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Everything posted by Cancrusher

  1. While I much prefer to build my own from scratch, I'm certainly willing to support the suggestion for those with less time/patience. 👍
  2. The Subzero Sanctum of my villain, Dr. Deepfreeze:
  3. Very sad. I always appreciated his forum posts. My condolences to his friends and family.
  4. I'm gonna see it. Not a huge Spidey fan, honestly, but Doctor Strange is in it. Sold. 😁👍
  5. You may well be right. But here's the deal... They (and I would include myself in that "they") got what they wanted because the silent majority wasn't engaged on discord and/or the forums. If the silent majority had a different opinion on a game that means as much to them as the rest of us, perhaps they ought not have remained silent. The Devs are very good about considering and responding to regular feedback but if you just play the game and aren't involved in discussing possible changes (let alone Beta testing), then (IMO) you get what you get and you don't throw a fit.
  6. @Sovera Hey, I don't think you're a lunatic (and while I can't read minds, I'm not inclined to think that Ninja- or anyone else- thinks so either). You have an opinion on the topic and the right to air that opinion just like the rest of us. Those of us that disagree are just trying to illustrate how some of us look at it from a different viewpoint. FWIW, I don't even think Diantane is a lunatic- just someone that gets easily frustrated overcoming the learning curve of a game that they otherwise generally like, because they haven't spent enough time playing that game to high level. 😛
  7. Haven't played the set yet. You're throwing boulders at people, though. At least 2 or 3 powers in the set should deliver knockback (from a logic perspective, I mean). I don't think it would feel right if they didn't.
  8. Not just brilliant- it may well be the best costume of all time. 😂
  9. No, indeed. And there's nothing wrong with putting your suggestions out there for consideration. It'll give them more options to muse over when they do finally decide to tackle the project. 👍
  10. Well, I don't disagree that there is a problem with content difficulty being sufficiently easy as to make several AT roles unnecessary/obsolete. But that is a problem with game content, not the AT in question- nor with the player spamming their favorite AOE lockdown powers (which, let's face it, is a cardinal feature of many, of not most, Controller power sets). We can also turn this argument on it's head. Whatever the tankers improvements (and I agree, they are several and they are good. The class is much improved these days), outside of the new Doctor Aeon ST, survival is still not an issue and tankers are not needed on a team to contribute to such. One might argue that tankers should try to taunt as little as possible, so that Controllers can enjoy their AOE lockdowns more- or even that both classes should restrain from using these signature abilities (taunt and lockdowns) so that classes like stalkers can scrappers will have something more exciting to do than punch distracted, immobilized opponents. To summarize, I think the problem is that the difficulty level is generally too easy and the AT's too powerful by comparison for the AT's to function as they were designed. Contrarywise, I don't think it's fair or helpful to criticize players for playing their AT as it was designed to be played, because team-based content is too easy thanks to power creep in the game. Just trying to look at it from the other side here, Sovera. Again, I don't disagree with your assessment of the game difficulty/survivability, overall.
  11. I'm not against your suggestion (I certainly don't think it can hurt the class) and I do agree with your assessments of the AT, but I think aethereal is correct, here. The Devs are very focused and methodical about how they go rework old content and introducing new content. I do hope they prioritize updates to the class sooner, rather than later, though.
  12. Yeah, if you want to use the good armor powers in the set, you have to resolve yourself to looking like a lumbering dope with giant ice chunks stuck on your limbs and torso. Such things are entirely subjective, of course. I realize this. I do think a lot of players share my opinion, though. 😛
  13. Sure. I like it. I've browsed topics with several different takes on how to perk up the class. Most of them have merits. At this point, I'd get behind just about anything that would give the class a noticeable boost and make it more of a valued contribution to team play. 👍
  14. Some new animations. That's cool. Unfortunately, Ice sword and Ice armor are still the goofiest looking sets in the game, even on Rebirth.
  15. Well, maybe I'm approaching the conversation the wrong way. Let me toss the ball into your court for a moment, so to speak. What do you view as the role of the controller on a team? What is that they should be doing and when should they be doing it?
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