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Everything posted by Lazarillo

  1. Got into a bit of a debate in-game earlier. Presently, at the very least, to obtain the "Army of Neu" badge in the Tin Mage TF, you have to defeat 40 Neuron clones in a single run of the TF. The badge credit doesn't add up over multiple runs. I know from personal experience that characters I have who have done it 5+ times have received the badge at the same time, in some cases, as characters that hadn't done the TF before. The wiki backs this up as well. ...and yet, there seems to be a very common misconception that it is, in fact, cumulative, and a lot of people seem to recall it being that way at one point (myself included, if I'm being honest). Although even then the old wiki seems to suggest otherwise, too. So the question comes up: has it always been this way and some of us are just crazy? Was it changed (if so, is there any known reasoning on it)? Is it a bug? What's really going on with our least-favorite speedster?
  2. Given the general nerf to End drain due to Electric Blast getting Shock, it seems generally "right", yeah, that other Electric sets should get the same mechanic, if that's that path we're going. I can generally get behind that. Although really, the one yet-unspoken-of buff that Stalker Electric Melee really needs is to fix the animation on Assassin's Shock when unhidden. Or at least give it an alternate if the current one is simply too janky to salvage.
  3. I can tell ya my Ice/ Stalker would increase in fun factor by a factor of 7.2x if I could just replace the Frozen Fists animation with a sword animation. And I figure Fire Melee would just sort of generally benefit by at least being to do all of either/or.
  4. Just as an update, /wdwload did work, and it even fixed the options menu on said character, which now displays like everyone else's, too! So thanks for the responses!
  5. Battalion raid boss that you just survive chained KO Blows/Foot Stomps for two minutes until the their Rage and Hasten simultaneously crash and then you wail on 'em when?
  6. The Hasten crash was never avoidable. You might be confusing things with Rage, which back during the game's original lifetime, could have most (though not all) of its crash mitigated by double-stacking.
  7. Probably the market consolidation and the ease-of-access to Attuned enhancements. Back during the game's original lifetime, when they were introduced for the game-store purposes, I'd really hoped they'd be expanded out to replace the game's originally super-unwieldy enhancement level system. HC more or less nailed it for me, with that. It's so much more fun leveling thanks to this system. On a slightly related note, the expansion of the Incarnate system so now it's not reliant on replaying the same friggin' raids over and over and over.
  8. Diversity works both ways. If they double the number of TFs available as weeklies, then the ones that are out of favor when not in current in the rotation, will also fall out of favor when they are the Strike Targets, in favor of the easier/more lucrative stuff. Keeping the number limited keeps the choices effective precisely because they're a focus.
  9. I mean, you could just do a Sentinel. Most enemies will rush up to attack you point-blank anyway.
  10. You can, but the way Stealth and Perception work in the game, you generally don't need it. Like a lot of things, it's partially influenced by enemy rank (and possibly level scaling?...not sure about that), so at "only" 50, standing too close to a Boss or higher, for too long, might get you spotted, and bumping it up with the Celerity enhancement basically you can afk while being nose-to-nose with them. That's nice for some folks, and it's not like there's anything else to put in Sprint as far as special effects. But it's generally overkill, and enemies that are programmed to be extra perspective typically just ignore stealth no matter how much you have (Rikti drones, KoA, snipers). So it's not like you're doing yourself any good there.
  11. As I like to say, I don't suffer from altitis. I enjoy every minute of it.
  12. I use Amplifiers on most of my low-level characters, but the RoI for them isn't really viable at max level, in my experience. Maybe with the Defense Amplifier, and certain very specific builds, but that's still 20 million Inf down for 8 hours of play, and while that's doable (basically one 30-40 minute run of an Apex/Tin Mage double-header, assuming you convert the merits to cash in a reasonably efficient way), I'd still rather put that into funneling money into new alts. I think most of the purchasable Temp. Powers are generally pretty similar on that front. Fun gimmicks, but not viable in ways that are going to drastically modify folks' builds. What I wonder a little bit more about is folks who use the email system to basically carry around 5 additional full Inspiration trays.
  13. For some reason this reminds me of when Dual Blades first came out, and people kept asking for the "main gauche" option to be usable in both hands, and BaBs pitched an absolute fit on the forums because "NO! MAIN GAUCHE MEANS LEFT HAND YOU CAN'T PUT IT ON THE RIGHT!", and after a couple weeks of people asking repeatedly, the "main droite" appeared as an option to be put on characters' right hands.
  14. So would I! Unfortunately, loading other options doesn't work, either. I prolly shoulda noted that in the original post. Can't hurt, at least! I'll give it a shot with the slash commands and see if that works.
  15. Okay, this is driving me crazy. I have one character whose windows I can't seem to set up like all my other characters. Here's what I see by default: And here's what my Arachnos Widow sees: Slight color changes aside, my Window, upon choosing "Automatic UI Scale" loses the abiltiy to set an overall Window Scale the way my other characters can. As a result, their windows look all out of whack, comparatively speaking. How can I fix this?
  16. The toggle suggestion was made back during the game's original life, too, but has a distinct issue in that Intangible targets can only hit by effects made by intangible entities. Thus, because toggles work by rapidly re-apply an effect, the enemy ends up going Intangible for 1 second, then not for the next second, then Intangible again, etc. Dimension Shift gets around this by summoning pseudopets that also have the Intangible status, more or less, but that sort of improvised solution is trickier (albeit probably not impossible...probably...maybe...) when you're looking at single-target use.
  17. Blue Steel could be an interesting addition since he's got some backstory going on there, and whatnot. I really dislike the one-note-ification of CWK to "he's obsessed with Pitstop Penny" though, and really feel like we don't need more of her involved with his evil plots and whatnot, though.
  18. It's honestly never really explained well, nor followed-up on. The most we get is a "the path of revenge is a strange one". Probably the best guess is that since his old unit wasn't actually dead (sort of...they got turned into an army of endlessly cloned zombies), he took it upon himself to ensure that the endless supply got ended and his allies got proper deaths? Best I got. "Mr. H" is also never made clear in any way, but is probably a Praetorian bureaucrat, similar to Mr. G (I swear at one point, the dialogue actually identified him as "Mr. G" instead of "Mr. H", but such a thing would've been lost to 7 years of the game being in limbo).
  19. I know in at least a few raids I go to, League leaders use Request, or similar. Honestly, this may be a better solution in general; the problem with simply highlighting one person in the same channel is that if the channel is spam-y it's easy to miss stuff anyway.
  20. Atmospherically, Striga Isle may be may favorite Blueside zone altogether. I'd love something like this, maybe with a repeatable mission contact or something inside too. And a just general revamp of some of the content. It's neat stuff but is so...i3 in term of writing.
  21. I'm not sure why you're getting so defensive about all this? It's kind of irrelevant to the suggestion as a whole (which you may note, we seem to be in agreement that it would be a bad idea anyway?).
  22. "Taking advantage"? "Abusing"? What term would you prefer? The point still stands. AE was not created with the intended purpose of giving people convenient avenues to farming. The fact that it's primarily used for such despite that doesn't change that people who are using it for its originally intended purpose should be punished for doing so. Personally, I'd rather them just turn rewards back up to normal and turn MARDY back on, but that's an entirely different thread.
  23. I don't think there is, inherently, anything wrong with Warwolves being immune to Slow and Immobilize effects. And they're hardly the only enemies immune to certain effects; getting around such things is part of intended strategies. There is, however, some great deal of annoyance that stems with how they seem to be programmed to deliberately run as far as they can if hit with powers that cause such effects, though. That's probably unnecessary, but digging so deeply into the AI programming might not be viable.
  24. See, the inherent problem with this idea is that it weakens AE for its intended purpose, in order to punish/limit it for people who are exploiting it for uses outside its designed scope. As it is, we already hit that with XP being halved, so people end up ignoring story content in AE for more lucrative returns, which has only just sort of created a death spiral of farming, as it were. Removing XP from it entirely would only hasten that spiral.
  25. That was actually fixed in the late days of the game's original lifetime. Barb Swipe used to do the berserker-ish animation, but it does not anymore (except when enemies use it). Now if only we could have an alternate, at least, for Spine Burst...
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