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  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. To prevent them from doubling up on effort and having to unlock all the accolades twice. These are tied to specific badges, and the premise makes complete sense in that context.
  2. I play mostly at level 50 so the actual level availability changes didn’t matter to me and I haven’t respec’d any existing characters solely because of it. The biggest actual impact of that change is allowing me to pick which secondary power I want first, which has resulted in fewer dead power picks in my builds.
  3. I log on and do whatever I want with my character and am “playing the game.” Do I get the accolade?
  4. This does the typical ChatGPT thing: it straight up makes up powers sometimes and the generated build files don’t actually load. Even on the off chance you get one to work, the build is going to be completely shit.
  5. I’m going to agree with the poster on page one who suggested new accounts should not be able to start threads until they’ve engaged with the community in some way (certain account age or number of posts, perhaps). They’d still be able to support in the help/support sections for technical issues of course, but it would keep some topics from being repeatedly brought up by people who don’t know any better. Now, I’m sure someone’s going to come in here and say that such a system would be “unfair” or “gatekeeping” or something similar, but it’s… a standard anti-spam practice on plenty of forums and Discord servers. In this case it just has a bonus side effect of reducing repeat threads about problematic topics.
  6. You must be new here.
  7. Minor nitpick, the maximum chance for any proc is 90%. I think the most recent version of the proc calculator you linked correctly handles cases where the calculated number is outside the actual min or max. On the topic of the OP though, not slotting the Critical Strikes proc into Follow Up is kinda a miss.
  8. Grade A shitpost, 12 out of 10
  9. Is this a distance-based issue, or is that not mattering?
  10. Or, if instead of bumping everyone up to max level, the TF just spawned enemies based off the leader's level like all the non-signature TFs do.
  11. I do wish you'd con friendly to Rikti and Lost if you got turned into a monkey. Personally, I get around the small chance for it to happen by simply... not activating the power while I'm in combat.
  12. I lean towards +maxhp and +maxend if for no other reason than powers which buff those attributes are rare outside of the melee ATs. Powers that boost regeneration and recovery are a dime a dozen, but there are only three ally +maxhp powers and one ally +maxend power in the game. Here are some actual numbers (based on a Corruptor): Base HP: 1071 Base regeneration: 100% (4.46HP/sec or 267.6HP/min or 4 minutes to go from 0 to full HP) Base regeneration with unslotted inherent Health: 140% (6.25HP/sec or 375HP/min or 2 minutes 51 seconds to go from 0 to full HP), we'll consider this our baseline for the rest of this math since you can't disable inherent Health The above baseline plus 10% regen from a set bonus: 150% (6.69HP/sec or 401.4HP/min or 2 minutes 40 seconds to go from 0 to full HP) The above baseline but swapping out the 10% regen for a 1.5% HP set bonus: 140% (6.34HP/sec or 380.4HP/min or 2 minutes 49 seconds to go from 0 to full HP). Based on those numbers, a 10% regen bonus is more impactful in terms of HP/sec than a 1.5% HP bonus - but there are a few issues here: A single even-level heal SO in Health is equivalent to a 13.32% regen bonus, which is bigger than almost any available set bonus while only taking up one slot. Unless you already have a high regen rate, adding regen doesn't really do much to appreciably improve your survival. It's way easier to stack HP bonuses which already have a side effect of raising your effective regen rate. Having more HP gives you more time to react if you take a hard hit or two.
  13. Not directly, but leaning heavily onto procs in an attack oftentimes means you aren't able to slot as much acc in that attack as you otherwise would, so you need to make that up elsewhere.
  14. Wait, is OP saying that melee sets are broken because utilizing a (known and sanctioned-for-now) exploit allows a Peacebringer to put out... *checks notes* ...damage numbers comparable to a lowish-end Scrapper?
  15. I am going to once again make the observation that if OP got their wish, almost every piece of content in the game would need to be removed.
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