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Everything posted by Mopery

  1. Especially when it's not!
  2. The first Respec Trials, back before modern side-kicking and mentoring, were an absolute excrement exhibition. It almost felt like an actual achievement when you'd finally succeed on a PUG. So many times lying defeated, watching suicidal Raiders/Freaks/Rikti destroy the Reactor Core knowing there's nothing anyone can do in time to save the day... I miss those days.
  3. When I played STO I was Captain Kork of the USS Intercourse. It was worth it. Just for that.
  4. Sometimes you just gotta stop and smell the unicorn farts.
  5. Little known fact, but Unicorns are the only creature with farts that smell like roses.
  6. Fire/Storm will give you non-stop AOE's... until you rapidly run out of End, at least. It's really fun to play with a great build and t4 Cardio, though.
  7. I like how someone came along 23 days after everything settled down trying to stir things back up again.
  8. For melee characters, I press Tab to target, then F to follow, then I roll my face across the number keys. For ranged characters, I just press Tab and then roll my face across the number keys. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
  9. Why do I picture your character yelling out: "SPORK!"?
  10. My name is Mopery. I am an Alt-aholic...
  11. What powersets keep me playing? All the ones I still haven't fully tried out yet...
  12. Aggro-ing the entire zone takes too long, we need the fastest speed available. I'm imagining every character having access to this new power available at the P2W vendor: Defeats every mob on the map. Any map, anywhere, any time. Gimme all the loot please!
  13. Now I just gotta have t4 Immaculate Radial MacGuffin!
  14. Wait until you hear about the Well of the Furries...
  15. Barbellerella? 🤔
  16. Clearly a man from Nantucket...
  17. A Norse is a force, of course, of course...
  18. Awesome! Now do one about Mike Lindell!
  19. It would appear that you must endeavor to persevere.
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