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Everything posted by Grimm2

  1. Grimm2

    Plague Tank

    Gotta say that Rad/Savage is one of my favorite built-up toons. The opening salvo of Leap/full stack Flurry/procced RT/procced GZ with Tanker radius and target caps is a dopamine rush that never gets old. Also a firehose of endurance, more so than any combo I've played. Bio armor naturally fits the theme for sure, so would Rad with the right costume and coloring. Blood stacks support long- recharge clicks coming back faster, so Savage is great for both. I find that both Rad and Bio are a tich underwhelming until they are IOed. Bio loses some performance without a big group of foes and dead bodies, where I find Rad to be more stable. Edit: plague doc masks with hooks and Savage melee would be pretty awesome lol
  2. Grimm2

    Personal Space!

    Stone Armor is a good candidate, with Spines or Rad Melee, probably. You get Mud Pots, also Brimstone adds dot to click attacks and it's pretty strong, close to Bio's added damage, while being more durable overall.
  3. Re: slots for Bio armor, especially for those toons that can fit FF +recharge procs, is to 3 slot Ablative and Parasitic with 3 +5'ed heal/rech IOs. If that was suggested already by others, apologies.
  4. Master Brawler is not only super dope because it's a toggle, but it gives you a click absorb power that gives you more absorb the less HP/more end you have. I think I got it to a 15 sec downtime and it granted about 450 hp at full health/ end on a DP/SR. You can also get a very high run speed with Ninja/Beast/Athletic+Sprint+Quickness. I also started a beam/SR recently, never tried beam before. Thinking elec mastery.
  5. Ranged Scrapper as an AT comparison is on point. Every Sentinel is mostly ranged to start, but how you engage a spawn changes once you get your ranged or pbaoe nuke. In the case of dark/energy, Blackstar is pbaoe, so most of the time that is where you're going to start. Toss Dark Oblit for a 1-2 combo and then you can bounce out if you want. Or stay there if you can handle the heat. Or hover above them to assert dominance. The epics usually give you a ST attack, a AoE attack option, and some control or utility options. i like what they give the AT. My Dark/Rad went /Dark for the melee attack and a 4th pbaoe. My new Beam/SR plans to go /elec for the melee attack, aoe immob, and dmg aura, so he can sit in the middle and cook with fewer runners. So it takes some time to get some versatility outside your blasts. But the end product is really fun, IMO.
  6. Skip Shred, get Rending Flurry, man! It's not terrible to lose your stacks for a time. They grant recharge and end reduction, not damage. Flurry is a great AoE that can cover a lot of area when unleashed at full Fury. When you get more global recharge Leap/Rending/Epic aoe if you have it is dandy for aoe.
  7. I'd say it very much matters that you're on a Stalker. Hemo and Shred are very skippable on a Stalker. Get an epic Snipe instead. Tanker, Hemo is still a bust, but Shred has some merit. Early AoE for exemping, bigger cone, more targets, and a -res proc. My Rad/Sav tank uses it in his ST chain, and it's not the best, but it's alright. Happy to have it on a Posi.
  8. When I made my second account, the first character I made was an ice/bio Stalker named Fridge Mold. Ha ha, but it didn't click, and now I had a wacky global name that needed a character. I've been through a few iterations, and I think I've found one that will stick - Dark/Rad/Dark Sentinel. I'm pretty sure I cribbed this from a Fire/Rad/Fire build posted by @Heatstroke sometime last year. I'm also pretty sure most primaries with a pbaoe/taoe nuke and a pbaoe/taoe, and an Epic pool with a pbaoe would gel with /Rad armor in the same way. So, there's a lot of flexibility here. Sentinel Rad armor is mostly like its counterparts, trading the multi-target heal/end of Rad Therapy for the click heal/end Proton Therapy. Its native slow resistance is also superb, granting 69% between Fallout Shelter and Particle Acceleration. A Winter's Gift and a single Winter Set slow resist bonus caps your Slow resist, giving you more chances to chase recharge and resist. Being unaffected by slows increases your stability so much. This perma-Hasten build rotates Meltdown with Rune of Protection and eventually the Melee Core Hybrid Incarnate power. Barrier's trailing 5% bonus can get you to resist cap on most things. Endurance is bleeding from every orifice, so Mystic Flight can be run concurrently with Hover/Stealth/Sprint to give you a poor-man's Combat TP, and you're invisible. Why Dark blast? Because Mold! I'm also not as snappy at the keyboard as I used to be, and I thought the secondary effect would offer some additional mitigation. The single target chain is functional, if sluggish (Smite helps), but where the build pops is in AoE burst. Procced Ground Zero functioning as a second nuke is no secret at this point, but it's worth mentioning how fun and effective a 4 AoE alpha strike is at erasing most of a spawn. This is something you can do with high reliability 1) because you have the safety of an armor set, and 2)...your build is complete. You are IO'ed out, right? Right? I wasn't for most of this character's leveling life, just some procs for endurance quality of life, and I wasn't sure if I was going to keep it. Rad Armor on any AT (for me) excels at endurance management, but that's about it. After a full build and the HP/End Accolades, it finally feels good to play. Just sayin', every toon gets a glow-up with IOs, but I find it's quite pronounced with Rad Armor, and I'm glad I stuck with it. Enjoy, and feel free to suggest improvements to the build. Fridge Mold, away!- ew ick, oh gross. Sentinel (Dark Blast - Radiation Armor).mbd
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  9. I've been having a lot of fun with an IO'ed dark/rad/dark Sentinel lately, who cycles Meltdown and Rune of Protection (no Tough or Weave). There are primaries with snappier ST chains that would give a nuke and taoe/pbaoe to go with an Epic pool pbaoe than Dark/, but it fit my theme and it's pretty darn good. Nuke/Proc Zero/2 aoes mostly clears a spawn, which is a contrast to my /EA and /SR Sentinel aoe ability.
  10. I'll third it. I already spoke of dp/sr, but elec/ea/elec was my first built- out sentinel and it's so great. Good damage, Shocked makes partial drain useful against any target, your armor protects against any un-sapped targets, sapped targets are effectively controlled, that basic immobilize stops foes from running away or to your team's backline. /Ea performs very well as a def set with decent resists, a heal, extra health, and endurance tools. Elec blast is also very, very visible on teams, people will know you're there with Thunderous Blasts every half minute 🙂 Teaming with other Elec Blast users is also a joy. I recall some mish I was exemplared on and some folks got pinned in that CoT prison room. I ate a purple and held the line at the room entrance, immobilizing, sapping, detoggling ghosts' Chill of the Night with Tesla Cage, allowing folks to get up and get out. It was a fine moment to be a Sentinel.
  11. It is a fun combo, isn't it?? I like spines, but on other ATs have dropped Impale in favor of Barb Swipe. Maybe that's an error to do so on a Stalker with controllable crits. Where are you putting the BU recharge set, Spine Burst? I'm not a great attack chain math-er.I did include Moonbeam and Hasten, but am usually left without a good power to use when proc-hidden. Impale would solve that, just alternate between it and Moonbeam. I have no travel power, and it's ok. Your 4-proc setup sounds amazing, and really helpful to counter the lethal damage type. I think I fit in 2 or 3 procs in most of mine. I also find Stone Armor to be really, halt good. The Hidden state changes would make Stone Armor's vulnerability to be hit with fire dots, and dots in general, much less impaction on crit performance.
  12. This is super cool. I keep on coming back to and bouncing off of stalkers as I like the way they do crits, but find the bulk, aoe, and stickiness of tanks/brutes more convenient. What would you suggest for a lazy fogey like me, in light of the upcoming buffs? I built out a spine/stone/soul (hard to make spines flow well) and tried ice/rad, en/en, en/stone in various states of completion.
  13. Stalkers don't get Titan Weapons. I'd say the list is fairly reasonable. Just take it with a grain of Personal Preference.
  14. A blood fury buffed Rending is indeed a enormous 20 or 25 foot aoe. Shred is usually an auto-pass, but the Tanker aoe and target buffs make it an actual choice to skip or grab, considering it can slot a -res proc. I think the aoe/ target cap buffs Savage Leap, too. My perspective is a Rad/ Savage tank. What a carpetbombing goober.
  15. Here's what I threw together based on my Spine/Stone. Hits pretty much the same def/res/hp/end benchmarks, perma Hasten before the +rech FF procs, but the slow resist is down to 80%. You cooould take the generic Def IO out of Stone Skin, put that slot in Brawl, take 2 of the Superior Blistering Colds in Gash into Brawl for 95% slow res, and toss in Touch of Deaths to fill out Gash. This amount of defense Barrier T4 can get near incarnate-level softcap. It might still suck wind? Maybe put it on Test and see. Spines is pretty end heavy and it can handle it. Brute - axe - Stone Armor based on Dwarven Battlerager.mbd
  16. I slotted 5 of Synapses Shock in Voltaic Sentinel. Short Circuit is a good idea because it has a high end drain to modify! Generally though, I wouldn't devote specific slots to generic end drain IOs, as you get 33% to end mod and damage from Musculature Radial as @Uun said. The Aim clone boosts end drain while it's up along with to-hit and damage, so your sapping gets a lot of natural support. I took Chain Fences rather than Havok Punch on my Elec/EA sent, but Havok would let you keep up greater pressure on a target instead of using a lower- damage power in your attack chain.
  17. I ran a Spines/Ice stalker on Live. Hide suppressed Chilling Embrace.
  18. I did not post to respond to you, but I will address this. You saw him post that he wanted "Tank-ish" and offered build suggestions around what you thought that meant. I don't think he agrees with your take on it. I disagree that builds with Ranged powersets who want to be able to survive melee range need Melee powers. Ranged powers work fine in melee. The expensive build I posted tried to adhere to his power choices while improving it along the recharge/HP/proc metrics I find useful. We'll see what he thinks if he shows back up. I chose to slot Whirlpool and Frozen Aura as I did for the set bonuses for e/n def, other set bonuses, and enhancement values.
  19. Ok, here's a no-inf-is-safe kinda look at this combo. I was able to squeeze in Hasten, and a Force Feedback +rech proc, and a whole lot more global acc and recharge, with defenses that still surpass 45% softcap. The endurance use is still crazy, and a slot could be shifted to Ice Sword for more accuracy. The set already has +Perception, so you don't need that particular unique. Still 100% slow resist so you'll have capped HP all the time with Hoarfrost. Twice the uptime for your nuke. Icy Bastion up 1/3 of the time. Frozen Aura and Steam Spray can knockdown. If you'd rather the FF proc in Water Burst, you could put it there with a Posi's 5-set and put Sentinel's Ward in Hydro Blast. This looks fun to play! However you build it, have fun. Sentinel (Water Blast - Ice Armor) -ice for Psiphon.mbd
  20. I like what you did with this build, in terms of what can be done on a budget. You don't see too many Winter- and Purple-less builds, and especially as folks are returning or showing up for the first time, they're valuable. I dig it. That its been performing well in your solo tests is a good sign. I'm of the opinion that your attacks should be slotted for damage. It is an interesting idea to slot those for control, and to build a controllery Sentinel. If you want to take the advise to expand that, I think an AOE immobilize is all you need. I'll affirm that skipping Water Burst and/or Whirlpool is a silly idea, and it'll knockdown and slow slotted for damage or not. Hover does a lot for your survivability, as it looks like you know. My DP/SR sent has no travel power but Ninja Run, and I think for other defense-based sents, melee is not a terrible place to be. I'm no Mids Wizard, and am more used to looking at high-recharge builds for Sents, so I'll poke at a rebuild for a higher nuke uptime. I see right now that Hoarfrost and a Winter's Gift Slow Resist IO in Superjump is superior to Frost Protection, in terms of your HP total and still maintaining 100% slow resist. Just need to get Hoarfrost perma to have that be an actual option.
  21. Thanks for the correction! You, him, and others are total MVPs that have helped me so much with what you share. Thank you!
  22. This was made before Placate was more recently buffed. It was single- target and a slower cast time. NuPlacate is actually quite useful even in an endgame build, as I believe @nihilii has demonstrated.
  23. Took my beefy spines/stone/energy brute boi out for a spin against the new CoT +4/×8. He's incarnated and all that, and he needed all of his tricks to survive. I love seeing more varied mob types in a spawn. At that difficulty you still get 2, 3, maybe even 4(!) bosses in a spawn, and they can be any mix of Ruin, Madness, Agony, and the Dark ones. So much -def and -res, along with the Ruin magi having a personal def boost along with their Dispersion bubble? Low health nukes? Yow. Got feared a few times too, which made for tense moments. Got Falchion'ed for 600 or 700 damage too. I Barrier'ed and insp'ed though 3 or 4 missions, died quite a few times. Worse than Arachnos, they're terrifying, it's great.
  24. Assassin's Strike is basically a melee Snipe. Both have an interrupt time where if you're out of combat and hit or move during it, the attack fails and you've spent the endurance. It was meant to be a higher risk/ higher reward kinda thing. Since then, things have changed, and both have a quick version that occur in combat, do high damage, but less then the interruptable version. Your best bet might be opening with a non-AS power. If you're lower level, training yourself to pause and AS might be worth it, as a successful AS also lands an AOE -to hit and terrorize .
  25. My DP/SR/psi pretty much lives in melee. Pbaoe nuke, Cryo hold in Suppressive along with the stun/recharge debuff in Psy Shockwave cut down incoming attacks. Things will run away and come back while I'm working on the bosses. Rad Armor would increase the rate at which the minions are defeated, SR is tougher, I'd wager.
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