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Everything posted by PrinceTycho

  1. Anyone have any links to Earth/Earth builds? I'm looking for ideas. 🙂
  2. Anyone know if this addition also applies to the 'Phantoms' Lore power? Since they use the same 'Phantom Army' graphics?
  3. Anyone know if this addition also applies to the 'Phantoms' Lore power? Since they do use the same 'Phantom Army' graphics?
  4. Just checking in to see if there's any new information on this, since the new week is scheduled to start tomorrow. 🙂
  5. It looks like this is the last week that has the weekly strike targets listed on the calendar. Does anyone know what the targets are for future weeks? Or are they actually listed somewhere else?
  6. Unfortunately, the amount of code that this would likely entail would most likely be prohibitive. Tailoring your attack will actually become a bit easier once all the other Origin Power Pools, like Sorcery and Force of Will, are implemented. You'll be able pick attacks through the pools that match your concept better.
  7. I do have to agree that I think doing it for the entire month of October may have been a bit much. That said, I'm looking forward to hearing about what's coming next for the game and Page 4.
  8. Something occurred to me, naturally when I'm nowhere near home. If you slot the Overwhelming Force IO that gives a chance for KD into one of your pets, do the attacks of all of your pets of that type suddenly get a chance to KD their targets?
  9. Not sure if anyone has suggested this, but is it possible to make copies of the Freedom Phalanx's costumes for it, or use their models? Since those would be the costumes most likely to be seen at comic cons in Paragon City.
  10. I might be missing something, but doesn't the LFG system require everyone in the league to be in the same zone before kicking it off? If all zones are going to have the 50 player limit, this may actually be kind of difficult to put together.....
  11. Wind Control and the other Origin Power Pools are probably the things that I'm most eagerly waiting/hoping for.
  12. Not sure if this is a bug, or how to rectify it, but with my Arachnos Soldier, the first costume slot has the 'Epic Archtype' costume option available for using the default Soldier costume as the base. However, it looks like this option is only available for the first costume slot. The other slots don't have this option available to them. Is there something I'm missing? Is it supposed to be this way, or is it a bug?
  13. Does anyone have any kind of link to someplace that actually says what the various powers/abilities of the support Lore pets are?
  14. Is there anywhere that has a list of what the various Support lore pets actually do?
  15. Had a discussion with a friend and some confusion arose from the part of the description that mentioned slotting it into any of the damage powers. Can it only be slotted into a damage power, or can it be slotted into ANY power, and still grant the Form Empowerment bonus? I'd read a guide that suggested that it could be slotted into any power, even though the description specifically mentioned a damage power.
  16. Nice! I remember you both, from the Fist of Justice and Phoenix Force respectively. It's great to see more of some old faces that I recognize. I'm mainly playing on Torchbearer these days, since that's where most of my RL friends who play have ended up. Feel free to say hi.
  17. Glad to hear it. I spent way to much time with your old one back in the day. :)
  18. Having used the LFG system with both sucess and failure, due to sometimes not building a group of maximum size, I'd love to see an option you can check in the LFG screen to only be part of groups that are max size, rather than get stuck with a minimum size group that gets created as soon as the system has the minimum number of people.
  19. Actually, I wouldn't think that getting your Nemesis to spawn randomly would be too much of an issue. They kind of already have something like this in the game for Kheldians, where the Quantums are concerned. They're special spawns that only appear if a Kheldian is in the mission. I'd imagine that the code would be similar. The difficult part would be 'designing' the Nemesis. The easiest solution would to just duplicate you, and a more in depth one would allow you to design your own. Either way, I think it'd be pretty cool.
  20. I hadn't thought about that, but I can definitely see how that one would be a big help for those control sets that are slightly behind the others when it comes to the basic universal controls. I ended going with Diamagnetic for the secondary Regen debuff that it has. Figured that'd be a help against some of the tougher AVs that show up in the end game TFs.
  21. Kind of curious as to what everyone's thoughts are about the various powers that can be slotted into the Interface slot, from a Controller's perspective.
  22. I ended up taking Sorcery, just for the attack. I run solo a lot, with Elec as my primary, and I just felt like I needed the attack power.
  23. It's not that expensive. Summer Blockbuster is active in game; so just run that a couple times, and select it as a reward. A friend of mine has told me that the reward screen is even bugged; that it'll tell you that you can't choose Overwhelming Force more than once every 20 hours, but he says that he was able to do so in two back to back runs without issue. That is jusy hearsay, mind you. I haven't tried running it that often myself.
  24. I'd love to see the powersets that were started finished up. For example, Wind Control and the other Origin based Power Pools (like Sorcery).
  25. I think that removing the shape change animation has messed up several of my binds. I had ones that would change me back to human, then toggle another power on. Without the animation, it attempts to activate the toggle too quickly; before it's actually available to be activated. That's my theory anyway....
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