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Everything posted by WuTang

  1. I'm no Sovera, BUT..... Toxic is increased by Healing Flames, the toxic resist stacks and easily maintainable at 90%. So, your only real holes are cold and psi. And someone else might need to chime in, but having the MoT proc in a toggled pbAOE might not be a good idea. I believe it only checks for a proc every 10 seconds and then the proc rates are generally low. Oh and in Consume, I recommend healing not endurance. Consume doesn't recharge fast enough to actual be of any real help with endurance, and unslotted it can refill your blue bar, but what it can also do is boost your HP significantly. Slotting 3 Preventive Med nets you 200 more HP. Edit: Also in Burn I'd recommend slotting the FotG -20% res. You could just about maintain a -20% res permanently with it. Also, in your ST powers slot very little recharge, none preferably, if you have procs in them. Recharge reduces the proc rate. This does not apply to global recharge, however. Also, I wouldn't proc out Fire Sword, the rates are terribly low for a ST.
  2. Definitely, everyone has their own opinion... I don't have an EM, SS, or DM Tanker, but I do have them on Brutes, and I don't particularly like SS nor DM, though I did get them to work. And picking a power just because someone says it "hits like a truck," like I did, isn't what I'd advise. My EM Brute is one of my favorites...though Whirling Hands does look more like a dance move than a power move.
  3. Dude I'm torn.... Thematically I like DA/ElM. For quality of life, I prefer EA/DM.
  4. SR is OP, but don't tell no one! And it's virtually debuff proof, if you don't get hit, you also don't get debuffed. I've got an SR Brute that is mean, and I paired it with Dark to make him a lil extra slippery. Though once an alpha strike snuck its way in and I was left face down pondering just how fast my resistances can react. @Spaghetti Betty builds some mean hero/villains.
  5. I know some really like RoP, but I don't think it's worth the investment. A medium orange does the same thing, has less than half the cast time, stacks with additional uses, and last the exact same amount of time.
  6. WuTang

    Top build

  7. Just a tiny update.... This Tank is awesome. Rad/MA/Energy, with Ageless Radial he's near debuff proof. Exempts down very well. Has ZERO endurance issues at any level. Now I gotta build another! Thinking Electric Armor and something... Cause again I hate the blue bar blues. Thanks everyone for your assistance! Edit: Oh wait! Forgot...I already started a Bio/BA! Guess he's next.
  8. WuTang

    Top build

    I haven't tested it...I only have one Tanker, BUT wouldn't a Brute do better on farms that have EBs? I only active farm S/L maps and use my Rad/Fire/Fire Brute, and I just ST-punch on the EBs while AOEing the rest, and I clear fairly quickly.
  9. Welcome! I'm just a year in myself and still learning some of the ropes. It's a great game with any even better community. Go crazy with your first hero, second, third, fourth....ninety-ninth....four hundred and thirty-seventh, and so on. Seriously though COH is pure crack for altoholics. The number of combinations of powers and costumes is insane. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
  10. I've "finalized" my build but after hitting 18 21 last night it already feels too attack-heavy. Even if I had built it to just sit in the fray I think it'd still be too much. And I'm gonna have to get real good at joisting. The problems I've found that I have is mainly in groups, you can't just simply run through the mob. Might get better after I get Combat Teleport but don't know. I'm open to suggestions. So far though it's been fun and seems to do good damage. But I want to stay fairly proc'd out. Thanks, -WT Edit: I did not follow the power selection as in the build. Blaster (Dual Pistols - Ninja)1.4.mbd
  11. My boy...so proud of him...LOL...he's like me and doesn't mind a grind if the rewards are worth it and like me, he can make his own game out of a grind or make his own challenges. He set out to obliterate my personal best and boy did he. He has a Spines/Stone/Mind Scrapper and cleared it solo in 8:09. He's also completely T4'd 4 toons now, I think. Edit: When we group, I can't keep up with him for the most part.
  12. Yup I do this with a couple friends of mine as well. Except we all talk to her on the final and then since we are all on the same leg of the mish at the end all, but the one, are asked if they wish to complete as well, they select no, get their reward from that run, exit then star selects the next persons mish and go right back in.
  13. How does it handle an additional proc? While the -res of either is present and a second proc fires of an existing -res does it refresh it or does it not apply? I have the same question about FF +recharge too. Cause It seems sometimes not to apply if there is a stack on me. Mathematically, I know there are no guarantees in-game, so I understand that it just may be that on these occasions RNG is prob working against me, but I'm not sure.
  14. Alrighty...decided to go proc'n and rock'n! Wanna see if I can kill'em all before they have a chance to...ya know...do the same to me. But this dude will only group no real solo except for early stuff where it doesn't really matter. Question, if anyone knows. I slotted the Glad -res and Achilles -res in The Lotus Drops. MIDs is only calculating one of them, will they both proc or because they have the same effect it won't stack from the same power?
  15. 3 manned this yesterday for several runs. Solo -1/1 no bosses I can clear it with a tanker in 9 min and some change (9:17 personal best). As a group we got under 10 min once, the rest were ~10:30. The variables are cave size in mish 1, glowy locations in mish 3, and location of boss and goons in mish 2. Some personal variables: my clicking speed and getting stuck behind rocks and wall in mish 1, 3, and 4. How spread out the goons get with more people can be a pain if someone isn't watching and aggros loads on their way in then you end up having to kill way more than needed. We could probably squeeze a bit more time if we could coordinate a lil better. Like in mish 2 have someone head all the way down and start the NPC convo while the others kill the required mobs. But I think the one heading down, if they don't have stealth, may scatter the mobs and make killing take longer. Either way it's done, solo or small group, I ain't complaining. This so much quicker and easier than any other way I've grinded (that a word?? Is now!) for Incarnates.
  16. Holy crap! Down to 9 min now
  17. True. My guy has Super Speed maxed out. He can get to the mish door before TT can load.
  18. True but the Heather Towsend arc is much faster than even an ITF and a common component = 20 threads.
  19. Do the convo's start without the mish leader there?
  20. 1000x Thanks my man!!
  21. 1000x Thanks my man!! Personal best 11:47 min once I got Reveal and learned what to kill and what to skip.
  22. Bruh! Your name is LITERALLY Snarky! It's like you come with a prewarning and all...
  23. Sorry wasn't questioning a typo... I'm king of the typo! I don't actually know what those merits are used for.
  24. What is a transcenant merit?
  25. Did not know this!
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