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Everything posted by Riverdusk
Unfortunately in its case specifically it also probably falls victim to "plant control is so strong overall we don't want to buff the set anymore". Triage beacon does probably need the help more as a support set power.
My characters typically take 30 to 40 hours to hit 50 and that is pretty casual play and with a lot of soloing and typically not cranking the difficulty up too much. The closest I ever come to power leveling is sometimes joining a level 50+ PI radio team for a bit. I tend to do that when I hit the 40's (and after doing Tina and MJ's arcs) as the 40's do tend to sometimes drag a bit. That is an average over many many alts that I have. Doesn't seem overly long of a time to me. I do usually have the x2 xp booster going though. If you are actually taking 20+ hours for one level, I think there is definitely something else going on.
Some stalker offensive aura abilities suppress while hidden and it has been that way for quite a while, if not forever. Other examples are Ice Armor's Chilling Embrace and Shield's Against All Odds. Not familiar myself with dark armor on a stalker, but know from personal experience that's how chilling embrace works for sure. I'd trust @rubiconx's report, although of course it is up to the devs to decide if it is a bug or not. Edit: Just to confirm, you don't have any procs or anything in it? Or maybe running something else that is unhiding you?
It looks pretty, so it makes a great decoration.
Think it might just be a bug in the detailed description for Equip Mercenary. It does still give smash/lethal resistance and 2 points of confuse protection, it just isn't listed there. I have a merc so can confirm it in game. City of Data also shows it (example from a basic soldier): https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=mastermind_pets.soldier_2.equip&at=mastermind As to other henchmen, you'd have to say which you are speaking of, MM pets having confusion protection was never universal. Also, most Masterminds end up taking tactics. Something I consider key most of the time just as much for its confusion protection (almost 4 points worth) as for its tohit buff.
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There are missions like that though, "Prevent <Mob boss name> from escaping." Only a few though, Also unfortunately they tend to be bugged as I've literally seen the escaping boss mob phase through walls and elevators and had the mission fail because of it. Maybe them being buggy is what you meant though. Also every blue side bank safeguard mission, although they rarely get to the point of even trying to escape.
Plant/trick arrow/fire. Good times are had. 😁
I'm not one to usually pull out this old card, but this is the literal definition of straw man. Such a perfect example of one that I'm actually impressed. No one is asking for giving illusion the game's "best AoE damage", not even close. Good one though. Giving phantasm say explosive blast instead of energy torrent as someone suggested (and with the usual nerf in recharge/damage of a ranged AoE compared to a cone) isn't going to rocket him to the status of AoE annihilator. You could even keep the target cap the same, 10, like a sentinel. More likely it'd be almost a wash, but make him a bit more well behaved and hopefully be an easy fix to his AI. Another maybe easy way would actually be to just extend his version of energy torrent's range a bit, even bumping it from 40 to 50 might be enough to fix it from running into melee so often. To balance, reduce its arc a bit. But if the devs can fix his AI in other ways instead, I'm all for it. Seems everyone at least agrees on that point, so that's good. Just hope it is doable some day.
I'd take a bit of exception to the idea that a slight fix or buff to phantasm would make illusion OP or that it is even borderline OP now. It is a fantastic set against small groups or AV's. That is a very small part of the game and definitely not the current game meta which tends to be "destroy huge groups of enemies fast". That is something illusion is definitely not particularly great at. Everyone trots out "It solos AV's the best!". Being really good at one niche thing doesn't make it OP, imo. Fire and plant destroy it when it comes to AoE 'defeating'. Pretty much every set out there destroys it when it comes to actual AoE control. It has so little hard aoe control it is hard to even set up containment with it which makes it hard to even add in some AoE damage with an epic pool. It's a great and fun set if you want to run quick solo through missions/story arcs set to low numbers or even solo TF's (set to lower numbers). Otherwise it isn't really setting the world on fire imo.
I think he meant explosive blast as that was what was suggested before. Basically a ranged aoe instead of a short cone that most believe is what forces its ai into near melee. Agreed it would be a buff, but I don't think it is an outrageous one. It would probably mean a slight nerf to its damage and/or recharge as aoe's tend to be slightly less damaging and longer recharging than cones.
Course now they'd have to worry about this, as silly as it is and even if it is unlikely it'd be an issue in the end: https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/-i-shadow-of-war-i-publisher-warner-bros-has-patented-the-series-nemesis-system
Big fan of voltaic sentinel myself, at least since it was buffed a while back to shoot a lot faster. It is basically at minimum a free extra 50 or so dps if it is fully damage slotted, not even including the bonus shock damage. (Base damage 34 x 1.95 divided by its 1.25 second recharge). That's about half way to taking down an even level AV solo all by itself. Also comes with a base 1.4 accuracy so it needs almost no accuracy slotting. No animation time beyond the initial cast on a mission, and it isn't going to get detoggled/suppressed on a sent because you have mez protection, so sent is where it is best. Anyway, worth it just for the number of times something has a bit of health left and my attack misses and I'm ready to be annoyed, only for the volt buddy to kill the thing off for me. Happens amazingly often even when I have 95% to hit. I actually took it over power sink. As you said, endurance doesn't seem to be an issue anyway, and neither does draining even without it. I found I wasn't using it much. Energize is enough imo.
I wouldn't worry about star content. Keep in mind it isn't even part of the original game, it was added by HC. I never bother as it just sounds like a headache to me. Play what is fun to you. There is a ton of content in this game.
Power set pairings that are optimal on a Scrapper?
Riverdusk replied to BuiltDifferent5's topic in Scrapper
Don't forget broadsword and katana for scrappers both get an extra crit chance bonus for their tier 9 attacks (15% base). You are critting quite a lot with your hardest hitting attack even before the scrapper ATO's kick in. So either of those sets I think work well on scrapper and it helps put them further ahead of a tank/brute version. -
Make sure on the friends menu on top that you are listed as "online". You can go "invisible" or be offline and be hidden (which sometimes I'll do if I don't want to be bothered). Other than that, not sure.
I think you've had enough of being dogpiled, so will offer another alternative. Stock up on that START vendor defense/mez protection buff that is cheap at low levels. Grab 8 hours of it at level 1 for 8,000 influence and that'll easily carry you through until you get your mez protect power as a scrapper, even if you level up as slowly as I do. It also gives you another +5 defense as well.
A lot of it is that, just to keep it with all your other games. Also, some people might like that their friends can see when they are online and playing it without them having to log in as well. As well, as said before, it is an easier way, imo, to take screen shots and see them right inside Steam, and now to take videos.
Would especially be nice for broadsword to get a little something to distinguish it from Katana (that currently is almost an exact copy of broadsword and yet outclasses it).
While we are fixing pets, I'd also add in that all pets should be pushable or walk through like MM henchmen were made to be. It is especially bad with phantom army as you have 3 immovable pets that still end up trapping or blocking me or teammates in certain spots (sewer map chokepoints or small office rooms can be especially bad). Not sure why that improvement was made to MM henchmen but not to controller (and others) pets. It isn't a power improvement thing, it completely a quality of life thing. Back to original poster, I'd still vote electric control's gremlins as the worst pet of all, but yeah, phantasm is down there.
You need to look for the launcher program or a shortcut to it. "HC Launcher" or "Homecoming" are both in the main HC directory for me and either work. Both actually point to /Homecoming/bin/win64/launcher.exe Any of the three will work and it doesn't really matter. Double click on one of them and then "add selected program". It should then be in your Steam Library. You can then right click it in Steam and go to properties and rename it in the top box if you want a better name for it. Should be all there is to it. Edit: Also nice now that Steam has added automatic video recording as well and that feature also does work even with it just as a "non steam game" shortcut. I haven't tried @AlpineTsar's way yet and I never had CoH on Steam originally, so can't speak to his method. I did something I think similar to add Daggerfall Unity in Steam in place of original Daggerfall and to have the Unity version hours tracked for me even though that version isn't on Steam, so it should work if you can figure it out.
Not going to probably be near complete of course, but: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Category:Definition Can also use the wiki search bar and probably have much better luck than a forum search. "Rule of 5" popped up for instance. Might not always understand the explanation they have there if you are new, but it is something.
https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Enhancement_Booster_Salvage Most common use as said is on normal recharge IO's in hasten, You can then get to 95%+ recharge in hasten with only two slots instead of three. I tend to also sometimes use them on set IO's that have set bonuses I like that cap out at level 30 instead of 50. Boost them and they have enhancement values better than a normal level 50 and they still exemp down to level 27 anyway. Purple IO's exemp down to level 1 anyway, so they are also common to get as level 50's and boost, although most of their stats are already hitting 95% so often there isn't much use (except for maybe the endurance reduction piece often doesn't hit cap in a purple set). No reason to ever attune a purple though. PvP IO's are the same (once you can use level 50 ones), so often those are good candidates to boost as well. Although sometimes I will use attuned ones as I level up and then swap them out for 50+5's once I hit level 47+. I rarely use an entire 6 set of a PvP set, so it often helps a lot to boost if you are only using 3 pieces of it. For your build you could boost the purples in power slice, sweeping strike, and blinding powder if you wanted without negatively affecting your build or set bonuses in any way (although it might not make a lot of difference for most stats except as I said maybe endurance reduction). Definitely could boost the endurance mod piece in your level 18 power, and of course as said, probably the most impactful would be boosting the recharges in hasten. Keep in mind procs can't be boosted.
Might want to turn off vengeance for those defense totals 😉
As to conflicting info, I tend to trust the wiki (rarely seen any mistakes there). The page on incarnate abilities: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Incarnate_System#Ability_List Click on the "Abilities" link there for the specific one. On interface in particular: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Interface_Slot_Abilities As you can see on Diagmagnetic: "The -ToHit is standardized at -5%, and the -Regen is standardized at -15%. A single target can be hit up to 4 times of the same type of proc." So, for -regen it maxes at -60%, which against a level 50 AV that resists 85% of it you get a whopping 9% regen debuff. As others have said, complete trash. A simple envenomed dagger does -250% and is stackable. You only take Diagmagnetic for the -tohit part, which is decent, not for the -regen. They'd have to do something like at least TRIPLE the amount of -regen it gives to even be competitive, or make it non-resistible (but that much non-resistible would probably be a bit too much). As the wiki also says, Degenerative gives -1000hp debuff to AV's per stack, up to 4 times. Much better. Not to even mention it also has a damage dot, even better. Reactive also isn't bad. Someone posted once on here quite a while ago an analysis that degen's -hp is still better than reactive's -resistance, even on non-AV's, but can't vouch for it personally and I didn't save a copy or link of it. TLDR, Degen is definitely the goto (by quite a bit) if you are trying to solo AV's. Others have covered the other choices well.
There is a way to go back to lower level content with a higher level character (through an Ouroboros portal crystal), so there is very little you can ever miss. Also, having a level 50 character does make earning influence a lot easier. Beyond that though, most people probably consider this more of a journey game. Not something that shines at "end game." Also, having a ton of alts trying out all the different power combos. There are exceptions though, as there are people with several thousand "vet levels" who obviously do enjoy focusing more on one character.