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Everything posted by Hew

  1. My elec/regen sentinel actually abuses PT procs and EC procs to be pretty unkillable. It takes A LOT to take me down. Plus PT has really decent +damage and +endmod, so you can really do a lot of nifty things with it. I definitely enjoy that villain.
  2. WWD in Bricks tho is Blueside. Suggesting to go rogue long enough to get the badge, and then go back? Or is there a redside way to do that?
  3. RE: robbing banks. Two words: Mayhem Missions I am sorry, but no amount of goodie twoshoes could ever pass up Mayhem Mishs. I am still trying to figure out the optimal route to get them, since I want dat mayhem badge!
  4. We tried this. People exploded in fury. "Why should I HAVE to play redside for better rewards?!" was one of the common threads. edit: here is the thread started on that exact topic:
  5. You can TOTALLY do a redside, all generic IOs only, nothing but mishs, zero power leveling, no xp booster at all chill experience. I can give you a list of arcs I did which very smoothly got me to 37 or 38 with a mix of solo and group, followed by my first ever TF on that char (ITF), which dropped me at 42. They werent particularly hard, except the end of Mr G ( I did this in the mid 30s and got face smashed by vangard and, well, everything in that arc....), and Doc Buzzsaw, which kinda sort is a TF of sorts the way we ran it. I am doing it a second time with a new char. The first char was an arachnos soldier/crab/bane (she has a bane build and a crab build), all generics. It slogged through things, but it worked. The second is an ice/sonic corr, and that is SUPER slow compared to the soldier, but should pick up at 16 when I get my pbaoe defense.
  6. I don't do DiB. When I am on, I am exclusively playing redside nowadays, and have been for several weeks. I shout out in lfg.
  7. No. It was a request for the players to state their opinion on what is bad, and what is good. You would have to be a blindfolded horse living in the marianas trench to not notice procs are far in excess of expected performance.
  8. ????? There is no auto-unlocking of anything. All costume pieces are open at level 1. You don't get more when you level, _you just get them at level 1_. It is just a QoL, and does not impact actual play in any manner. edit: There is ONE. It is where you hit (24?) as a VEAT, and either automatically respec at that level, or, well, I dunno. I have always respec'd at 24 when it came up.
  9. Thats an ultra ultra ultra shitty sword if you could a. break it, and/or b. break it over your knee so casually. Clearly this was a tv show made by people with no experience in metal! Hahahah
  10. It isn't. It is an "Opportunity Cost". "...the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen." Anything that impacts your ability to do something as desired, for a separate outcome. is an opportunity cost. A drawback is a grossly oversimplified example of an opportunity cost. Your ideal gain includes no detriment. All the benefits, no change in status quo. Instead, there is a change in status quo associated with a gain. By choosing to pick the power, you are selecting something with several opportunity costs: 1. you have to go faster than you would like. 2. there are other sets (insert your commentary on leaping here) that you are not taking advantage of that may fit your needs better without forcing the gofast cost. 3. Yet other pools or p2w powers, completely unrelated to travel, that enable the defensive/positional attributes you seek are being excluded due to limits in power pick count and order. It is probably not ideal for your case to talk about "drawbacks" without viewing the issue more inclusively in light of opportunity cost. But, that is harder to do than state "i want all the cake, eat it, and want more, and eat that too."
  11. My fav so far with fold space has to be my grav/plant/sorc/foldspace dominator... Pretty amazing silly fun!
  12. This actually works well with grav and singy, without the need for fighting pool. 🙂
  13. Andy Griffith Show, as Opie. Im not sure what Ron Howard was in that predated Opie days.
  14. I would like cake, and eat it too. Please may i have some more to not eat, but eat. Infiltrate cant be run at the same time as cloak. Can I please turn the cloak off of infiltrate, so I can run infiltrate and cloak at the same time, but not lose the jump and run from infiltrate? Your choice is ultimately to not take the power, and continue as you were before evman even came out. It worked for you for lots of 50s. No one is forcing you to pick this power. You choose to pick it, there for you choose to live with the consequences. Again, per your own statement, you have tons of 50s that predate it, so clearly, you do not need whatever benefit that comes with evman, since you never used it before. The easiest solution is to simply revert to a previous playstyle which was in no way adversely affected by the addition of evman. You can hover at slow hover speeds all day long.
  15. Cox is a horrible Cable and Internet provider from what I know. But its better than delivering packets on 20 minute long "flights" across whatever you call WoW land.
  16. People in Vancouver BC and Washington State would like to have a word with you.
  17. Interestingly, after some patience and starting the mishs with just 2, we managed to maintain a steady 7 people on team. Never hit 8, but we did all of part 2 of mr g except the very last vanguard mish. That evil penny mish is crazy. All the crazy psi people do crazy bad things. KILL THE SUBJUGATORS! Very important! 11/10 experience! Redside is best side
  18. Excelsior redside team lfm, zero takers. 🙂 418 am EST
  19. This describes a lot of the players on this board. 🙂
  20. Merit buy catalysts. I dunno if you can hit whatever number of merits are needed to buy catalysts, or if that counts (yes?)
  21. Blue side is hyper clean with just enough thugs to not be praetoria scary. Redside is like, pretty normal. Aside from a higher than normal number of aggressive police (longbow), it seems fairly representative for a caribbean state, building et al wise.
  22. I dont know when catalysts fall (just at 50?). if they drop at below 50 (i don't think they do), you can catalyze all your drops to have reasonable values as you grow.
  23. Stalkers need fancy ATO IOs to really shine, and brutes are just always chasing fury to stay relevant. @Dark Dove is right on the money. Scrappers are tough, do not require outside anything to do damage, and are just easy to deal with.
  24. Re: splooshiness I realize I finally understand Yomo's avatar. Its a dog jumping in a pool swimming down! I thought it was a tiger pouncing for the longest time!
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