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Everything posted by ZacKing

  1. Yes it's called a difference of opinion. it happens. people disagree and that's a healthy thing. Hey, don't have a different opinion! It's WRONG!
  2. Don't read many Green Lantern comics do you? lol
  3. Hang on back up. I never said people shouldn't like it and shouldn't be happy with it. If you're happy with the changes, good for you I'm happy for you and hope you're enjoying them. As for being spiteful and contemptuous toward your fellow players, I think you should look in the mirror. you're putting words in my mouth for expressing an opinion that runs counter to yours. Certainly looks that way from here man. Absolutely in my bubble. I never suggested anything other than that. Of course your experience is different. never said it shouldn't be.
  4. Speak for yourself. I don't mind exemplaring down for lower level TFs and such for merits when they're in WST rotation. I'd much prefer repeating content at higher levels than at entry level.
  5. I think you're over exaggerating to be honest and making a whole lot of assumptions about other people based on your own personal biases. First, removing AE from Atlas isn't going to solve anything. New players can make the short trip over to KR to go into the AE building as soon as they enter Atlas and see a post for a farm that you're claiming they're "inundated" with. Next, I don't find it all that annoying that a newer player may not know where to go or what to do. That's what the community is supposed to be for. I'm not going to berate people for getting PL'ed. if they have a question, I'll help them if I can. Tribal knowledge is always going to be better than any pop up window or tutorial.
  6. You mean other than I see it as a complete waste of time and effort on something that wasn't really needed to begin with? I'd have liked for that talent and effort to have gone into other areas of the game. I get that low hanging fruit is easy, but there's other parts of the game that need a lot of attention. I'd like to see effort put into those things. If that's ok with you of course?
  7. It's Monday and we're due for the dozen or so "AE is destroying the world" posts...
  8. Faster speed doesn't mean diddly to me in caves or indoor office maps. Zone travel is meaningless as most everyone has TT now and we're ported right to the mission door. there's always room for improvement imo.
  9. We'll have to agree to disagree here. you can post all the numbers and nerdy math formulas you like and cry balance all you want, if it still isn't fun for me your math and numbers don't work.
  10. Yours included of course. As @Zepp said, this is a suggestions and feedback forum.
  11. They can post all the numbers they want, it won't make these changes an improvement IMO. Exactly!
  12. ^ This. Honestly, I don't think I've even seen one in PI in months, let alone get shot at. FF too.
  13. I think in all my years playing this game I've been shot maybe twice in PI and FF by a sniper. I don't think saying extra defense is a plus in this scenario. lol
  14. I have a MA/Nin scrapper and have loads of fun playing it. great combo! | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1340;625;1250;HEX;| |78DA6593DB4E13511486F76EA7969E805ADAD293B5083D33800FA0515113A504AD7| |A5BC73294C149DBB4432297BE820A68D43B45BDF1413CDEABAFE02111138D8771B5| |EBB79038E9E4CB5EA77F75ED35951BF3FEE7676F1E1772F894A975BBB56ABDA3B5D| |B7AC7BDA859EB1DCD14BDC74D6FE29FA756D14D5D572B5AC73234B376A263756303| |DFBCBEA237BBBABA6834D70CABBB2EFC4BAD96A92EE85ADB683602FDC319A3B16AF| |D77F2F1C9EC1D83A7DB465D3DD95ADEA855B4AEA57736C6A98334BD5BBD5664AF27| |DB255E3885985384E325F88AA9BC06DF300FBC65BA0A835CA71893EC1B650E85C03| |0EC142B112B11EB45AC17B17EC46E534F4EF4E4BCAAF46D331A788D39570797419D| |E9261D17745CD0F14367183AC3D0B94B3A6EE8B81F39FAB6D1C7E00EF3E013F0297| |3EC197388743CFD3F6F4B4F49B00FBC47757DA8EB5B615BA401AE32C7D7408319BF| |CE8C526EA0BF23B623F08EB50EBD073F303DA43D82FA23B7E0BBCD3C7C07DC04B79| |8996DA6A4FA41AE2F8271D6F452BD10EA852EF06C3217C12AF3C825F0327885E9A4| |7A61CC3BBCCB7B31F90DFCCECCFEC0FE506C14B151DCCD24EE268B3BC99EE7D8071| |41B434FB19FDC7BEE17F89B59F803DAA0E0DCFB949B406E02F32F62FE45CCBF88B9| |97710F65CCDF47B34871AE4C1DE57AB95ED329453CA4BA69D44D6759B39C634EE7C| |1025864CE94989B943B81B94F60EE552A3F05DB147667872E3FCF1A227F8C7503D4| |530971A5AFDC5384EAA9B0A9989D8C08310BDB2C34928AC063D38F1E9156065FADB| |DB0DF3BCD194B0ADC6493FD8C8FDEC1B72B24A23EEFD9A4CC704FC97364C829E2D3| |FEF83CC77FD9B3392476368EDD4C6237FF02A469B769| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  15. How long does it take to click between Fly and Hover? LOL OP, I couldn't agree more but that ship has sailed. You'll find no one here wants feedback that goes against anything they do. People just want affirmation, not criticism of any kind. Agree this made the travel pools more complicated than they needed to be.
  16. There's tons of players on here who played the game for years while it was live who all had multiple level 50s across the different servers. How many times do they need to "smell the roses" before they know what they smell like? You can run all the content in the game with your level 50 too.
  17. Last episode was epic! Loved this series. Best of the Disney+ series so far IMO.
  18. Didn't this have something to do with the shield clipping? I want to say that was the reason for it from back when.
  19. Agree with this. It's my experience Torchbearer is a lot deader than it used to be, but there's still stuff going on from time to time. some of the folks I team with left for other servers or moved to Excelsior or just quit altogether.
  20. None of those issues are going to be solved by a speed flag in the UI. Sounds like bad leadership to me.
  21. If they aren't already, team leaders should be advertising speed or non speed runs while forming. that's generally my experience. people shouldn't be getting caught by surprise by what kind of run it is.
  22. Door in Teal'c's face is a classic! I always laugh whenever I see this episode Carter : What's eight down? Jackson : Um...label. With those empty spaces I think the answer is supposed to be identification. Thirteen across is sphere. Jack, this is it. O'Neill : Now, see I assume we still speak the same language...mostly. Jackson : Sphere...planet. Label...name. O'Neill : Following...still...you...not! Jackson : Praclarush taonas. I...I think you wrote the name of the planet we will find the Lost City in the crossword. O'Neill : Bit of a jump? Jackson : Why else would you do that? Carter : The clue for seven down is "celestial body" and he wrote Uma Thurman. O'Neill : Yes!
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