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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. Levitate is godlike when combined with Singularity in. Specific sets, but I'm sure there are other instances where the synegry happens.
  2. Yeah I don't remember the devs saying this was fixed 100%. This MAY help them figure out the other instances. Nice work.
  3. The game never had a trinity. Even back in issue 2 when I started playing folks were already figuring out that the tank, healer, dps model was stupid to use in COH, not when Defenders and Controllers existed. As others have stated, you could form teams where not a single heal or taunt was needed ever. To me, that's all you need to know.
  4. Quoted again for the truth.
  5. This. Life's too short to put up with nonsense.
  6. *raises hand* I haven't run Hami for HOs since live. Once Purples and other advanced IOs became a thing I stopped caring about HOs. Even on the SF/TFs that give them, I always go for the merits. EDIT: To explain further: I can make more money off merits by converting them in to enhancement converters. Give me 800 converters (rought 6-7 hami runs) and I can make a billion in a week on the AH using converters. I've done it on multiple chracters multiple times. HOs became pointless to me once merits could be converted into converters. I can just convert, make the inf and just outright buy the HOs I need on the market.
  7. Yeah bothering with Uncommon Salvage is pointless. The amount of time to bid creep on that I could spent in a mission and might have had a purple drop.
  8. It would make it worse. Which is why folks are asking for some limits to which channels it can be in.
  9. I never even knew there existed a chat character limit. lol
  10. I've done level 50 charaters with best of the best builds (800 mil + builds) found on the fourms (or made myself after playing with MIDs for an hour) and I've made level 50 builes with min maxing sets and the game plays fine either way. Agreed. COH is not that difficult that you need to always squeeze the best performance out of EVERY build / character you make.
  11. No thanks. It's good the way it is. Obviously some folks ARE most definetly choosing the hami reward or none would be on the AH.
  12. Yeah I've had to do this with a few purples that are simply not on the market, at the times I needed them.
  13. A true legend. Rest in peace sir. 😞
  14. Seeding hamis would be a good idea. I think they should also create more IOs that copy what Hammis do.
  15. We need more variety in set bonuses. Not less. I don't consider juts porting the +recharge bonus everywhere as variety. YMMV.
  16. Why we disagree was stated. You just don't like the reasons. You're entitled to to that.
  17. And again disagree. Luckily it's not up to you or me. If the devs feel like adding more power creep by adding more sets with +recharge then that's up to them. Adding more +recharge is not more options. It's the same stale options they have had on purples for a decade. I would prefer something new.
  18. Protip - Disagree we need more of the same + recharge. If we want options then lets as for new and varied options for new purples. Not the same old same old. It's really that simple.
  19. I like the suggestion with the refinements suggested. Hope this one is actually made be the devs! Kudos @Archsaint and @Rudra 😊
  20. Yeah I learned yesterday on CMD and Powershell in windows pressing up arrow also displays what you entered as commands last. And now I learn this lol
  21. TBH I'd prefer this versus just adding another GM.
  22. Also the fact that filling in those slots would need massive manpower for animation, power creation, etc. It's not just a content issue. As you said we may see the slots filled in. But I would bet that won't be until 2030 at the earliest.
  23. "Idea" . . . I see what you did there. LOL
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