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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. Right, which was my point. Procs shouldn't even enter the discussion when talking about balance. Balance the power based on what it does and whatever damage formula that's required by COH dev rules, then go from there. Procs should have nothing to do with if a power is good, as we can't assume the player will use procs. Similar to how we cannot assume the player will use IOs. We've been told the main balance point is SOs, unless something has changed . . .
  2. I think one thing that's coming out of this feedback is that many of the ancillary/patron powers are just not worthy of being considered a level 35+ pick when compared to other primary and secondary picks you've been using for many levels prior to access to the "epic" powers. I for one admittedly only take many of them for the set bonuses and places to get Resistance bonuses by using them as mules. Apparently I was not the only one. LOL The patrons especially I often have a hard time justifying them if they are not needed in my build. Surely somtehing the HC team can look at in the future (yes it's too late for this Page). EDIT: And to be fair this is not a knock agains the HC dev team. Paragon SEEMED to have some really ass backwards ideas that the ancillary/patron pools could not be competitive with the primary secondary picks where possible. I vehemently disagreed with that idea and still do.
  3. Agreed. But I'd still prefer the devs be cautious when drastically changing powers that folks already use as a general rule. At the very least they should data mine how many folks have that power and are using it in their build before making drastic changes. This ofcourse does not mean that they can never completely change a power, but those already using it should definetly be taken into account.
  4. It's either use Merits or use the /AH. Or stick with SOs. Or you can simply use the merits to purchase boosters/converters, sell them and then fund you SO build multple times over. That last line is as easy as it gets.
  5. Or simply drop the difficulty if you want to steam roll. At +0 x8 teams will still steam roll. You don't have to play at +4 x8 if your team can't handle it. That's true even now.
  6. I would say the opposite is true. Fix it in the Role Diverstiy screen. A lot is just incorrect in that screen.
  7. EDIT: NVM just read the GM post and i'm good. lol
  8. Honestly I don’t care about challenging teams. Teams are fine as is. If any 8 players that are optimized can’t steam roll most regular mission content then the IO system is pointless. Add hard modes for more TFs and call it a day.
  9. No thanks.
  10. That’s fine. Leave it open to giving those badges to anyone that joins any size SG. Leave prestige out of the game forever.
  11. And I had forgotten this already exists. There you go. Honestly when soloing anything I never go above +1 maximum. It's only on the rare occasions that I lead teams that I go higher as the team's speed and sturdiness permits. And honestly high level teams will still be steam rolling Council. Emphasis on TEAMS.
  12. They should add a setting that allows you to go -1 to your level.
  13. x5 the xp on red side one day a week. Other than that I have no idea how you get folks to play reside more.
  14. If one of the goals is to teach players about the roles, then the system should match what they see when they first log in and create a character. Regardless of anything else the role setting for this new system is a major problem. I like the earlier suggestions already made to improve it.
  15. I’d argue a team of random 8 could still complete that Synapse. Slowly but still could be done. Also those new players probably also have no idea what Prismatic Aether are.
  16. This is my main issue with how this is currently set up. I agree with Dispari’s suggested fix.
  17. EDIT: NVM we're going in a circle. They've already mentioned they will be keeping an eye on making sure we don't get currency bloat. So I'm fine.
  18. Just let stuff drop as a receipe. And have that recipe require 4-5 Orange crafting resources. EDIT: Make it a guarenteed recipe each time for anyone who participated. If GMs are done regularly won't be any issue with just having it drop each time you do a percentage of damage to them. The extras folks get after they do the same GM again they can just sell on the AH. GMs now have enough merits in general that it shouldn't hurt participation. Personally I would just sell any other reward like PAs, since I have no interest in those pets or any other Aether-related reward. I'd put up the recipe on the AH each time for anyone who wants.
  19. *hears this strange upbeat saxophone music playing suddenly*
  20. People already pointed one obvious one: Have some ATs count for more than one role. Controllers definetly should count under Control. Iol
  21. Yes adding the mouse over pop-up to teach new players about what the heck PAPs are would be a good thing. Cause right now it’s not clear at all for new players.
  22. And this is actually one of my larger issues with this. I did not read that chart deep enough. I mean control is in the name of the AT lol I think if multiple ATs could fill multiple roles just like the epic ATs it would solve ONE of the key objections.
  23. While I can see this, I hope it doesn't become a regular thing in HC. One of the large things (of many) that turned me off Champions Online was the constant addition of multiple forms of currency from time to time. By the time I stopped playing that game fully a year ago, there were 23 different types of event and regular currency to keep track off. So much so they had to create a separate tab in the interface just for tracking all the currency types. COH's interface isn't as clunky as CO's but I hope we don't get to the point of having so many different types of currencies introduced that need to be tracked that such a change needs to happen.
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