Then don't do it. Optimal attack chains don't matter a hell of a lot in practical day-to-day missions. If you're competing for DPS on a pylon or attacking a very tough enemy, they can matter. But a typical boss or LT? Not really. If you aren't standing around waiting for an attack to recharge, you are doing fine.
And if you want to have a little a-typical Stalker fun, try to fit Presence->Provoke in somewhere. This will solve any issues you have with enemies scattering while soloing and comes in quite handy, I've found, on teams for gathering up strays who might be attacking the support. Plus that whole "Ah ha!" bring-it animation coming from a Stalker is just fun to watch. Though obviously you'll want to go easy on it until you've built some decent defenses.
If you really wanted something that's more one-vs-many, you'll probably have to go to a different primary. I've been having a lot of fun with Staff Fighting, but any primary with at least two good AoEs (that aren't ridiculously narrow cones) will make attacking larger spawns a lot less painful. Elec/Shield is said to be a monster in this regard as well, with not only a few big-hitter AoEs but some synergy from Shield benefitting from having more enemies clustered around.
But I find Staff a good balance between AoE and Single-Target goodness that it still feels like a Stalker, just one that isn't afraid to take on ten enemies at once. Staff/Rad is surprisingly good, I've found, when IO'd to improve on what the set already does, which is resistance + regen/absorb. I have some added defense but didn't attempt to hit soft caps on anything. It's a layered approach that is so far a hell of a lot sturdier than my Staff/Nin who is soft-capped to positional but little else so far. In any case, lots of fun playing in a very scrappy fashion but still able to sneak/kill when called for.