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Everything posted by vicuna

  1. Since there is a hero named Ajax, and I like him.
  2. Use the same idea/concept on Echo zones? Increase the street mob and their exp, but without the story arcs.
  3. Instead of cab, the power should summon a NPC named taxi-bot and it will carry you around.
  4. Mercedes Sheldon is the only Midnighter in PD, isn't she. I think instead of a Patron Pool representing the Midnighters, have a Pool representing the random named NPCs, like Turndown Girl and Desperate Guy. Or Bartenders!
  5. I wonder what if Player 2 create a new Super CoolNameGuy (taking it from Payer 1), then rename it to something else, thus releasing it, then rename his old Baddie McVillain to the now-freed Super CoolNameGuy?
  6. Let all single/double-handed melee like Board Sword, Mace, etc (except Titan) have the same cosmetic. Same for two-handed rifles like Beam Rifle, MM Robotics, etc.
  7. I don't know what triggered them, before I started taking the first screenshot, these were spawned in, but once they are all in, there are too many of them.
  8. As we know, Atlas has the Atlas square for community events, Praetoria has a very large vacant empty parking lot for community events if there are ever enough gold players, but Mercy has a very cluttered starting area. Tiny, sure, filled with atmospheric NPCs, very, but are they too much for such a tiny space? Yes. I don't know what determines when/what triggered the civilians, but we can do less of those. Civilians and Longbows with their hands up? Maybe move them further back? Hedge and tall pointy trees that divide the centre area into small pieces - cut them down. Attached is a dark hard-to-see screenshot of unnecessary clutters I mentioned above.
  9. I just want my demons/ to be practical human size.
  10. You can play with wdw and chat channels to customize your view when need be like I: - switch general chat tab to league chat tab - switch local/broadcast/group tab to group tab - switch my customized story tab to my customized combat tab - turn off lfg chat panel
  11. My approach is that I have a toolbar dedicate to toggles, and that bar uses numpad 0-9, so it is easy for me to toggle them back on.
  12. How about the echo zones? They may be hard to reach but have both low and high levels area.
  13. I recently finished my Praetoria tour with a Dark/MA, didn't notice any difficulty with it.
  14. Since there are graphical mods to change the icons, someone can just do that and upload it to the modding utility tool software thingy.
  15. What if... since Ms L is at the south end of the city hall, put BAB at the north end of the city hall? Seriously, most of the time I forgot BAB exists, if I look at the area map, the place he's in is almost always covered in fog of war (across all my toons) because I don't go there.
  16. I wanted to quote something said, but I couldn't edit/remove the quote while I'm on the phone, so ended up with the messy reply. Apology.
  17. I'm on the phone, quoting the right content is painfully hard to do. Anyway, "Real travel powers should always be a significant step up over the free options" Fly is better than spring+run, but not significant. Having the free powers is significantly faster than not having both. my controversial opinion is that the free powers need to be nerfed.
  18. I believe in the comic, he has no love for his people who are blindly following the gods without reasons.
  19. This would be a great help for red-siders, while such blue registrar is easy to find, for red zone, theirs is on the second zone.
  20. Murderous robot vacuums and Tesla car for Robotics.
  21. Titan Weapon nerf, Water Control nerf, Metal Melee nerf, sleeping GM, robot GM, new in-game jewel currency, P2W fairy nerf, they are going to kill Annah!
  22. I am doing this on my own, so far so good for Nova Praetoria. But is facing a problem now where Mr G refuses to talk to me because I'm Resistance, and Doctor Steffard is missing. After reading your file, I think I know what to do now. Thanks.
  23. More body parts!
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