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Everything posted by Hew

  1. Yes. This is where it helps to PAY ATTENTION to chat. You can shout at someone only so many time sin chat, but if they are totally ignoring it, expect them to drive your death count massively. ASF is heavy on coordination. Ignoring chat just gets you killed. Effective coordination gets you through in good shape.
  2. Taunt. Certain places a confuse. Nothing hurts worse than a confused someone launching a judgement or two.
  3. 50 astrals is what, 100 merits? 2 per? Plus the 40 +(+40 for wtf (if it still is)) + the dsync or merit bonus. Its pretty looty, especially if you run with a tuned team that can run it sub 1:30
  4. I have a 12 gig dell laptop with the fancy new intel graphics chip, and it works just fine with max all the things 😄 COH is definitely not the most, erm, computer stressing game out there.
  5. This response isn't for the OP, who frankly has a habit of wildly vacillating commentary. It is for pretty much everyone else in the thread. I too, have a smorgasbord of chars somewhere between 30 and 45. I do not exactly abandon them. Its more like, lets try something new and neat and fun. I may not feel the need to max that char out at all. An example is my seismic blaster, which frankly, is fun entirely without ios or set ios. It does what the set was intended: egregious giant rocks of doom everywhere all the things. Moar damage, moar rechargez, moar whatever doesnt increase this fundamental joy. Every single attack has awesome telegraphed from on high! It is an ideal example for me of brain-off play. That ultimately is my goal: brain off. Some chars need a lot of loving to get to the brain off state. My stone/dm tank for instance, is stupid fun, but to get to that brain off level of badassery, took a full on build, slot, and catalzyed stack of enhs. It too, is just as brain off fun as the seismic blaster. Of the two, I feel more "rewarded" with the tank, but no more "happy" with it than the rock tossing tosser of rocks, destroyer of worlds. Both tickle me just fine. 🙂 So ultimately, while the OP may wander all over the map for coherence, this is something I actually understand for once. I definitely have no illusions about how awesome x AT is or not; they are all equally awesome (except masterminds and squids, which I just cant get into 😐, but other people certainly can with extreme success ) and with care and feeding can do extraordinary things. But sometimes, the pretty pixels are all the extraordinary you need!
  6. Why ever would you do this? Even if you are drowining in +acc, +tohit only comes from a few sources, and its a big difference against +3-+5s, compared to just +acc!!
  7. Sorry, beat you to it with Extinction Delivery. Cause droppin dem rox like its hawt, geologic events around clox.
  8. Psssssh with your scientifically accurate jargon.
  9. It is not an issue of: a. at b. powerset c. powerset combo
  10. Previously this had (as far as I can remember) prebuilt binaries that did not require you to install anything. The git project currently has no branch that has prebuilt binaries. Will that be the case moving forward? I am fairly sure this is why I have not updated past
  11. Run it like an ITF. Either the absolute lowest, or second to lowest. Absolute lowest can be run at 35 and pretty easily, not much different than an ITF.
  12. Id give, uh, 100 mil inf for mallets for seismic smash, assassin smash.
  13. Dont let some rando click on the computer without becky there!!! 😄
  14. What difficulty? Malcious should be zero problems with things like rad infection and the like. Just ran an almost entirely +4 malicious. 3 hours, 172 deaths. Crappy dsync-o :p. The fight in the DE cavern was glooorious. I have MAJOR issues with some of these badges though (however we should have gotten becky, boo). We killed all the avs for ripple raider, but that isnt good enough? Considering how long that took, that is pretty silly. Deaths are overly burdensome for the RR badge.
  15. You also have flashback lr, incarnate roman content, and i think one or two other bits that have increased challenge that isnt "challenge mode". Flashback lr is pretty tough... I agree that 3 or so bits of enhanced content difficulty does not a game make, but am confident we will see more of this somewhere in p4!
  16. This is solved (and people may not like this answer), by engaging in the challenge mode/new incarnate content, where things arent deleted super fast.
  17. This is no longer true in challenge mode content, where your defense cap'd whatever gets shredded like tissue paper because you went in thinking defense cap was all you needed.
  18. Fwiw, I use PT all over the place. Attacks, passive, you name it. pt endmod+heal chance sprinkled liberally nets you some solid bonus survival. a 3 or 4 piece comes with VERY strong recov, health, and end, when you stack a few of them together.
  19. Broken heart. You know, like with her and Scirocco
  20. Launch is actually an amazing option. even downgraded. Just takes some outside-the-meta thinking how to use it.
  21. GUH. I really liked that 4somesome s/l resist in launch at 4. I would have to rethink this, since that extra 2+ s/l is helpful, but I guess the regen and maxend could be good too. The other three are pretty unimpressive. Maybe hyper if you are keen on travel, hard to say.
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