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Blood Speaker

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Everything posted by Blood Speaker

  1. One of the things I've loved most about this game, over the years, is the growing number of character design options. However, with this steadily increasing tally of parts comes an increasing difficulty in finding what I'm looking for, even when I know up-front what it is. Can we please: a) get everything, in every slot and category, alphabetically organized, or b) get a search function added Both would be even better, but putting SOME kind of searchability in is becoming increasingly necessary.
  2. It does heal; it's jut minimal. It boosts your healing by 2%. If your only source of healing is the Health inherent, it's extremely trivial. As for the rez effect, the power text has always been bad. It doesn't revive you if you're defeated while the power is active. It revives you if you use it AFTER you're defeated.
  3. Yeah, not a bug, as far as I was ever able to determine. It's supposed to be an "edge of your vision" sort of phantom that you see from a distance, but is gone when you're close.
  4. I've gotten around these (particularly in Mercy) by navigating to the location indicated on the map itself, and clicking the door there. Has worked every time, for me, once I found the correct door.
  5. Seismic Blast: Tombstone (sniper attack) is still using incorrect graphics, and has since it was added. The attack uses custom graphics initially, but then uses the default material for the "shatter" effect that follows a successful attack.
  6. I would certainly love to see a single, unified color palette for all character elements (skin, costume, powers). Expanding the full color palette might be beyond the scope of what the game engine can handle, and we're not going to ever see a change, there.
  7. Looks like some of the db calls in the game were moved or renamed, based on how I read the latest patch notes, and the error I get with Modder when it tries to load. Modder's looking for things that aren't located in the same place, anymore. Educated guess; I'm no db coder; I just hang out with several. 😛
  8. COH modder not working anymore. Un/reinstall doesn't resolve.
  9. So to sum up this entire thread: A narrow group of players don't like playing with PLed 50s who don't know how to play the game, don't want to "waste time" helping them out, and don't want to hear any dissenting opinions or suggestions. Why waste anyone else's time here, when you could just get a private Discord channel amongst yourselves to gripe about it? If you're not going to be open-minded about solutions, then you were never here to do anything BUT complain and see other people agree with you.
  10. No problem with admitting new players are being PLed to 50; I just don't see it as the stress-inducing issue you seem to perceive it as. My suggested solution, made earlier, still stands: help them, and move on. Such an approach aids every other character they create, after that. If you train them, they're not new, anymore.
  11. The best solution to clueless players is having experienced players willing to teach them things. Try it sometime.
  12. Could certainly see another badge for that. In the one I referenced, the contact actually comments that "The blood, you see, is compulsory." 😛
  13. Any chance we can get a "Blood Is Compulsory" Badge for this mission? https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Archmage_Tarixus#Acquire_Blood_of_Mu Kinda sad to let a "Rosenkrantz and Gildenstern are Dead" reference go by without a badge reward, imo. And it's been there for a LONG time. 😛
  14. Testing my clones (Leonard) HAS always been (more or less) exact copies of my character, unless I'm using a very new powerset, sometimes. Tracking down my clone and the 2nd fight with Ajax (Dean) have always put a flawed clone in the mission. Including such oddities as a Widow Training / Invulnerability... something... along. 😛
  15. Have never had this happen with Twilight Grasp, but it's definitely happened to me with Howling Twilight. And yeah, it's been around for a long time. 🙂
  16. Brickstown Prison Break event is broken... again. It has been joined by the St Martial Family Crackdown (or whatever it's called), which is also broken, now. Edit: I think my insomnia brain posted this in the first "bug report" forum I saw, rather than the correct one. This is not a test server issue. Mods, please move if necessary.
  17. I've noticed that the Seismic Blast power Tombstone (the snipe) uses the default grey stone appearance ONLY for the broken pieces generated by a hit, rather than using the texture and color options you've chosen for the power. I haven't gained anything above that level yet, so unsure what else might have such an issue.
  18. Asymmetric wings - for example, using one demon and one angel wing. Antlers.
  19. Gosh, any interest in a server restart (or something more radical)? If this is stuck, what else needs a reboot? Anyone? Beuller?..
  20. It's been in this exact state for at least a week. No prisoners associated with the event are anywhere to be found.
  21. The question of usefulness raises another question: what do you want the character to be useful FOR? Just about any combination of powersets can be useful, depending on playstyle, but I generally saw ill/rad used for AV/GM soloing. For normal play, virtually anything would work, with a bit of creativity, and with power customization, there's no need for rad to look "atomic green". This or Dark Miasma would be thematically appropriate for a "demon", though Thermal has more reliable self-healing.
  22. Would help to know the background/story. That might suggest something.
  23. I still remember a redside NPC, in Port Oakes, I think, asking me "Is your character a copyright violation?" I only ever got this once, so I don't know if it was possibly removed, but I found it pretty hilarious. 🙃
  24. No idea how, but if there's some instruction on making and testing it, I'd certainly give it a shot.
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