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macskull last won the day on August 23 2024

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About macskull

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. I lean towards +maxhp and +maxend if for no other reason than powers which buff those attributes are rare outside of the melee ATs. Powers that boost regeneration and recovery are a dime a dozen, but there are only three ally +maxhp powers and one ally +maxend power in the game. Here are some actual numbers (based on a Corruptor): Base HP: 1071 Base regeneration: 100% (4.46HP/sec or 267.6HP/min or 4 minutes to go from 0 to full HP) Base regeneration with unslotted inherent Health: 140% (6.25HP/sec or 375HP/min or 2 minutes 51 seconds to go from 0 to full HP), we'll consider this our baseline for the rest of this math since you can't disable inherent Health The above baseline plus 10% regen from a set bonus: 150% (6.69HP/sec or 401.4HP/min or 2 minutes 40 seconds to go from 0 to full HP) The above baseline but swapping out the 10% regen for a 1.5% HP set bonus: 140% (6.34HP/sec or 380.4HP/min or 2 minutes 49 seconds to go from 0 to full HP). Based on those numbers, a 10% regen bonus is more impactful in terms of HP/sec than a 1.5% HP bonus - but there are a few issues here: A single even-level heal SO in Health is equivalent to a 13.32% regen bonus, which is bigger than almost any available set bonus while only taking up one slot. Unless you already have a high regen rate, adding regen doesn't really do much to appreciably improve your survival. It's way easier to stack HP bonuses which already have a side effect of raising your effective regen rate. Having more HP gives you more time to react if you take a hard hit or two.
  2. Not directly, but leaning heavily onto procs in an attack oftentimes means you aren't able to slot as much acc in that attack as you otherwise would, so you need to make that up elsewhere.
  3. Wait, is OP saying that melee sets are broken because utilizing a (known and sanctioned-for-now) exploit allows a Peacebringer to put out... *checks notes* ...damage numbers comparable to a lowish-end Scrapper?
  4. I am going to once again make the observation that if OP got their wish, almost every piece of content in the game would need to be removed.
  5. Not gonna lie, I got about two lines in before I gave up on trying to let Wall of Text crit me for 5000 psychic damage. Anyone wanna translate with some actual formatting?
  6. If we really wanted to enforce the code of conduct on non-player-created content we would also need to delete every non-Homecoming contact and NPC since the code of conduct prohibits characters that already exist in the CoH IP.
  7. *posts ridiculous thread in Suggestions and Feedback forum* *thread gets locked* *reposts the exact same thread in the exact same place an hour after the original thread gets locked* Surely this one will end differently!
  8. Last one, this is with everything together including another run from today. While this doesn't prove that the actual miss rate with streakbreaker factored in is 4.76% as some quick math would suggest, it does reveal that it is almost a statistical certainty that the true miss rate is less than 5%. Given that, there's not really any reason to doubt the overall hit rate to be the previously-calculated 95.24%. (Also, I should've been using Fireball from the very beginning. Considering how quickly it lets you get large amounts of hit rolls, I probably could have had close to a million attacks if I'd done it that way from the start.) Oh, and here's the distribution of hit rolls from all those attacks.
  9. I'm aware of why they did it, and I'm aware the addition of the server incurs no extra costs for HC so it's a win-win for everyone involved. Michiyo was on the HC team long before Victory was brought under the HC umbrella so that part at least is irrelevant.
  10. It doesn't really matter if I can get a name I wanted if there's no one there for me to play with, unless I'm predominantly a solo player. At the end of the day, Victory is just going to remain a low-population shard like everything else that isn't Excelsior or Everlasting. If even a year's worth of bonus XP on the smaller shards didn't do anything to spread population around, why would adding a new one?
  11. Mez resist bonuses have the same weird quirks. It doesn't help that the combat attributes values for those are displayed in a different format than how powers which actually give mez resistance display it.
  12. Some players build for survivability because they don't want to have to think about inspiration management (or they think inspirations and temp powers are cheating, or they think procs are cheating, or whatever else). It's not as potent as it used to be with the typed defense changes, and to be entirely honest it doesn't really matter in almost any case in this game whether you lose some DPS to get that survivability.
  13. Hey, turns out a little bit of playing around with Python makes this whole thing a lot easier and I can just run it on an entire folder of logs at once! Still relies on manually inputting the strings to search for, but hey it's virtually instant compared with trying to Ctrl-F a 5000-page Word document.
  14. 43434 hits out of 45560 attempts, for an overall hit rate of 95.33%. Unfortunately log file sizes start to get really big with that many entries (this file was over 30MB for just 6 hours of data) and my normal means of analyzing the results slow down a lot when working with files that size.
  15. Redside has less players than blueside because redside has less players than blueside. Barring any massive, game-upending changes, this is always going to be the case. It's the same reason Excelsior is the highest-population Homecoming shard, and the same reason Homecoming is the highest-population CoH server.
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