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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. Except kick and boxing, which are hot garbage.
  2. I'd be fine with this as an option for Masterminds.
  3. The community is small. I doubt the current pvp community could field an entire paragon city of pvp. You would never finds folks to pvp with if everyone is scattered across 15+ zones. You can barely find pvp in the existing 3-4 zones currently. LOL
  4. Same except for story I usually go with FFXIV, KotOR, the Mass Effects, SOME of the OTHER Final Fantasies, and Baldur's Gate series.
  5. The devs in a recent thread pretty much explained that there have been many ideas they wanted to do that they pretty much got stopped in their tracks due to this game's ancient code or engine. I imagine this one might one of those times.
  6. It could possibly work in a trial, but would take time to code.
  7. The recent changes affected fire farming. That was not the only type of farming possible. And there were already farming builds on the forums to mitigate the effect of some of changes.
  8. You can just block someone like that. Ain't nobody got time for folks like that. 😛 You can form whatever you want where the F ever you want. Up to folks if they want to join or not.
  9. I would be fine with any booster they release. I would be careful of saying something is never going to happen. Homecoming has proven that statement wrong before.
  10. Yeah at this point I'm fine with any instant level 50 idea.
  11. I don’t agree at all that MMS are a fairly solid AT in high level content. I’d bet most folks who have tried them in the HASF or HITf would agree.
  12. yep. The second Matt Miller be-grudgingly made the merge (he had no choice. Players were already talking about how they would just wait till they left Praetoria and just go blue to use the better market there or just trade actual enhancements between their segregated toons BEFORE Going Rogue even came out) the idea that “inf” was anything other than money was a pure joke. Hell when IOs came out and a FREAKING Market that used nothing but inf as a currency arrived well before GR, the idea that inf was anything but money was already a joke for pretty much 99% of the player base. The live prices reflected this.
  13. So what you’re saying is . . . COH is a simulation 😂
  14. It's entirely up to the devs and what's possible in this ancient engine. 😅
  15. I'm going to quote this again and remind us of what Cobalt said a few pages back. Even if a change is liked by everyone (devs, players alike) but then the dev gets in and see it requires an engine re-write you can bet it's not going to happen. So even if players and devs agree on a change and want to do it, let's not forget that COH is essentially spaghetti code.
  16. Also THIS. This right here. Also add in the streamlining of the level path by making powers available earlier. THAT one was basically asked for repeatedly and loudly by some folks even when the game was live.
  17. Join Gold Testers channel/Discord. At THAT point of testing the change is NOT really considered a done deal. That stage is before the feedback threads and when they ask for public testing.
  18. If you are saying that the community votes on what the devs actually code next: I would say no. This could easily become problematic on so many levels. What I would suggest however is maybe a list of what the devs are thinking about next as a list on the forums maybe, with the cavaet that NONE of it is guaranteed to actually be IMPLEMENTED next.
  19. THIS would be cool as hell! One of the most interesting parts of Going Rogue and that universe is the drastic difference between the two types of clockwork. Really showed how much of a crazy alternate reality Praetorian was. 😊
  20. i would be very careful with continuing to say “it’s not going to happen”. Some of the recent changes like level streamlining and insta pvp 50s were said to “never going to happen”. At this point I personally don’t care if we do or don’t get insta pve 50 or start at level 25 characters. If it happens I’ll use the feature when I want. If it doesn’t, /shrug, nothing lost. But recent history and dev posts have taught me to never say never when it comes to HC. Just saying.
  21. ONE 3D artist!!!??? Good lord. LOL EDIT: May God have mercy on his or her soul!
  22. I will say that it would be nice if a boost were given to non-AE activities so that folks don't feel the need to farm as much. What you've been stating shows that other non-farming content could use one. (It was stated as something that they'll be looking into in the future).
  23. Thanks I missed those graphs and that data the first time it was posted. But glad to see that decisons ARE in fact being made based on hard data, not what the devs "feel" or "like".
  24. True. Should also point out there have been threads I've been reading in the last hour with various folks (including America's Angel, someone who is in the beta testing channel and is the pvp rep) posting information and feedback on how to update AE and fire farming builds to adapt. Fire farming will be fine.
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