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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. I doubt this would ever happen based on the philosophy of this dev team. Also This would be amazingly difficult to code base don how this game's code works. Even the New Dawn server (which has various types of free form systems similar to what the OP suggests) that has a similar system could not do this for some ATs, as the coding was too complex. Stalkers for instance do not have a free form power selection system over there due to how baked in Hide is. With the lack of dev resources here (again volunteer dev team) if this ever happened don't expect to see it any time until 2045.
  2. There is absolutely nothing wrong with expressing dissenting opinions or saying why you think a suggestion is a bad idea. The title of this part if the forums is Suggestions and Feedback.
  3. Agreed. This is the most silly definition of gatekeeping I've ever heard. Tilting at windmills is a favorite past time in this part of the forums. The knockback issue really isn't even up for discussion until a dev says they view the so called "slot tax" of changing KB to KD with an enhancement as an actual tax. Everything from various posts to comments in beta seems to lean in the opposite: that this is what's expected of players if they don't like the KB. I've never once in the literal decades that this has been discussed seen dev say "yeah we'll do universal or in set changes to move something from KB to KD", and especially not on sets as strong as something like illusion control. But maybe I'm wrong and a dev will choose to chime in this time. (Not holding my breath lol)
  4. agreed. The only way I can see this, if it's made auto with the full effect as if it were at least two slotted with two level 50 recharge IOs. I doubt the devs would agree to that.
  5. On some Doms I do take the concealment pool, just to get the extra LOTG recharge cause it makes perma doming easier.
  6. I could have sworn this was brought up before and a dev did in fact chime in that having more than one auto power was something they were not inclined to do. But I can’t find the post.
  7. as mentioned only a dev can confirm.
  8. I don't think anyone is saying anyone has to prove anyting. Folks are just pointing out the POSSIBLE pitfalls to any suggestion. Answering those can help the poster (or others) refine a suggestion or offer alternative approaches. Which happened in this thread when the idea of the checkbox came up. (Though not what the Original Poster asked for).
  9. As someone who works in IT for planning, these are the types of questions Developers, Architects, Business Analysists and QA folks are challenged daily to ask. I'm sure the dev team would also have to look into these. They may be volunteers here, but they sure as hell ARE professionals in their day to day paid jobs. On a side note, I'm glad HC takes a methodical approach like this to anything they implement. And that's not guessing or assumptions before anyone says so. Just spend any time in the betas Discord and you can see it first hand. I've seen what happens on other COH servers when things are done in a slapdash throw everything at the wall manner.
  10. I don't like is a perfectly fine post. It helps the devs judge how popular or unpopular and idea is. And that helps the dev to give them direction if they ever do decide to go on a spree of implementing suggestions from the forums (not likely they will or will ever have the manpower to go on ANY spree, but one can dream.) I don't thik any idea is dumb, but there are some that . . . well shouldn't be suggested. But that's subjective and is STILL not calling the actual poster dumb, stupid or awful. Those are two very different things. We may have to agree to disagree here.
  11. I’ll saying again pointing out why a suggestion is problematic or would take too much budget or you would rather the devs do something else is NOT toxic. If folks don’t want discussion about their suggestions they should just dm it to a dev or GM and be done. This is a public forum. Telling folks why you think a suggestion won’t work isn’t toxic. Sick of seeing that false argument.
  12. hmmmm a dev would have to comment but the fact that this has not been done since it was requested in freaking 2019 makes me think there are some technical limitations that they ran into when they dogged deeper into it. In that post the dev did say they already saw some UI issues. Would not surprise me if they found other limitations with how infamously bad and spaghetti COX’s ancient code is.
  13. I would not. I’d prefer they didn’t break all my characters costumes. they can adjust the aura menu only to add extra aura UI.
  14. And this is the problem with a checkbox that others were alluding to. the amount of incidental splash damage and AOE in COX is probably a bazillion times more than in games like WoW. And you can’t really control how other players choose to play. If hardcore player complained to me that splash damage got them killed I would laugh in their face and immediately put them on ignore. 😹 A server for those folks who want to play that way just sounds like an infinitely better idea. with that said may not be issue as I can’t see many folks playing hardcore anything on COH. i can image at most 30-50 players using it. Again, not a good use of server resources, but if the devs want to do it up to them.
  15. Actually this would be a very cool compromise. I like this, not sure it’s what the OP wants though.
  16. If the devs get some data that a lot of players want this, they can have at it. I'd bet though that they won't find that a lot of players want this. But it's up to them to decide what they want to do or build. As for the meta argument on suggestions: We can make 1000 suggestions. Don't expect them to implement or respond to even one. I'm okay with that, sepcially since this is a passion project for them. They should build or create what they like. So far what they've built or added to COH I've agreed with 95% of the time. I trust their judgement over anyone posting on these forums.
  17. Ths suggestion should be something optional, that you set. It shouldn't default like that for everyone.
  18. No thanks. I don't like levelless. I don't like the suggestion and would not like it to be implemented here on Homecoming.
  19. I don’t think IOs and Incarnates are anyway near as game breaking as some of the stuff that is possible with New Dawn’s Paragon AT. As far as I know no combination of IOs or Incarnates here in HC can get you to 70 defense to all positions and 4.65 perma recovery. LOL EDIT: And I mean you have those values all the time, not just in short 90 second bursts with Destiny.
  20. The certificate being expired is a recent issue that I noticed today alos. Also concerning.
  21. Case in point I just made this on New Dawn. There are no limits to getting the same power again. And once I use one of Drain Psyche I can use the other. Same for Psy Shockwave. This plus the Force Field powers plus the kin powers. . . . Tankmage here we are. LOL EDIT: My point is that HC's focus has always and will always be about trying to BALANCE the game or at the very least not making it more unblanaced than it already is. They've said this in multiple betas (closed and open). So yeah, no, I don't see them implementing something like this here on HC. They have enough trouble trying to balance the game without issues like what's pictured below. I've also made combiniations with Paragon AT that are even more broken than this. It's fun on New Dawn, as that is what that server is about. That is NOT what HC is about.
  22. I still find threads faster. I level once after 50 and have 120 threads, with alpha open and read to craft for.
  23. It makes the game stupidly easy. I have multiple characters on New Dawn/Cake that pretty much run through AVs and the highest difficulty levels with ease. It would be impossible to balance such a thing here on HC. And HC team has said they actually DO try to keep things balanced. While fun as heck I can’t recommend it for here. At that point you might as well give everyone a button that lets them insta level to 50 and call it a day. i should also mention that Nee Dawn is pretty much empty at most times of the day. Being all powerful all the time with no actual barriers to anything got pretty boring pretty fast.
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