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Everything posted by VashNKnives

  1. I am in the more challenging content that encourages better support/controls camp. Support needs to be more in demand before losing support AT cruches. Something has got to make you feel super afterall. Staring for long times at the same locked-down spawn gets old without help to arrest them. Teaming with support is a must or the associated ATs won't be played as much. Which to me is a bigger problem than controllers and defenders having some weird damage powers. You want me to switch to a controller so we can more easily handle this difficult mission? Happy to! Afterall, we'll both get the rewards. You want me to solo at 1/10th the speed without that opportunity? Nah, been there done that, burned-out.
  2. I need to look at the animations again but I always felt it moved its hands too much to be a mind blasting set. I would prefer it to have a no redraw option where maybe hand/hands to head stayed there during battle. I'd like to feel like a psy cannon vs like I struggle with each attack.
  3. Having to hosp hits different than being able to get up in mish again, esp if I can do it right next to the pack that knocked me down. Something in me looks at that rez in mish as a skilled recovery vs a total loss.
  4. More slider presets that make characters proportional to NPCs and mimic beautiful body types. Sometimes I really am surprised how much I have to deviate from current presets.... like especially leg length, hip and waist size, and overall body size. Also wouldn't hurt to have teenage, baby, and other presets. For my unreasonable want I would like to choose emmination points for all ranged attacks.... still dreaming of that cyclops /triclops like character
  5. Worst Combo I tried that should have been good but it was likely user error was ninja/poison mastermind. I didn't really IO it and I am not even sure if I got it to 50. The ninjas died too fast for poison to protect. The great thing about this game is how even weak synergies of combined powersets can often be helped by IOs and/or power pools. Also, a cool costume with cool fighting travel powers will keep things fresh..... Obviously, if wanting solo +4x8 then I wouldn't choose a earth/ice/elect controller to be paired with a secondary without quick recharging damage powers unless you have procs and maybe supplemental power pool attacks. /storm is great, but /empathy, /sonic, etc... will be tough solo. Given that I know that, my least fun builds with fun concepts were ones that were generally slow soloers because even though I like teaming I don't want to be at the mercy of teaming in a superhero game. Also, with IOs it is much easier to gain survival stats vs adding to your damage output unless able to use procs liberally. All that said... the most frustrating build I had on live was actually self-imposed. I tried to do a human only warshade. And while it can work - especially with IOs, macros, and incarnates.... it just bothered me how it was easy to be stuck in situations where you didn't have a defeated npc when you needed it. Triform works better of course but at the time I wanted to use all the warshade toggles and they would drop when form changing. I need to try a WS again.... do the toggles still drop?
  6. Any chance of adding stone epic power pool(s) for those of us that want a stone/stone/stone? I really like this proliferation of a set that I had previously never since long ago considered b/c I didn't want to feel encouraged to hide in Granite armor all the time.
  7. Unless they come out with a new veterinarian manipulation secondary and then I will have to resist the urge to use the name of Bob Barker...
  8. Why should it be possible to drain a +4 AV solo as a blaster? I am not sure how I feel about that even for elect doms.... controller seems legit like the only class that should be able bring that level of neutering. I look at elect drain as mostly another layer of soft defense - like knock down
  9. Regarding detoggling auras, I wish that it would be ok for them to just suppress..... I have blasters and blappers and appreciate different playstyles and the inconvenience pre-clarion. One of my mains is a /fire blapper with the auras and when you finally get mez protection it does make things notably less frustrating. HOWEVER, I love detoggling enemies with hurricane so it's a bit hypocritical of me and we shouldn't reduce the NPCs difficulty as there have been many requests to increase it. Although some could argue that detoggling damage auras doesn't really equate to higher difficulty for PVE. I do see it as one method the NPCs have to screw with and slow down player progress. I mean shutting down any damage from a damage dealer is a delay tactic that could in some, unquantified by me, equation make a difference.
  10. Bug or Feature: Voltaic Sentinel detoggles on instance change? Also should Voltaic still accept pet I/Os if it is a toggle? I really like the new Shock mechanic!!!👍 It has to be the main reason my defense toggles never dropped even though my end use was almost the same as my recovery and I only use offensive opportunity. Also, I hadn't really played a Sentinel since 2019 but I really like this new E3 I built today. I recall that Sentinels felt weak to me coming from blasters/scrappers/stalkers previously but at least this build with SHOCK is super fun and epically solos +4x8 - sometimes grabbing 2-3 groups. Missions I tried so far - will try the new difficulty settings next: Infernal - Maria arc - +3x8 - only musculature Malaise - Maria arc - Brickstown - +4x8 - added the other incarnates Talons - Orb Mission - Dark Astoria "radios" - +4x8 Banished - Dark Astoria "radios" - +4x8 Only defeat was with the first group of Malaise when I remembered (rudely) that the Seers chain terrorize. After that it was all very easy with minor use of support incarnate powers or inspirations. I'll put the electric/electric/electric Sentinel build below if you want to see/use it - just beware that its a rough draft by someone who hasn't played Sentinels.
  11. I agree with other posters that reactively using PFF is fine if you like to keep an eye on your defense anyway via monitored combat attributes. If up against debuffing enemies it gives you time to outlast some debuffs/counter with inspirations/pop another power/leave the fight. I think it is balanced nicely with hibernate, which heals but roots you and doesn't take a defense I/O. However, I believe I have had it detoggled maybe due to endurance sapping, and like others have said, cascade failure is still a thing. Don't wait until you are deep in negative defense numbers to use it.
  12. It would be good fun though and spice things up for us without being goofy. I also would enjoy some sort of bounty system to make being a vig and rogue more engaging on this type of server, more incentives to go grey on alignment as well as more pain.
  13. I think it would be a low-pop server if you make it too much of a chore to buy I/Os and build characters. But I think it would be a great place to play and team if it wasn't treated like a test server. It would be aggravating to play hard mode if purple enemies suddenly fill the area because of untested bugs. Going through a couple team wipes due to unknown "features" if death is quicker or penalties are harsher would likely send folks away (old school PVP frustration flashbacks....). Also, we should consider if another server further splinters the live server populations - creating teaming droughts for those servers. Also, cost of adding another server may be an issue.
  14. I haven't looked at every post in the thread, but a thought I just had would be for the devs to simply add a proc cool-down timer or stacking-limiter mechanism per character. I think that this would be a potentially annoying way for the devs to tweak proc monster builds. So... if they datamine that builds just shouldn't be able to have 15 procs per 10 seconds firing then they could break the PPM formula with the added stipulation of something like 3.5 PPM unless a stack of any 10 damage procs for that character have fired in the last 10 seconds at which point damage from procs is halved until or whatever until the stacks fall-off....with stack timer or condition to allow further tweaking... blah... I don't like this approach simply because it is even more complicated, but I am just trying to add more ideas that would still allow proc bombs and build choices.
  15. In my humble and also not expert opinion some but not all debuffs could use buffs 🤣 How is that for a weak answer? End drain is so niche that I can't believe anyone loads-up damage powers to attempt a zapper build without actually having dedicated zapper powers already, but a big buff to some draining IOs like tempest could be too exploitable because ranged damage powers are common. Same with tohit debuff except tohit debuff is much more universal and helpful for mitigation if you balance it with some defense -- making scalpels the preference vs broadswords. Just my 2 cents, big changes tend to bring **different** problems vs solving everything. Also, unless completely broken I personally don't like having to get a PHD in a whole new system and respeccing all my characters...
  16. Please use ultra-precision laser scalpels. I don't want major game features to feel pointless. The addition of IOs to this game was a major bonus. Enhancement diversification may have also been seen as needed but boy.... let's just be careful. If damage is the issue with certain powers using certain types of builds then please just deal with that. Deal with the outliers, don't nuke the system. Buff what is needed and nerf carefully. Also it'd be nice to have some in-game UI help with proc formulas especially if special tweaks start flying around. Being required to find posts or help from mathletic players to know if the thing you are doing throughout your build is actually worse than simple slotting to ED DR soft caps is not immersive and I think that really is where this starts feeling unfair.
  17. It would be neat if unstoppable just ironically stopped your HP from reaching 0 for a short time no matter the incoming attacks and had no extra crash. Then before it wore-off you better have a heal/insp ready. Seems like it would be easier to balance than messing with recharge/resistance/defense. As some added flair it could also make you immune to slows and recharge debuffs.
  18. Rain of Arrows... it looks so epic and performs equal to my expectations on my arch/fire blaster that I fully recreated from live.... maybe it is the combination of melee range, things on fire, and epic aiming as enemies run in terror... I am genuinely disappointed when archers in other games can't do a powerful rain of arrows. 😪
  19. From the first time looking at Sentinels I thought the team dynamic of the inherent could use some help. My current migraine induced thoughts: Add stacking team aura for each Sent that gives teammates very small +mez prot/def/res. Add short duration personal AoE target cap/range buff to Sents that just used 2 consecutive single target attacks.
  20. It is just so much easier to proc a Defender and hit higher effective defense due to AT modifiers. I was concerned about missing scourge and corr damage also on the ta/water but then I actually whipped-up the builds in Mids. I use all of TA for that def but it does very nicely at +4×8 solo incarnate content. I put the build here. It could be AR, but while ar/time does a nice job also, I spend more time concerned with survival. That is why the Defender ATOs help so much since neither set has a heal.
  21. As a 53 ta/Water def and 53 ar/time corr, I would do ta/ar b/c debuffs and Defender ATO procs. That new TA is really very fun.
  22. Isn't that like how Traps' poison trap used to act before the original devs fixed it. I know I was one of the complainers back when that was fixed... It was a bigger AoE and such... it was definitely not WAI but I and others loved the ability as it was. I recall it took some time to get over that fix and don't think some folks ever did, although that fix was the right thing to do. Burn will likely cause a greater outcry as would some other fixes. I don't know where I would draw the line. I would prefer effective nerfs to be offset by buffs b/c people love feeling strong and pretty ... I don't envy the devs.
  23. I'd love for CM to be an AoE, but also would be OK with a longer duration. Currently on my /emp MM I CM with Fort mostly. Which I know is a waste for many ATs. I do try to CM squishy ATs separately that don't get Fort as a priority but catching everyone and keeping up with it all is a major hassle that may or may not result in benefiting anyone depending on mobs encountered and the roll of the virtual dice.
  24. Ok - Thanks , I don't suppose the flipping could waste server resources or falsely flag someone for something? Well... I think I've wasted enough of your time Bopper... Thanks for your help. Honestly, IRL, I'm fairly well respected as a highly technical person in a very technical career in a large corporation but here on the forums I'm pretty dense. Feedback for Infiltration and Stealth... I really like them. Stealth getting a defense boost in combat to equal CJ really puts it out there as a contender. Infiltration buffed by enhancements is quite nice also. This pool is great for my MM that needs to drag her pets in to melee during high level play where she can't afford to risk leaving body guard. Not to mention misdirection helping drop aggro and also buffing the pets' offense. 🙂 Looking forward to this on live.
  25. Yes, I think the lack of slotting was the issue. I threw in some defense and the flipping seemed to stop. I threw in just a kismet and its flipping crazy again 😛 BTW, did you see in that screen the two sprints? EDIT: Flipping seems to happen even with defense in infiltration - if infiltration was turned on after athletic run
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