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Everything posted by srmalloy

  1. Depends on what you mean by 'another' use. It's useful for repositioning spawns as an aid to stealth — moving a spawn out of your way to make it easier to skate through a mission.
  2. I remember reading about how English became the de facto language of international aviation after WWII, basically because the American pilots flying cargo into the countries trying to rebuild after the war weren't about to learn some damn ferrin' lingo to talk to air traffic control. There is a joke about it that's been floating around the Net for years: A Pan Am 727 flight, waiting for start clearance in Munich, overheard the following: Lufthansa: "Boden, wann ist unsere Startfreigabezeit?" (Ground, what is our start clearance time?) Ground: "If you want an answer you must speak in English." Lufthansa: "I am a German, flying a German airplane, in Germany. Why must I speak English?" Unknown voice from another plane, in a plummy British accent: "Because you lost the bloody war!"
  3. Except with Wormhole, where it seems that "powexeclocation up:max Wormhole" causes the mobs to appear in the air over you, then drop to the ground unharmed (and completely oblivious to boot) -- except for the odd mob on instanced outdoor maps that will have a Wile E. Coyote moment and fail to notice they're standing on thin air and fail to fall.
  4. Would it be possible to have a slash command, à la the /buildsave command, that you can use with the auction house window open and which saves a record of your current listings to a text file? No live interaction, no way to push anything back into the AH database, just a dump of what a character has on the AH, either stored, selling, bidding, or purchased. Say, four columns -- the type of entry (see previous), count, price (either asking, bidding, or paid), and the item description. This would make it easy to keep a record of what your characters have stuck in the AH without having to scroll through the entirety of each listing tab. Since the listings get loaded when the AH window is opened, it should be straightforward to dump the listings to a text file.
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  5. Another place you can go is the "quiet room" in any of the AE facilities, where powers are disabled, so no one can buff you at all.
  6. 'Octopi' would like to object.
  7. Closer to 'way-knee' than 'wee-knee'.
  8. The German "Kaiser" is the closest approximation of "Caesar" in other languages, as opposed to the more common "see-zahr", which gets both the "c" and "ae" wrong.
  9. According to Merriam-Webster, "Another aspect of this word ('et alia') that creates confusion is the question of when it is appropriate to use it. Some language guides have argued that et al. should only be used to describe people. However, it is used (albeit infrequently) in reference to other things as well." So its use is appropriate if rare, although it would read better if the text were "...losses you have suffered from ARCLIGHT, ..." or "...losses you have suffered at the hands of ARCLIGHT, ..."
  10. The plural of 'Χρόνος' is 'Χρόνοι' (2nd person plural in neutral gender is 'Χρόνια'), but if you're using the full designation, the plural of 'Kronos titan' would be 'Kronos titans' -- however, people just shorten it to 'Kronos', hence the Greek plural.
  11. That reminds me of my going full-blown geek after a Malta GM assault on Talos Island and looking up the proper Greek plural for 'Kronos', which is 'Kronoi'.
  12. Something I have noticed recently while running Ephram Sha's missions in Dark Astoria is that there is either an unusual delay in actually applying status effects to targets, or a timing isssue between the server and client. This manifests itself as the target performing actions after being held -- in the latest example, I used Char on a Defiler, and I got the electric sphere around the target indicating that the Lockdown proc had gone off for a +2 to the hold's magnitude. The Defiler, after the proc visuals appeared, turned around, then raised its hands in an attack animation and flred off an Ice Burst attack at me, which hit and did damage, despite having been held prior to their starting the attack animation, and only after completing the attack did they go into Char's 'target held' animation. Has anyone else seen this sort of delay in applying status effects, or mobs being able to attack after showing a status effect?
  13. I had taken my Shield/Electric tank to beat on Adamastor, using Shield Charge, Thunder Strike, and Lightning Rod (the latter at point blank range) before he was defeated. After he was down, I backpedaled, but was unable to see the character. Playing with the camera angle, I discovered that I'd somehow dropped under the level of the terrace that Adamastor spawns on: My best guess as to what happened is that Lightning Rod, failing to find a space to teleport my character to, shifted it to an open space, which happened to be under the level of the top terrace. This is a bug in the way that the power works, and there should be some sort of check to ensure that characters do not get teleported under the terrain.
  14. From what I recall, the second hit is based off the attack's base damage without AT modifiers, so ATs with a damage modifier of 1 or less will do better with doublehit (i.e., Radial), while ATs with a damage modifier over 1 will do better with the damage boost (i.e., Core).
  15. SQL at least is readable. I worked IT at a naval hospital and wrote code for CHCS, the MUMPS-based medical information system the DoD was using at the time, and I could tell that the core code was written by at least four different groups of programmers who didn't talk to each other, because of the style differences in the different modules. I remember an old joke about the 'readability' of various languages, measured in how long you can be away from the code and still understand it. BASIC you can come back to after a year and be fairly well able to read the code. With C, three or four months away, and you'll have to work a bit to puzzle it out. FORTH, you can go get a cup of coffee and face an almost unreadable wall of code when you get back.
  16. Or, worse, pointless comments. I spent a summer during college working for a company that, at the time, made the POS systems for McDonald's, and I remember a section of code that was a three-and-a-half page loop in assembler with the single comment "chunka chunka".
  17. A relevant example being the current wedding mission, where when you earn the 'Villain Disruptor' or 'Hero Slayer' badge, you get a pop-up message from Agent Hassel or Lord Schweinzer throwing up their 'contact unlocked' window in the middle of your screen -- which, by definition, is virtually guaranteed to be while you are in the middle of combat, with the pop-up window obscuring vital information about the targets you're facing.
  18. It's the same visual 'splash' effect you see from characters and NPCs stepping into the water; I think there's just the one effect, so it plays the same for everyone.
  19. For the same reason you get the occasional mission from regular contacts that has you hand-carrying a message to another contact that is literally twenty feet away from them — they're lazy-ass bastards who get their jollies from watching you run around at their beck and call.
  20. While you're at it, you could also look at why flying pets like the shield and power drones make foot splashes in the puddles in cave maps.
  21. Making it impossible to buff someone not on your team (instead of, as suggested above, having a 'reject outside buffs' flag from Null or elsewhere) would prevent one of the community-positive acts you see (albeit a specialized case) — standing at the top of the toboggan run in the ski chalet area hitting people with Speed Boost and Inertial Reduction to help them get the gold badge for the run. I'm sure that there are other examples — and since things like XP and Vmerits in leagues are team-specific, I wonder if making it impossible to buff someone not on your team would affect buffing/healing members of other teams in, say, a BAF, Lambda, or other incarnate trial. That would significantly jerk over league-based activities — entering the mission randomizes the teams, so if you wound up on a team with no heals, you could be significantly hampered compared to other teams.
  22. If you could drag the windows to a new location and have that location be remembered (like you can for the 'enter mission' popup for incarnate trials and the instanced MSR) it would help — I'm repeatedly annoyed by the 'confirm teleport' popup being fixed dead center on the screen where it covers what I'm doing and resets to that position if you drag it to the side.
  23. You can also consider them to be really ablative armor, because they will completely absorb a single non-AoE attack when they die, which makes them useful for the first exchange when you're entering combat.
  24. And it's even more fiddly than that -- it's a single flag on your character, and the rewards are a single package controlled by that flag. If you have a level 49 or lower character who runs the WST and gets the double merits, then afterward dings 50 and unlocks their alpha, then runs the same WST again, they don't get the Notice of the Well even if they haven't received it that week, because the character is already flagged as having done the WST.
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