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GM Tempest

Game Master
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About GM Tempest

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. I see no reason to leave this topic open as it serves no purpose. Please be excellent to eachother.
  2. I think power armor would be neat 😆
  3. Just as a reminder, we do still review these! Devs are aware of suggestions and feedback, we promise ❤️
  4. BEHAVE.
  5. I am sorry you had to deal with that kind of thing. To anyone reading this post, please know that kind of behavior is not tolerated, and if you are thinking of harassing another player, don't.
  6. You talk about walking doggos and don't even post doggo tax. I am disappointed 😔
  7. Please keep it civil, or your sweetroll privileges will be revoked.
  8. Also remember this game is older than World of Warcraft. There is only so much eldritch magic that can be worked with a game this old.
  9. If you feel you need more of a challenge, be a Mercs MM like me! /sob
  10. I, for one, want wizard-ninja-clowns as a mastermind powerset, but alas. I think we can safely say that we're always looking for new features and developments to add to the server. Be watchful of our Discord and betas for upcoming developments, but there's always more in the works!
  11. As unfortunately this thread has been Godwin'd, and the discussion has gotten heated, I'm going to close this thread to avoid further Godwin-ing and leave it as what Impervium has mentioned. We're not likely to bring cash into this and while that is not an absolute 'never will happen', if we do open that avenue discussions at that point can certainly be had.
  12. My diet is not balanced around sweetrolls, but it should be. In other news, please do maintain civility. This topic has attracted a few reports, so remember - you're here to debate a topic, not a person. Don't resort to insults or jabs at one another - save that for the PVP arenas. The jab part, I mean, not the insults. Remember, I am always watching, and I will steal your sweetrolls at the first sign of unruly behavior! 😈
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