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Umagon 23

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Everything posted by Umagon 23

  1. I just had some one ask last night about a bio / TW tanker. any feedback on this (or a build) would be super ❤️
  2. Kal, is there some sort of way to volunteer for boring busy work to help them implement things? Like i can't program but i have organized plenty of data. Just trying to think of ways to help a project like this 🙂
  3. Oh i'm totally on board with the idea that some may look funny. and that devs shouldn't spend valuable time tryin to make girl sits look just right for boys and vice versa. BUT i think all the CoH animations have strange side effects already, right now. normal sized women look like children in chairs. beds are like 16 feet long. its fine. if a gigantoid wants to sassily lean over awaiting his time being drawn like a french girl, then having that option would be great 🙂. we already have to reposition in accordance with how big our character is to make current animations work. I would just love to see all the villian/other/npc animations as player options even if it's as simply implimented as /me npcanimation1 /me npcanimation2 etc.
  4. ungendered emotes would be great too.
  5. oh i would kill for them to be account wide. i would pay the p2w vendor a handsome fee to copy my teleporter unlocks to the alts on the same account.
  6. I'm following the shield/martial arts build from the tanker god thread and it's amazingly fun. super fast animations and wacky kicks. shield charge.
  7. Can we please have the lounging emote that bobcat uses? I'd love all the animations to be player usable as emotes, but this one would be particularly useful as I enjoy loafing around like a cat. I saw an npc in a SG base posed like that! its not just a bobcat thing!
  8. I was on a high level character (rogue) flying through nova praetor to mentor with a friend. when i opened the costume slector (menu, drop down to costume). it would crash my game. I did a file resync thingy to make sure my files weren't corrupt. it happened again. i tried to do it via hotkey (menu, K) and it crashed. i could use the trainer to change costume and it didn't happen when i changed character.
  9. I get portal jockey by doing the villain version: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Born_in_Battle_Badge the only complication is that you need the "take 1 million damage" badge, which is done over 2 nights or less sitting in a circle of thorns red crystal while you sleep.
  10. my first character on homecoming was a gold controller. metronome fight like that was just silly 🙂
  11. that makes sense. I think it'd be really specific, like...lets say you have a natural character with no travel powers. you could do all the exploration on a flier then woodchipper them over to sally-walking-shoes.
  12. Idea: A command to reduce the range at which you perceive local chat. /csupress 0-X (where X is the current max). usage: If you're chatting with your friend in a SG base, pocket D or atlas park, and maybe you like to hear your friend, but don't want to hear the next group over. you could do /csupress 10, where you only hear local in 10 feet. But when you're out in the field, maybe you want the max. This would be super helpful for parties and SG clubs and such. also, maybe have it reset to zone default when you leave the zone, so that you only sort of initiate it when you want to have a quiet conversation in the corner of a bar or club.
  13. Right some times changes make things worse for you, but often people don't realize how the play style of somethin gwil lbe till they're level 50 with all their enhancements in place. newer players will often try to smell all the roses they can when they level up. purposely doing TF's when they level, or getting all their exploration badges. it feels bad to do all that, and then to later realize that your powerset plays poorly, or unfun. Or you discover a powerset you like more. There's a lot of reasons. a simpler answer may be "badge unlocks are account wide". some badges do other things besides accolades. this is also especially pertinent with the teleport changes where you have to go to all the zones and stand on a plate to use the group TP.
  14. I think if you have to wood-chipper the old character, to merge into another, then you won't have it happen very often. ALTHOUGH i suppose people could make disposable characters to merge in? would that be a beneficial thing? hmm.
  15. Idea: option to 'character merge'. what that actually means is that you pick a character to keep. and another you don't want to keep. All your badges and accolades are pushed to the surviving character. the other is deleted. Possibly all the enhancements are mailed to that other character. Why? Some times you make a character, level it to max, then realize you hate the powerset, or that some other powerset fits your concept better. or the powerset you started with was radically changed by updates. Toss that character into the wood chipper and move badges to the one you enjoy! My actual real dream would be being able to change powersets on characters and remain the same character (like changing jobs in final fantasy 14), but I know the game is ancient and can't do all these things. Thank you for reading my ill-conceived idea! ❤️
  16. I would also vastly vastly prefered if animation lock never happened when you're doing something. I think the game is shackled to the old city of heroes engine and some things cannot be changed, but I LOVE the powers that arn't. the ones you can mash while running and no slow down happens. i certainly know it's not this game, but i've played an mmo where you could ALWAYS move while casting anything and your characters little arms do the things, while the legs do the thing and it was very smooth and felt amazing. it's kind of painful on fights like battlte maiden where you push your big attack, and then the lasers start and you cannot escape before you die. being able to smoothly move away would be great.
  17. Rad melee single target animations are absurdly long. Going from water blast or claws to rad melee gave me the bends. I'm sure it'll start an avalanche of arguments about balance but I feel like the damage won't improve that much, and that no one is playing rad melee for single target damage anyway. any chance of having alternate animations (which are fast) for powersets that suffer from this crazy slow attack speed? i would opt over to a fast one in exchange for the moonmath that makes it satisfy the spreadsheets. does anyone really think that fast rad melee single target hits will upend the game's balance? it seems like claws does everything rad melee does , but faster.
  18. I want the drudges from nightward. the first one can be a standard drudge bobby officer. the upgrade can be some kind of wickmaster. i don't know all their ranks, they just get more and more british as they go up in ranks. the final version drinks tea when idle.
  19. I'm very interested in asymetrical shoulders, some minor power changes, and the upgrade enhancement button!
  20. mhm that's where I stand. it's really comic bookey being thrown around, but it's got a lot of time sunk into it. it would be really neat feeling to just hop up fast. thanks for talking about it everyone! <3
  21. mhmm I covered that in the first post. I like the knockback happening. it's very flavorful and fun.
  22. mhmm I still want to go flying, but I don't want to take as long getting back into action. I don't know if the game engine could handle it. it may just not have a "get up fast" animation 🙂the point is to keep the knocking back happening but to improve the recovery time for it. My favored solution would be to just add that to existing powersets instead of whole new io's or powers.
  23. could this map cleaning and prepping be something people could volunteer to do? Like we are given instructions on how to prep a map, then we do it, and submit? I'm completely ignorant about programming or how to do things, but...couldn't there be a test-server-like enviroment where people could get privledges to wipe it? or is it more of a deep-code-secret-sauce kind of thing?
  24. A great way to get connected with RP groups, Supergroups of a theme you like, or just nice people...On the everlasting server, on most nights, there are RP events. clubs that open. Thursday, Friday, saturday, and often other times. there's a schedule where once per week many events occur. it's a very easy way to RP your way into meeting really great people. I met all my favorite people in game that way. Just RP your character you like, and you can have fun! feel free to PM me on the forum here and i can give more pointed information for you 🙂
  25. well that FBSA thing is pretty neat!
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