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Everything posted by Rishidian

  1. I was wondering what this had to do with Snarky leaving... I wish he would come back - I greatly enjoyed his stories and comments.
  2. I'm still here. 😝
  3. Has anyone noticed wmtyrance hasn't posted in the group since the first OP? 4 pages in 2 weeks, and no response. Doesn't it make you wonder? Maybe we were to *TOXIC* for them. Here's my hypothesis: --No, he didn't have friends that quit because it was too toxic. Maybe he did. Who cares. What's their point? We all have friends that don't play anymore. This isn't surprising. But it appears to me wmtyrance was just trying to troll us. Perhaps we need to adjust our Troll Detection senses up a little. I, for one, have difficulty taking posts like this at face value. Maybe I'm the toxic one. Maybe they quit because of me.
  4. No drop of rain claims responsibility for the flood. --No idea who said that
  5. I smell a Troll....
  6. Rouge Rogue Island Rogues of Renoun
  7. Thank you all for your responses!! I feel honored that such greatness would deign to consider my rant. I played all day Sunday and Monday. I typically choose a character of the day. The 2 I chose was and Energy Blaster and a Fire Blaster. I had 2 instances with the Energy Blaster, and didn't see any with the fire. In both instances, I was in a building with nothing (obvious) in between when I approached the targets - I was not just previously in combat. They had their back to me and did not seem aware of my presence. I targeted them, then lined up my shot, so it should have been a normal Sniper attack. Neither of us was moving. Range was about 100 ft. I took my shot -> Target Out Of Range floated up before me. 3 seconds later, the shot fired with out my intervention, as if I stepped into range. Again, neither of us moved. I wish I had gotten pictures.
  8. I have several characters with Sniper attacks. I have noticed on most of them, and I would say the rest of them as well, I have issues with being Out of Range. I usually slot a SO Range Enhancement fairly early on, and I keep them up to date. When in a mission (cave, building, etc.), I started noticing that the Sniper power wouldn't trigger because the target would be out of range. Other times, when it was further away (the victim appeared smaller), it would successfully trigger. So I turned on Range Finder, and checked the range of the power. To be clear, I would always have a clear line of site to the whole target without any intervening obstacles. There would be times where 89 feet would be out of range, then 115 feet would not. And other times where it would not trigger at about 95 feet, then without either of us moving, it would take the shot. I have also noticed that non-sniper, ranged powers without range enhancements will sometimes fire, when the sniper attacks with superior range will not - due to being out of range. I can't tell if there may be some underlying circumstance that would be in play, like the range may be shortened in certain areas for whatever reason. I just know that the range check sometimes fails for no reason. Has anyone else noticed this?
  9. I've been watching the Name Release arguments for a couple years. There are some great reasons for releasing hoarded names (the processes suggested are rather interesting), and the reasons against releasing hoarded names are equally compelling. Whatever practice is in place can be easily abused, and is usually used as an argument against the other side. As for me, I don't really care one way or the other. I don't have hundreds of characters, and I make it a practice to log on to the one that hasn't been used the longest. The argument that seems to be the strongest, in my opinion, is, releasing unused names will not solve the problem. There is nothing that shows the hoarded names are, in fact, names in demand. We just assume they are, because it appears to make sense. I believe this issue is at a low priority to the HC Devs because: Who want to get in the middle of that fight? They probably have more pressing issues to deal with, and I will not attempt to compel them into this. I also believe requesting a name to be released is the best direction, though probably the least fruitful. As was said before, be creative and come up with a better name. It's more personalized to you, and will be more valuable. And you would be welcome to hoard it, or relinquish it upon request - however you may want to handle it.
  10. Are you saying this thread has Constipation?
  11. I've been thinking of running a Champions game using some other sources for inspiration: --Superpowereds series by Drew Hayes --Wild Cards series edited by George RR Martin --For the really messed up: Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman I also used some GURPS source materials since they have a plethora of books BTW - any advice would be greatly appreciated
  12. Hey!! Pooper Scooper is taken on Torch - so hands off!!
  13. What about watching TV or doing laundry is dangerous?
  14. I've been reading the Champions RPG and came across this in the latest edition. I don't know the implications here. I noticed nobody has brought this up before. -Rishi
  15. Are starting this up again?
  16. Hitting the Home key twice will reset the camera also.
  17. I don't mean to get on anyone's case, but for the new folks asking questions, please keep the abbreviations to a minimum. For people not up on the jargon, it can get confusing (Is SS meaning Super Speed? Super Strength? Stainless Steel?). While I've been here a while, and know that FF means Forced Flatulence, others may not. We don't want to scare them off TOO early...
  18. You can work around him - keep your distance around him and clear out all the MOBs. Then interact with him to get the Glowies to activate. He'll follow you around like a puppy. Or let him die. It's his own fault he's in over his head, after all.
  19. I tried Champions, but couldn't get into it. Too close and too different. MWO was too complex for me (not that coordinated to be able to rotate in 1 direction and move in another). Tried D&DO - It was OK to start, but I found you had to do the same mission 3 times on 3 different settings, which means 9 times, for some reason I can't remember. It didn't scratch my role playing itch. I have an account with SW:TOR that I keep alive in case I get CoX burnout. It's different enough to require a little relearning, and it satisfies my Star Wars cravings. I also have been known to play Fallout 4 when I feel someone needs killing. These are all from the dark times without CoX.
  20. The amazing @Luminara posted this in another thread (I don't know how to quote from there) so I just checked this out and thought it may be something that helps. Increasing the mouse scroll speed in Options doesn't increase the speed at which the camera zooms out. Could've turned that on two decades ago and saved myself a shit-ton of scrolling. /suppressclosefx 1 /suppressclosefxdist 17 Here is the information from https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Slash_Commands /suppressCloseFx Hide all personal FX when the camera is closer than the suppressCloseFxDist /suppressCloseFxDist number Within this camera distance, personal FX will be suppressed. I haven't tried this, but it looks like it may help.
  21. Starhammer - I feel for ya. I think the answer must originate on your end. It's too much to ask anyone to change their game play experience for another person. I don't know if you can change your graphics card settings to lowed settings that may cut the amount of effects it processes, but it might be worth looking into. I wish there were a setting in the game where the Opacity of Effects could be lowered so that instead of filling the screen with multiple layers of opaque, flashing effects, they could be dropped to 10%, or even 0% opacity, so they are not so obnoxious. This would affect your experience only - leaving everyone else unaffected.
  22. That's besides the point. At least for guys...
  23. Debt does slow you down. When you are face planed (enough times to where debt starts accruing, part of you gained influence is applied to your debt, and therefore, you are not gaining as fast as if you had no debt. It is from the live days, before the double XP bonus you gain from your character being offline.
  24. And... What does all this have to do with Non-Copyright Infringement? We must all be math surfers since we all like riding the Tangents
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