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Everything posted by Murcielago

  1. So you're judging the change without even testing it? Lol k
  2. I do find them funny actually, I realize that words are just words and they only hold power if you let them and rarely if ever take offense to anyone ridiculing me for my race/gender/beliefs/etc...
  3. As an african american, I am offended by the name Dark Consumption, I would prefer it were called African American Consumption. this is a joke
  4. This isn't breaking the cottage rule. This is a maybe a 10% increase in AoE damage. Its noticable, but it isn't transformative. Bearing that in mind, EB and SS could use some help. Especially with porting SS over to Scrappers.
  5. Prior to the change, the noise would create an audible "thud" when landing the blow. The sound for shadow maul is now the same regardless of missing or hitting. I am not sure if that was intentional or not.
  6. The shadow maul change is a huge improvement. Prior to this I'd have to really set up to hit two to three targets but now I am seeing about four to six targets per activation.
  7. Initial feedback is the improvements are extremely good. Almost too good but then again I do not know how y'all are balancing having a fully IO'd incarnate build vs SO build so ymmv. I'm guessing the animation is a semi-clone of lighting rod? I am seeing the thunder cracks on the ground whenever I activate DC.
  8. Dark/Shield is going to be ridic now. Soul drain fueled double nuke is going to rule them all.
  9. There is a god, brb gonna go beta test the shit out of this.
  10. I wish brutes were as strong as scrappers. They're so weak and puny. Scrappers really are a lot stronger. The only advantage that brutes have over Scrappers is having Super Strength, which should be remedied any day now. Then the new devs can finally delete brutes from the game. this is just a joke
  11. I don't mean this in an apathetic way but are people still seriously having difficulty buying IOs? Homecoming has made it about 10x cheaper to make god-tier builds than on live. Member when LoTG 7.5%s used to cost 30m INF PER enhancement? Now you can almost buy four for that price. Converters have also drastically lowered the price of enhancements as well. Want a bunch of rare enhancements? Buy 30 converters for 3m INF and bam you now have all the rares you want. As for balance, the easy availability of IOs and incarnate powers has made this game far less about strategy and more about overwhelming firepower, with a few exceptions e.g. Hamidon raids(even then we were able to Zerg for a while there). Income inequality may still be an issue in this game but it will never go away and it is stupidly easy to make money using the AH. My live build used to cost 2 to 3bn INF to make. I can almost make three alt builds for that price now.
  12. What is multiboxing? Playing with two seperate accounts at the same time from the same computer?
  13. You forgot to mention: Have a pile of influence to buy your inventions in order to make this combination god-tier.
  14. I've tried to diversify my archtypes, back on live they were all blasters and scrappers. My main Murcielago is still a dark/shield scrapper I remade an archery/energy blaster to an archery/bio sentinel Dark/Spines scrapper to a brute Going to turn a triple ice blaster to an cold/ill controller.
  15. Been enjoying playing this character, I am only at L39 and endurance is still an issue, but he's still fun. Updated the build a little. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1520&c=702&a=1404&f=HEX&dc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
  16. Those things that do more damage than Brutes and Tankers.
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