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Everything posted by Lazarillo

  1. Were they on the same team in the league? Rewards are not league-wide, you only get credit for what your team does.
  2. From what I understand of it, it's the the "Well of the Furies" is more or less a nickname that was given to it by the people who discovered it (most notably Marcus Cole, a giant mythology nerd), while "The Furies" are, y'know, the actual figures of myth.
  3. I haven't done it yet but am thinking about trying a Seismic/Nature Corruptor. Not only does feel very thematically sound, but it seems like there would be some mechanical synergy too, being able to drop and stand on Lifegiving Spores to buff myself while Seismic Pressure makes the area less happy for enemies that try to get to encroach on my little mobile Eden. Assuming I understand how Seismic Pressure works (janky mechanics and I don't exactly get along great). My big wonder is with Stalagmite and whether it's worth it. How "Extreme" is "Extreme"? Is it worth giving up the KD aura (which, granted, Shards does too, but it seems a little more overtly "worth it")? Or should it just be seen as an easy skip (or alternatively, should one of the t1/t2 powers be skipped instead...I doubt the set needs all five single target attacks)?
  4. I feel like sets are a little too gimmick-crazy as-is these days.
  5. I mean, I'm just not getting the feeling that we should apply our pitiful, three-dimensional understanding of space to where he's standing in the first place. He did, actually. In fact, he was added specifically because they needed a band-aid for functions that they couldn't add to the option menu. So if anything, the idea of being able to summon him is, to my mind, honoring the original intent best of all (since it's not like you have to go anywhere specific in-game to open the options window...or do you think that being able to change whose broadcasts you see from anywhere is also spoiling players too much?). That said, of course, in the game's original form, he couldn't change alignments (which as others have noted, is probably better off being left out if an idea like this one I have is implemented anyway). The only other functionality HC added to him was disabling the extra travel popup bar, but that's because HC added that bar in the first place. So I don't think leaving that functionality in a summonable version would be too over the top, either, since it only wasn't on "live" because the problem it solves wasn't there either.
  6. That's a fair point ( @MHertzcaught that, too), so yeah, I think the best choice would maybe be for a summonable Gull not to offer that particular service, maybe?
  7. Actually, this raises the point of whether it might be helpful to have a tag in the fashion of Helper/Help Me/Roleplaying that people can use to show themselves as actively streaming, too.
  8. Operating under the assumption that the options for Null the Gull are still not in the options menu rather than being confined to a somewhat-out-of-the-way NPC for mechanical reasons due to spaghetti code and whatnot, is there any chance that said NPC could be made more convenient by granting a new power, purchasable via the Pay-2-Win vendors (or otherwise) that allowed characters to directly summon or call it from the field, so to speak? It'd be a real boon when, say, my team gets to an Oranbega mission and suddenly those run speed boosts are not helpful, or joining a raid and discovering once you're there that someone's running Group Fly, or heck, even just on new characters so they don't have to go running a zone or two away to disable the popup when they get their first travel power. Plus, it's just not good for a seagull to be cooped up inside a sweaty (and likely smelly!) ravehouse all day.
  9. First thing I'd note is that you probably shouldn't for now. One of the "drops" gives you something useless and that won't be fixed until after the event ends. That said, they'll be put into your salvage. You just right click, open pack, and then the items from the pack are placed under the "Character Items" section of your in-game email for any of your characters to claim.
  10. Fair point, though that does not carry over to XP/Incarnate Shards/etc to my recollection. Also, good freakin' luck finding someone running an instanced version on Everlasting (on the other hand, last I checked, Indomitable does 'em all that way, so this is admittedly a case where one's mileage may vary). Though I still maintain that in terms of fun factor, pulling is at least as boring as being in the bowl. I wonder if, like, an "infinite aggro field" could be maintained in the vicinity of the mothership, so you could just grab as many as you can and get a nice little tail, without having to wait to see if they care?
  11. Done that too. It's still standing around waiting for Rikti. The only difference is that they're supposedly chasing you (very slowly), and that you crater your reward potential. Ultimately doesn't change that the main reason to join is something you're done with when it "begins". As much as they're a chore and a part of me would really like to, I'm generally not so crass as to do this, but this could be solved somewhat, perhaps, by making badge credit for him work like Hami, maybe? Because as it is, the only way to make progress is to join the raid. (Alternatively, just make it so it doesn't take 10 raids at a minimum to get the badges)
  12. Nope, Temp powers. Non-slottable Prestige Powers as well.
  13. Some can, at least. It's under the same tab as Accolades, IIRC.
  14. I could get behind something like this. In addition to the general boredom of the experience, it's kind of unfortunate that the MSR has no real "win" condition. You just fight until "oops, out of time" with no sense of having accomplished much at the point of completion. Giving the raid a goal would be nice, since in its current format, the closest thing to one is done by the time the main event has even really began.
  15. The potential limitation I see is that you can't have "The" at the start of your name at all because it gets automatically moved to a title. Given that one's mutually exclusive, some people might not want to be stuck moving the "Mr." or "Dr." in their names to the title preface. Although I suppose in those cases, they could spell out the word fully? Although that might mess up some pun names like a Robotics master mind named "Dr. One".
  16. I realize that this might feel like a slippery slope, but IMO, Diviner Maros' standalone missions are just interesting from a lore standpoint since they set up a bunch of the hero arcs (specifically, the Envoy of Shadow, Unnatural Order, and Wheel of Destruction arcs, and the Citadel TF). It's just so much fun the way it fits together, and there's so much villain content in the 20s that it's very easy to miss these. Doubly so when Maros himself even has a fairly long arc through before playing them. If they make things too crowded as standalones, maybe compile them into a single "arc" for Ouroboros purposes (call it something like "The Butterfly Effect"?), perhaps?
  17. The only mayyyyybe I see with this is that the levels go by so fast on villainside as it is that I don't think I'd ever end up doing this in its actual level range. But something to tie off that Gadzul story arc like @The_Warpact mentioned (the same way as Tarikoss ties off the PTS plotline and Renault is sort of meant to tie off the Leviathan one) would definitely be nice.
  18. Look, what it comes down to is that you're both human, and that can only end in tears. Luckily, I know a guy with the perfect solution.
  19. You got me a quick cheat on my Ouro badges for my birthday? I feel so blessed.
  20. Out of curiosity, is that obelisks done, or obelisks active?
  21. Out of curiosity, what type of mez gets tossed out? Is it the standard stuns and sleeps, or are they mixing in Fears and Confuses that will necessitate specific defense sets and/or teammates that can provide mez protection via buff sets/Clarion?
  22. I mean, granted, but in this case, neither time nor effort is really a meaningful way to obtain it, and the kicker is the involvement in an Accolade power, which can have a not-unreasonable effect on character performance. A ridiculous grind for the "Leader" badge, which is the 6th in a series of 6 and has no meaningful effect on play? I'm all for it! But in this case, dropping the Born In Battle requirement down from Ironman to Hard Case is probably not such a bad idea, especially if you compare overall Accolade requirements between factions.
  23. Pretty sure they always have been. That's not a bug, that's by design.
  24. Yeah, I played a bit in Mids' and the one limitation looked like it might be massive end drain. Appreciate both the responses.
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