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Cancrusher last won the day on March 8 2022

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  1. I usually know by level 50. If it feels like there's some bugs that need to be worked out, I'll grind out my T1 incarnates to see if that solves the problem. If not, I'll use my alternate build slots to rework the character and see if I can get something I like. If I haven't gotten a result that I enjoy to play by that point, I typically shelve the character (or even delete it). If I like playing the character, I'll fill out my incarnates to T3 and it becomes one of my stable of favorites. I'm just now about to get my first character with all T4 incarnates (A sentinel, ,as it happens). Until I tried Hard Mode (and enjoyed it), I never bothered with chasing down the T4s (having to work up the ladder twice seemed like too big a hassle to bother). Now I want them on at least 1 character, for playing Hard Mode content. Also, I may come up with a costume/concept that I really love and it may take trying out several different AT's and combinations of powersets before I find the one that best simulates what I had in mind when I made the costume. Anyway, that's how it works for me, usually.
  2. I think of Captain Marvel/Shazam as mystical superman. That costume pic you posted is awesome, though! 😎👍
  3. I don't have a problem with the set, myself. My Rad/TW tank is one of my favorite characters. The opening attack is sluggish, sure, but they fire off quite quickly after that. 🤷‍♂️
  4. Good. I really enjoyed the show. Was afraid I was going to get pulled in and then get the shaft, like I did with American Gods. Still kinda steamed about American Gods. 😛
  5. I like them okay. I think Carnies can be pretty annoying, sometimes. Longbow (Wardens) and Paragon Police (Awakened, etc.) to a lesser degree. But even the annoying ones are fun to fight, in a certain, twisted way. 😁😛
  6. Firstly, welcome back to the game. 😁👋 Secondly, there's nothing wrong with making a suggestion. No one should flame you for something that the Devs have invited us to do. But, thirdly, you should know that Homecoming has departed rather broadly with the Live game features and the loyal fanbase that Homecoming has tends to like it that way (including opening up most of the costume options for everyone, from level 1). Homecoming is very much about allowing each player to (within certain limits) enjoy the game the way that each player wants to enjoy it. The CoH character creator is very robust, making it quite easy to craft a costume that makes your character distinct from everyone else. I would argue that it's really your own creativity in costume design that will make your character different from all the others.
  7. I have an old axe/shield scrapper that I haven't messed with in a long time. I'll have to dust him off and take him out for a test drive with the new version. 😁👍
  8. I may not agree, but you're entitled to your opinion, just like the rest of us.
  9. Man, these little guys are so danged adorable! 😂🤣👍
  10. I favor cannon fodder, myself.
  11. No suggestions. I'm just impressed that someone had the fortitude to play a /Regen all the way to 50. You're made of sterner stuff than I am, my friend! 😁👍
  12. Well, the old boy seems unrealistically optimistic to me but, then again, I've always been a cynic's cynic. 😁🤷‍♂️
  13. Cancrusher

    Why tanker?

    I mostly agree with PeregrineFalcon, here. Tanks are cool, but it can be challenging to make them damaging enough to complete missions solo, in a timely fashion. I have a Rad/TW that does a pretty solid job, but my brutes will just generally clear a map much faster (for the most part). Also, I have always had issues making INV builds able to tackle endurance issues. For this reason, I have pretty much avoided them. You might take a look at some of @Hyperstrike builds, as they're considered one of the best Tank builders in the game. Should have some builds (though, no doubt, expensive) that should address this problem for you. After trying a 3 Star ITF for the first time, a few days ago, I'm thinking of using a Hyperstrike build chassis, myself. I never used to care about building for that level of performance, but the new difficulty settings have finally kindled my interest in exploring performance builds (and also, in chasing my T4 Incarnates, which I had previously never bothered with). 😁👍
  14. Cool flavor/fluff/style idea, Zag. Thanks for the suggestion. 👍
  15. Hilarious. And I do approve, in theory, although I suspect there WOULD be serious abuse problems that would make it unviable in actual play. More is the sadness. 🤷‍♂️
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