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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. Pretty much the most perfect response to anything you don't like happening on a team or anything complained about in this entire thread. I don't complain about teams I don't like. I just leave. Life is too short for aggravation during my COH time. I have work for aggravation. (The other option is forming your own damn teams and running them anyway you like . . . and can get other to go along with).
  2. The Hallows trained me for how to get around without around without aggroing things. Good times back in the day lol
  3. Except it’s not your RP space. Pocket D is a public space. If we were talking about SG bases then your comment would make more sense.
  4. If the devs want to make the change they will. If they don’t they won’t. Not sure if it’s worth pages of argument. there is space to RP whether the npc is moved or not.
  5. I like the original suggestion. Better than messing with code and the database (which I think is off the table with how small our volunteer team is).
  6. ATIOs should not determine if an AT is balanced or not. All the ATs should have good balance. The original devs just built things without thought. ATOs being good should be completely separate from AT balance. Same situation with Procs and AT balance. If I need to proc something up the waazoo for me to feel it's decent, then it isn't decent in the first place.
  7. I meant nope to all of the OP. lol Also the existing penalty for incarnate powers not working below 45 is enough. EDIT: OP = Original Post
  8. I often wish I had more slots so that I could slot it up. Alas I never do on my stormies.
  9. I would like them to finish the rest of the slots eventually, but it's not really the number 1 priority right now. More content at level 50 and post level 50 would be nice.
  10. Nope to all of it. And it already shuts off you go below 45. That's enough of a penalty for exemping.
  11. I prefer the blasters. And I don't build blasters to be glass cannons. YMMV.
  12. Yeah the exemplar system is one of the easiest systems in the game by far. There really is no thinking for players who understand how it works. Of all the things that exist in COH the sk and exemplar systems I'd say are the least clunky. Also I find your ideas would DECREASE build diversity. Drastically. There isn't much in this I agree with. And removing SOs when the game DOES NOT require IOs, makes most of this dead on arrival. Have fun theory crafting though. 🙂
  13. In addition the convenience you mention, I actually STRONGLY did not/do not enjoy the arachnos storyline. It always felt like I was being rail roasted to work with them. Which is why prefer the updates done and the fact that you can betray the Patrons in the late game. Also I agree that the story should move forwards NOT backwards. Hopefully they can create and echo of the old zone layout for those who want it.
  14. Yep, they are NOT going to revert the map. I would be against that. An echo though would be good. And as others have pointed out the old contacts still exist.
  15. Interesting as I think Kinetics is waaaay more popular than SOAs for the general in game pop. If I have an option to take a Kin over any SOA, I’m bringing along the Kin. Every time.
  16. The crashes need to go. Other than using them as mules, with the crashes as they are, most of the T9s I would not touch even on an SO build, especially with Incarnates being a thing. Sorry but that design is an archaic relic that needs to go. I like a lot of the suggestions here. I would tack on that the crashes simply need to go as the first requirement.
  17. I've leveled some alts recently and don't remember seeing these contacts pop-up after leveling. I've seen others but I don't recall them coming up for the University. My memory could be off though.
  18. And a recent thread the HC team said they have ONE animator.
  19. This would be more a supervillain origin story. 😄
  20. Now this . . . THIS would be a great idea!
  21. Also this. Very much this. The bolded. I had forgotten about that. LOL.
  22. Yeah . . . I like the suggestion . . . but this doesn't make sense. All you need to do is craft and sell ONE purple and you have enough to buy as much rare salvage as you need to craft the next 5. Sell those then you have enough for the next 10, and so on and so on. Rare savlage should not be an issue if you have purple recipes to craft. EDIT: Hello I'll craft and sell em for you. Just give me 25% of the profits and we're good. I wish I had that many purple recipies that I needed 200 rare salvage. I would be a multi-billionaire in game by now. LOL
  23. Anything is possible within reason. If the devs see that something is too difficult or needs an engine re-write they usually won't do it. So all though it can be possible level of coding difficulty is a factor. A few of the devs explained this in a recent thread. But only they would know that difficulty if and when they look into. With that said anything that makes account management easier would be a plus.
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