when they hit 50. My girlfriend does that on every character. I never do it. I figure out my build as I level up and don't respec at all unless I screw something up. I would estimate that only about a quarter of my characters have ever done a respec. As for building with exemping in mind, damn right!
  5. Four years later! Holy shambling undead @Snarky, Batman!
  6. 1) This is a common occurrence in a lot of trials. 2) Because it's not a 'task force'. Being unable to invite new people is a defining characteristic of task forces. Also, I don't think there are any task forces that allow more than 8 people (i.e. one team). Cool. That's your preference. Personally, I just type "Here" and so does everyone else I've done this with. I don't recall ever seeing someone use coordinates. I don't see that as more convenient, despite the fact that I actually have a keybind to show me my location already set up on all characters.
  7. Hey, it's me again! Once again, there is a quest in Pokemon Go to make new friends. If anyone sees this and would like to be friends in the game, send me a DM. I'm pretty conscientious about sending gifts and, for anyone interested in Vivillon, I'm in the Polar region. (Don't ask. Somehow, the 'Polar Region' includes part of the continental United States - i.e. not Alaska.)
  8. So, speaking of the Winter event, it looks like Manny is 'Home for the Holidays'. Probably because he never leaves the gas station.
  9. I have three characters with kinetics. On easy content (99% of the game), it just doesn't matter much and it certainly doesn't bother me. On the hard content (like Really Hard Way badge, where I always play a kin), the hard targets are AV's and no one is knocking them back. I'm well aware of that - BUT - most resist sets do NOT have high resist against every damage type. If you have 40% resist to toxic and have the chance to add 2%, don't waste your time. Regeneration is of equal value whether you currently have 80% regen or 300% regen. That extra 25% will add the same HP to either character.
  10. Check your most recent badges. I logged in three characters last night and NONE of them got a pop-up notification but they all had the badge.
  11. 1) Knockback isn't that big of a deal, in my opinion. No one is going to be knocking AV's or EB's around and everything else dies fast enough that they're not much of a threat if they get scattered. 2) It depends. If you're already at, say, 85% or higher resist, one or two points more is a big deal. If you're not that close, the regen is probably a better choice because it works against all damage types.
  12. Same here. That game was amazing. It (deservedly) won awards for the writing. When CoH shut down, it was the only MMO I played so I decided to branch out. Since then, I've played Everquest 2, Red Dead Online, Black Desert Online, Divinity: Original Sin, Sea of Thieves and Elder Scrolls Online. I also play a bunch of shooter games: Borderlands 2 and 3, The Division 1 and 2, Far Cry 3 and 6, Ghost Recon: Wildlands. I've played building/survival games for a long time - Minecraft, Starbound, Valheim, The Forest, 7 Days To Die, No Man's Sky. And, finally, I play a bunch of 4X games: Sid Meier's Civilization 4, 5 and 6, Stellaris. So, yeah. Once upon a time, City of Heroes was my only online game. Now, my Steam library has 67 games and I have a few more under the Epic and Ubisoft launchers plus a few with their own launchers.
  13. (blink blink) Excuse me??? There are most certainly official seasons and each one starts on a specific day (which can move around slightly from year to year). We have the vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox and winter solstice.
  14. I thought it was, "What's the difference between a lawyer and a catfish? One is a scum-sucking bottom-dweller and the other is a fish."
  15. I think that, at least partially, it's the other way around. I think that this is a game that focuses on cooperation and teamwork and, therefore, it attracts a different type of player. So I don't think the game makes people better/nicer/whatever; I think it ATTRACTS people who already have more 'positive' qualities.
  16. Or you can use the LFG to teleport directly to Imperious. WAY faster than zoning to Steel to Midnighter Club to Cimerora and walking to the contact.
  17. Christmas has always been about stalking. I mean, these lyrics are from 1934. He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake.
  18. As far as I know, every server has their own chat forums and you should be able to find installation instructions there. I don't play on any others so I can't offer any advice beyond that.
  19. You're too kind. I was going to go with a harsher version. "Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity." 😛
  20. I think you might be experiencing some perception bias. You think it should help, so it seems to make a difference. I would never six-slot either. I would typically put 3 slots in Stamina and slot a level 50 endmod and two pieces of Performance Shifter, the +END proc and endmod. Sometimes I'll only have one slot on Health and put a proc in it - Miracle or Panacea. I did a discount invuln build where I ended up with about +360% regen. He had four slots in Health. You have a 'toggle build'? Pardon my good-natured mockery. I have a Spines/Dark Armor scrapper named Toggle Man who runs SEVENTEEN toggles in combat. Toggle Man has 5 slots in Health and 3 in Stamina. The only toggle he can't afford to run in combat while spamming melee attacks is Whirlwind. And he does spam melee attacks. He has very few of them, but has Hasten auto-firing to cycle them faster. If Toggle Man doesn't need six slots in Stamina, no one does. So toggle on some respect and put some of those slots where they'll do more good. 🙂 P.S. I've added a link to my forum post with the story of Toggle Man in my signature. It's a brilliant piece of prose that someone posted on the original forums and it inspired a character.
  21. Apparently. I only ToT each character enough to get the 5 badges that give the Aether but people seem to be going non-stop. So many people are doing the ToT blitz at the hotel in Peregrine that it's making it hard for the Hami raids to get enough people.
  22. At base difficulty level, you can play anything you want. I can solo at 0x6 or more with a concept build. The character is named Toggle Man and runs 18 toggles in combat - just to see if he could. He's a spines/dark armor scrapper and has only two single-target attacks (Lunge from spines and Kick from Acrobatics). Most of his damage comes from procs in damage aura powers so he's much more effective against a crowd of scrubs than against higher level enemies. When Positron is the weekly strike target, I'll solo it with a variety of characters for the Notice of the Well or the XP. I've soloed it this week on a blaster, defender and a tank. And this is exemplared down to level 15 (FYI, the tank was actually level 16 at the time; the others were higher level). Pick the character you enjoy the most. ANYTHING can solo in this game.
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