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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. TBH I’d make multiple alts if they ever figured out how to make whip centric power sets other than what we get for the demon summoning mm set.
  2. I don’t trust PUGs. I run at +0 due to that. Sub 50 or otherwise. Teaming with friends we go town with difficultly options.
  3. that . . . That sounds mind numbingly, soul crushingly gouge my eyes out boring. But to each their own. I pray there are not a majority of players do this. I pray for their sanity. LOL
  4. That’s exactly what I meant. My point was that arcane was incorrect in saying the OP was asking for other content to give out rewards at the level that AE does. Which is sure as hell not what the OP of this suggestion said.
  5. The devs started the review of rewards long before this discussion of AE started, was my understanding. So there is going to be a change, and unless I misread no where did the OP say the rewards had to match AE. AE gives zero merit rewards. EDIT: It gives (for now) emp merits which folks more often convert into incarnate components not reward merits.
  6. And I had completely forgotten about that version of Rebirth!!! and ANYONE can take that! Lol
  7. And I disagree. A power like that being able to buff an entire league is ludicrous. I think that is a major problem with that power. If I were changing farsight that’s the first thing I would change. I would also reduce what power boost does to it in some way. Whether it affects the cater or not is less of an issue imo. But we can all agree to disagree.
  8. I had forgotten you get reward wills on TinPex! Thanks for the reminder. 😊
  9. I believe the devs are already reviewing how content rewards. I expect there will be some content reward buffs and nerfs whether we all like it or not. It’s as inevitable as the upcoming adjustments that will happen to procs and a few key powers that abuse the hell out of them. Discussions and suggestions like this are a great help for the devs to see where some folks are coming from. This particular suggestion along with whatever changes are coming would be good to see. I seem to also remember them saying a rewards review would be coming well before they started to work on hard mode content.
  10. they will move on to other farming maps. The folks who only log in to farm for whatever reason are not suddenly going to start doing TFs lol i don’t think that was the goal or expectation for this change.
  11. Probably lack of available time. The original devs were on deadlines and paid to produce. They didn't have time to tinker all day due to management and financial pressures. So unsurprising that they'd take the easy way out for things like damage types. HC devs though, have no pressures. So I would be fine if they took 10 years to get us these new type of separate damage types and proliferated them. 🙂
  12. @Cobalt Arachne Will players be able to resist that with Orange Inspirations or will this teleport they will now do override that? https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Inspirations#Resist_Damage_Inspirations
  13. Makes those nukes folks have been complaining about in teams more relevant now too doesn't it? 😉
  14. LOL pretty much what my non-squishy characters will be doing. Nice change devs!
  15. I would prefer if the suppression were reduced to 2-3 seconds maxed for all the other reasons (and test feedback given) already stated.
  16. I was in beta and the reasoning for the changes make sense with the following: I would only argue again that rewards for other content be buffed (ofcourse NOT to AE levels, as that would be insane). I would also ask that we get more non-level 50 content in the future. Other level ranges besides 50 have needed content for ages. I'd also hope that the hard mode options get ported to other content other than TFS sooner rather than later.
  17. No. I like it the way it is where I actually get recopies I can use. Getting drops for levels much later is one of the annoying things I hate about CO and other games that do that.
  18. I've never heard of Aid self being necessary, or chosen by most folks. I barely see it on any builds posted on these forums. So I found that very interesting.
  19. If xp were taken away from AE I would step into it a lot less and just go to PI for PLs (which would be where PLIing would inevitably move). I'd only play player written AE content if it were mixed in with actual missions (and mission doors in the various zones), and not in a one zone simulation.
  20. I vendor uncommon not rares. Rares are pretty much the only ones I put on the market. Uncommon and common aren't worth the time or space to put on the AH.
  21. And also pointless. The gains compared to orange salvage and enhancements gotten via converters, is a complete waste of time. Faster to vendor them.
  22. It's an okay set. Played one to 50 and never touched it again. There are better sets so I focused my IO'ing and incarnating out on those.
  23. I'd rather spend time on converters. Meh. I make absolutely nothing the few times in the past that I've tried just farming and selling salvage. Which is pretty much why I just vendor anything non rare nowadays. And I don't pay "buy it now prices". I just put up a price I think is fair and go play the game. Come back later and it's filled.
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