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Everything posted by Mopery

  1. Consider the amount of time you've put into this post. Is the game so difficult that everyone must be min-maxed and paying attention 110% of the time? Just sayin, could be playin! 😁
  2. I remember reading that someone had "proven" Warp Drive was theoretically possible within the Laws of Physics... but that the solution required negative mass.
  3. I knew a guy back in 2002 who loved Fellowship, and wanted to read the books after seeing it. I warned him not to, that it would only ruin the remaining movies for him, but he read LOTR anyway. After The Two Towers released, he was furious at all the things changed or left out of the book. So I asked him if he still liked Fellowship? Of COURSE he did! He was willing to overlook all of the major changes in the movie which brought him to the book in the first place, but after that he would be a Tolkien Scholar(kidding of course). This type of behavior is normal, I think. As for me, I'm the Devil's advocate, I like stirring up conversations from angles others might not perceive or accept. When the masses start a new wave of conformity, I'm the one making the Emperor new clothes. The only time I'm serious is when I'm asleep. 😁
  4. The Noldor were tricked into slaying their kin the Teleri by Feanor, don't remember if Galadriel took part in it or not but I doubt she would have openly opposed Feanor. Also, I put TheOtherTed on ignore, and I apologize to everyone for my earlier dance with him/her/it earlier.
  5. Right. So the changes you approve of are perfectly fine and dandy, but any changes you don't approve of are horrible and potentially lethal. Got it.
  6. Already seen the whole series already? Nice! Good job!
  7. Amazon needs to redo LOTR verbatim, without any music(outside what is played or sung by characters in the book), and exacting detail on all of the costumes, recipes and accents in the show. True fans would be overjoyed with the Council of Elrond taking 5 episodes to complete, and I can only imagine the fanfare of old Tom Bombadil's 3 hours on screen. Yes, what we really need to do is keep it all exactly how Tolkien wrote it.
  8. I think I get it, you all don't want to see the story butchered the way it was in the LOTR Trilogy, right?
  9. Don't say that word right now, or there will be a deluge of posts from LOTR fanbots!
  10. If this is as good as WoT then yeah it should probably be better.
  11. Yeah I wasn't very impressed by the book's cover, either.
  12. Gotta support the Thugs/Kin suggestion. You and what army? This army! GW+FS+BO+GW+FS+SB, nearly 30 pets doing max damage and running around like an angry swarm of ants? Yes please! 😁
  13. Any unregulated free market inevitably leads to monopolies. I like the way the HC Auction House works, it creates far fewer problems than it solves.
  14. A fully farmed character didn't turn out the way you expected? I is shocked.
  15. My Dark/Electric Tank is usually standing amidst a crowd of dumfounded dimwit enemies stumbling about to and fro. Then I Lightning Rod them. 😁
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