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Everything posted by Mopery

  1. Tank, give them a hoverboard and call them Quicksilver Surfer. Ranged, maybe make all green and be Quantum Leapfrog.
  2. I hope you know that this will go down on your permanent record!
  3. Just finished binging Season 1, and can't wait to watch Season 2.
  4. On the plus side, there's a badge for spending 50 million influence on costume changes. Fashion Victim πŸ€ͺ
  5. I regularly brush my teeth. When you've collected thousands of them like I have, you want to keep them all nice and shiny, otherwise they collect dust. What?
  6. It's not about whether you win or lose, it's how you place the blame...
  7. The first time I ever did a Faathim the Kind TF was on Freedom back in '04, there was a bug and all the glowies were invisible. Many were also simultaneous clicks(yes these used to be ones which HAD to be clicked at about the same time). Took us 11 hours over 2 nights and in the end there were I think 5 of us left when we completed the TF.
  8. How do you trivialize the name of a great man without trying? Invent a conspiracy theory to create doubts about what people remember about him, then spread it on social media.
  9. Mopery

    AI build

    I asked ChatGPT to make an Invulnerability/Super Strength Tank build for me today. It responded by moving my Rook like a Knight, created a Checker out of thin air at e6, and then it declared "Bingo!". The human race is doomed?
  10. I don't really have a signature character, but I do have what might be considered "signature groups" of characters on Excelsior of varying ATs. I've got more Lincolns than a car dealership, nine Rakshasa, some kung fu Monks, and about a half-dozen avatars of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. So many alts, so little time...
  11. I don't play this powerset, but let me tell you how it should work? πŸ€”
  12. I know some creatures who live under a bridge that would totally support this...
  13. I horde recipes on the AH, then salvage, inspirations and enhancements in my base(s) like a packrat. I buy or sell what I need to. It's all mostly completely disorganized, and I don't recommend it for any sane person, but it works for me. 😁
  14. A fun trick while on a Magic Carpet(or skiff, or rocket board) is to use Mystic Flight's teleport while flying on it. You arrive at your destination on your chosen mode of transport in a circle-y flash.
  15. I pug for the utter randomness of it all, more times than not I've had phenomenal teams, whether phenomenally good or phenomenally bad, it's usually pretty fun. That said, here's some wisdom from Robert Burns "The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men Gang aft agley..."
  16. AR/MM Hover-Blaster is my go to. There will be those who point out that Drain Psyche has to be used in melee, but with a decent build you should only need the -regen from it if facing a hard target like an AV. It's also a fairly inexpensive build as you can easily fit 4 sets of Thunderstrike and 4 sets of Arsenal for that ranged Def. Also, AR got a revamp recently.
  17. I don't believe I've ever said that AI isn't good for anything, just that it's mimicry, and not actual intelligence. Artificial Creativity might be a better moniker for it, like Memes. 😁
  18. You've got the making of a great Country song, there.
  19. That, dear sir or madam, is some of the finest Vogon poetry ever belabouringly chuttered forth from a living being's voicehole(s).
  20. I'd be happy to, but I think I'm going to have to source those brains from Dr. Vahzilok, unless maybe you're volunteering your own brain? Now where did I put those electrodes...
  21. Ahh, but getting them in the right order, that's the real trick now isn't it?
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