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Everything posted by srmalloy

  1. I didn't have screenshotui turned on, so I didn't get a picture of it. but when you do the Nemesis version of the wedding mission, the pop-up that presumably reflects the attitude of Ouroboros itself to what you're doing talks about "what you have sewn" -- this should be 'sown'.
  2. Creating a new pool of server-specific popular names is not, in my opinion, sufficient justification for standing up a new server. Will standing up a new server bring in more players to bring its population up to that of the other servers, or will it simply dilute the population of the existing servers as the people whose gaming experience is irreparably harmed by not being able to get a character name someone else who with malice aforethought has preemptively seized for their character and hoarded specifically to deny its availability to everyone else, move to the new server so they can get the name they are immovably fixated on to the absolute exclusion of any other possible name?
  3. Generally I'll slot the Perf Shifter proc, the Perf Shifter End Mod (to get the 7.5% run speed bonus) and a generic End Mod IO, which I can boost to +5 sometime after hitting 50 when I have the spare merits for the boosters. That gets me a bigger payoff for End recovery than using a third Performance Shifter IO, which will give me a maximum 26.5% End Mod increase.
  4. Looking at the two images, my first question is "Are you accounting for a difference in the size at which the enhancement icons are drawn in your enhancement screen/tray and in the AH listings?" Because this looks like a scaling artifact to me, where the size of the enhancement image in the AH listing is reduced slightly from its "native" resolution, and the effect is to shift the enhancement center slightly.
  5. That's quite true, but I think the "I can't find other hardcore players to team with on the regular servers" complaints will be perceived as different from the "There's no one on the hardcore server to team with" complaints, because they'll have the undertone of "we wanted our own server, and you wouldn't give us one" carried along with them. Of course, this is just my sitting back with a bowl of popcorn watching a niche community of a niche community talking about how popular they believe themselves to be.
  6. If implemented this way, I predict that we'll see a subsequent whine of "I can't find anyone to team with" from the people playing characters with that box checked when the pool of hardcore characters doesn't match their available play times. I also see quite a number of good observations above about all of the (relatively) minor changes that would need to be made to support a hardcore mode, from making characters immune to rez effects (it may not be necessary to actually disable drops of rez inspirations, since they incorporate a rez effect, and since they're more valuable than other insps of the same tier, just turning them off deprives a character of an admittedly minor source of inf from selling them) to rebalancing powersets that have rez-other or rez-self powers. Ultimately, though, what becomes of this is up to the Homecoming staff.
  7. Right up there in the thread title: "It is time for a HARDCORE SERVER" (emphasis mine). A checkbox won't cut it; that leaves him facing the possibility of teaming with players who aren't gunning for a 'one life to live' experience, and who aren't as concerned about not being defeated, allowing him to be victimized by "zergers".
  8. Well, if you stopped buying at Starbucks, you could get more coffee cheaper...
  9. If you join someone else's Nemesis mission, you can get all the badges in one run.
  10. It's not just adding a checkbox to character creation to force 'Ironman' mode; you can already do that yourself, just by deleting the character at the first defeat. What the OP is asking for is a dedicated server, with all of the associated costs, maintenance overhead, and code base changes, to enforce Ironman mode on everyone playing on that server, predicated on the belief that, since hardcore servers have been established for other games, it would be good, desirable, and popular on Homecoming, and the people arguing against it are just naysaying outliers that don't represent the actual playerbase.
  11. MIght be the "Voiceover Volume" slider under the Graphics and Audio tab.
  12. I dislike citing him as a counterexample, but this goes directly against what Jack Emmert described as 'fun' -- throwing yourself at the Big Boss again and again and again, being defeated over and over, until you discover the one trick to defeating them. I'm pretty sure that he would regard "you get one try, and if you guess wrong, too bad; it's over. Start again from scratch." with distaste.
  13. On neither my heroes nor my vigilantes does Arbiter Hawke show a mission available icon over his head.
  14. It's only a cosmetic issue, because they will still offer missions, but I've noticed that the Valentine's contacts will sometimes fail to show the yellow "Mission Available" icon over their heads: I've seen this with both Jessica Duncan and Sigil. As you can see in the screenshot, Jessica is missing the yellow icon, but her contact window shows the "Ask about available missions" text. This appears to occur once per contact -- once you have taken and completed their mission, after you turn it in, the green 'completed mission' icon turns into the normal yellow one and doesn't vanish again. Since you can still get them to offer missions, it's only a minor annoyance, harking back to the early days on Live when the contacts didn't have any indicators over their heads.
  15. And in the Navy, if you're selected for promotion as an officers, you can be 'frocked', which means you can wear the rank insignia of your new rank, and get all the responsibilities and privileges of the new rank. but don't get the increased pay until the promotion actually processes through BuPers.
  16. Endurance Reduction in your attacks will benefit you more than Endurance Reduction in your armor powers.
  17. This takes me back to "The 213 Things Skippy is No Longer Allowed to Do in the U.S. Army" #61: 'If one soldier has a 2nd Lt bar on his uniform, and I have an E-4 on mine It means he outranks me. It does not mean “I have been promoted three more times than you”.'
  18. That basic concept works fine for a power that has a single effect. However, for a power with multiple effects — like a hold or immobilize that does damage — enhancing "power" increases both effects; you no longer have to choose between increasing the effectiveness of the hold and doing more damage. Both effects improve in lockstep. This makes powers with multiple effects overpowered relative to powers that have only a single effect, and will require every single power in the game to be gone over for rebalancing. This will have the immediate effect of jerking over a significant fraction of the characters already built — for example, characters built around, doing more damage at the expense of control — and nerfing their damage output just to save you from the unspeakably horrible inconvenience of getting an enhancement drop you can't use.
  19. I'd suggest another one, "Idiot Ball", but we have far too many examples of both players and NPCs grabbing it to need it added as an explicit power...
  20. That's a vertical misalignment of the 'ground' polygon. You usually can't do anything with it, but it can be annoying when NPCs exploit them — there used to be a tiny gap in the geometry in the plaza at the north end of FF that's between the exit to Talos and the row of buildings south of that; if you were getting the upper hand on a 5th Column spawn there, they could run away, jump down through that tiny gap, run SE under the map, and jump back up through another tiny gap in one of the fenced-off planters on the west side of the plaza south of the Midnighter building. And then show up shooting at you when you'd forgotten about them and moved on.
  21. It's not whether I would, but whether it could be misused, and figuring out how to design the power to prevent it. Look at the original teleport ally power — the devs didn't intend for it to be used to teleport someone to appear five feet out from the roof of a tall building so they would take falling damage on impact, but there were a number of griefers in the early days on Live who got their jollies by doing just that. Contrast that with the use of "powexec_location up:max Wormhole" — it teleports a spawn directly over you at a significant height, but the teleported mobs take no damage when they fall to the ground (and in fact aren't even aggro'd by it); the devs coded the power to prevent it from being used as a damaging attack.
  22. I typically wait until I get a level or two up on the mission if I've got it on a squishie, but I enjoy his monologue because I always hear his voice in my head as the voice of the Heavy from the TF2 "Meet the Heavy" video.
  23. I don't think it was towards people who've played characters through to 50 normally PLing their alts, but towards the people who joined the game, immediately dived into the AE building, and came out as 50s who would ask "How do you get to Steel Canyon?" when invited to join a Posi TF — the "AE babies", which likely included the people coming from other MMOs where the progress to level cap is a mostly content-free grind, and the game doesn't really start until you reach level cap, who don't understand that the story in CoH is woven through the whole leveling experience, who powered their way to 50 only to discover how little actual endgame there was.
  24. Been there, done that on Live, with my Bots/Dark MM, and that was the only time I was able to beat the mission solo.
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