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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Ummm, no. This happens while solo or teamed, in radio missions or TFs. It happens 100% of the time with insta-snipe. No need to try to downplay the actual broken code by blaming it on me "doing things I'm not supposed to be doing" while trying to get the fix stopped because you enjoy utilizing broken powers for undue advantages.
  2. It's only with insta-snipe. Regular snipe, damage shows up with the hit as expected. Also, yea, yea, standard code rant. I'm not telling the devs how to prioritize their fixes. I'm asking them to get it on the backlog and if the powers team already have corrections like this in the pipeline, then they have another task to add to the list.
  3. Nrg/Bio/Soul Scrapper ET(slow)-TF-ET(fast)-MB-BS-repeat T4 Musc, T4 Degen, T4 Assault (clicked) Edit: All Core side. 3 runs average 1min 21secs
  4. If it's broken, it needs fixing. It's broken. Any other powers in the game broken in this way should also, of course, be corrected. Edit: And it seems I should add that gaining advantages from broken code tend to be frowned upon in general.
  5. Can't find the others. Nosferatu as a +4 AV in Provost Marchand's arc, he had me on the ropes, insps used up, about to eat dirt and he decides to go into rabbit mode. And NEVER left it. He also stopped using any attacks or heals. Just kept running around all over the damn place. REEEEAAAAALY annoyed at this AV behavior. On the plus side, I took him down because of this broken AI business, but geez. I would have rather eaten dirt. Edit: I was on my nrg/bio/soul scrapper.
  6. It's a problem because it's ugly and dumb. And, no, powers have specific timings that can be altered. See below where Animation Time before Effect is lower than the Animation Time. Edit: Even that doesn't explain it though as the critter takes damage immediately.
  7. ? FU, Focus and Slash are unchanged as far as I know between the ATs. Spin and SW certainly have longer recharge times... Just checked. .83 cast on all three.
  8. If min/maxing, true. However, I HAD to take it on this guy:
  9. I've skipped a lot of Windows OSs. Not seeing any reason to break that for 11.
  10. I've considered adding gloom to my claws users but I just don't know if I can give up conserve power and phys perf for it.
  11. For someone downvoting any post that even hints at a soloist-positive viewpoint, please forgive me for laughing at your opinion regarding forum elitists.
  12. You'd think but Noooooooo. Damage occurs as soon as the game thinks you clicked the attack.
  13. Want to stay ranged and not die? Sentinel. Want to go heavy damage but stay solo? Scrapper. Want to never die but be slower? Tank. Team a lot? Brute.
  14. Damage lands before projectile hits target. Quite maddening. Thanks much. -BZB
  15. I have three claws chains. Single target is the same for the scrapper, brute and tanker: Followup, Focus, Slash, repeat. Scrapper AoE is Followup, Spin, Shockwave, repeat while brute/tanker AoE is Followup, Focus, Spin, Shockwave, repeat. For me, even though the ST damage is less with claws than it is with nrg, claws wins for two reasons: Claws spends FAR less time corpse blasting and it remains dead sexier by far.
  16. My chaos mage is now and has been a fire/bio sentinel for a long time now. There's no getting around the facts: Kheldians suck. Human only, tri-form, bi-form, it doesn't matter. Whatever you end up shooting for some other AT can do it better.
  17. My brother only logs on to make sure he's at capped badges. After T4ing several alts, I generally only log on Wed night for SG ITF runs. Everyone posting here and in game are coming at this revival in different ways and getting different things from it. I'm happy as all #&$^ that BZB exists again but I don't actually grok why I'm not playing him more. I honestly spend more time on the forums than I do in game and while that made sense back in the old days when I wasn't temporarily retired, it makes very little sense to me now. To the OP, make this game what you want it to be. I think @Erratic1hit it on the head. Be the game you want to play. Edit: Ok, that's not a bad sig line.
  18. Knowing you have zero experience with claws.... Oh... wait... seriously you haven't done this yet?!?!
  19. I get the immobilize hate. I also get why those that have them use them. Would you as a blaster decide to not use fireball? Would you as a scrapper not want to fire off spin whenever it makes sense? Same goes for aoe immobilizes. It's usually the best DPA AoE in the set and should be used often because of it. I don't care when I see a spawn locked down. I'm all about the Tab-Follow-Kill mentality and care not at all if I'm not hitting every enemy cuz they got spaced out by an immobilize. And because I don't care, I especially spam the hell out of my one good aoe.
  20. DoTs solo can be a pain causing an increase in corpse blasting with sets like Nrg Mel. But they sure are a sweet extra against hard targets.
  21. And damage auras coming off the secondary don't crit so brute 2ndary damage auras > scrapper 2ndary damage auras. Edit: And knowing that whether a power can crit is an attribute easily added to said power and could be done in a single pass makes me think the powers that be still don't want scrapper 2ndary damage auras to crit but I absolutely think otherwise.
  22. They could try, and it would be amusing, but I ain't got no soul to suck!
  23. As a devil, it seems like only The Circle want to talk to me, but if I were allowed to choose? I'd also probably go Devouring Earth. I mean... humanity IS the biggest problem on the planet after all.
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