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Everything posted by tidge

  1. This is just speculation, but if a player with a low screen resolution clicked all 10 trays open, and the trays auto-populated as stacks, the player might lose the (x) to close them. I'm not a hater on the ask, but as I wrote: I don't know that this change would be harmless to every potential player.
  2. On Blasters, I skip Water Jet. I just want to get that out of the way so that my bias is not unknown. I don't want to repeat the reasons here, but some HC changes a while back so that Water Jet doesn't consume Tidal Power on a miss make it better than it was. The short version of the Blaster/WJ story is that single-target WJ was keeping me from optimal AoE damage from the Blaster and reducing spawn clear times. Sentinels are not Blasters natch, and unless the secondary has some (likely PBAoE) %damage potential, I wouldn't be quick to skip Water Jet. IIRC Sentinels only get one potential PBAoE %damage power Parasitic Leech (T9) whereas other Bio Armor ATs get two. For early levels, I think your attack chains will be a little uneven, so I wouldn't sweat figuring out a near-perfect one yet. As you level up and get set bonuses you will probably find yourself doing less swapping between Adaptations as well. Eventually work Tidal Forces into the build. It is a middling sort of build up (IMO), but it will help a lot at higher levels. Good luck!
  3. This would (I think) be a niche implementation that could have negative effects for other niches of users... such as anyone with a small display setting. In either case, I think both are snall groups and the current system seems to handle both equally.
  4. @MoonSheep pretty much hit all the points I would make, so I'll just re-state this one: IMO a LOT of the builds I see have (by my judgment) seriously over-estimated the importance of things like "Defense Softcaps" and "Resistance Caps" (especially Smashing/Lethal). There *are* narrow content windows where these things can make a difference (even if a player has well-built and well-played teammates) but for most content it barely matters. I often feel that most characters would just be better with a self-rez power! Long-time players will remember classic arguments like "going from 85% resistance to 90% cuts your damage taken by one-third!" while simultaneous ignoring how much health-per-tick will come back from a Tanker/Brute, and the effects of things like Scaling Damage Resistance, etc. The HC change to damage-typing also had a subtle impact to simply trying for overkill on S/L. The "S/L is the most common damage type in the game!" argument doesn't sway me; IMO how a character deals with S/L should help establish a baseline of performance and not some special niche that can be filled by any rando character. Full disclosure: I do sometimes still go the route of the Fighting pool for some characters in order to ---/Tough/Weave but in practice I almost never toggle on either Tough or Weave. Sometimes I am guilty of this (because selfishness)... but usually it manifests as picking a potentially early ally buff as a later power pick and not a flat-out non-slotting of powers I've actually taken. If I have a choice, it will be a S/L resist buff that I delay, see my comments above.
  5. The set I think is overdue is a "Universal Control" set. Attack powers have no shortage of sets (including ATO and Winter)... and there are "control" powers that often have multiple potential status effects. It bugs me that we have Hami-O and D-Syncs that can fill this niche, but such (relatively) limited choices for the levels 10 thru 47 journey. I also feel that there is a subtle asymmetry between the ATOs for different ATs (that is, which primary/secondary powers that can take certain ATs ATOs) that might get smoother out with a "Universal Control" set... plus it could narrow the gap between control powers which have a LOT of set options (e.g. Holds) with those which have fewer.
  6. Every player can already set themselves up to play the way that has been described as "hardcore", so why the demand for all this extra effort? It's not like a YT viewer knows if there was really ice water in those "ice bucket challenges".
  7. Maybe I have accidentally gotten developer privileges, because otherwise I'm seeing some pretty weak suggestions that probably should have been kept private if they don't want public criticism.
  8. Did I miss the post in this thread that offered genuine numbers, budgets and costs to justify the size of this hill you seem to want to die on?
  9. I'm guessing that somebody thinks that there is a market for a gasoline-powered CPAP, but that doesn't mean it is going to come to market, nor that otehr folks can't point out why it would be a bad investment to try to bring one to market.
  10. There are some classic problems to overcome with Dark Armor: Lots of Toggles = Lots of Endurance Burn No Knockback Protection Several Auras have really bad base Accuracy #1 can be addressed in the usual way: Globals/Procs/Set Bonuses for %+End, +MaxEnd, -EndCost, Recovery, and Accolades... and of course, slotting. #2 requires Set Bonuses (e.g. Gladiator's Armor, Fury of the Gladiator) and single-slot pieces for KB protection. I suggest a minimum of 14-points KB protection, since +10 from a SG base gets you over the limit for Council FREEM! Your heals/toggles will mean nothing if you are getting rag-dolled around the map. I don't think it is a bad idea for a Dark armor Tanker to build more than 20 points of KB protection, but in my experience that requires some compromises on other set bonuses. #3. Consult City of Data. I'd skip (or seriously delay) Cloak of Fear. This is a power that takes a LOT of slots to do what it advertises. Soul Transfer is IMO a better power pick than Cloak of Fear, and it needs no extra slots (just Recharge, IMO) I disagree with the choice of the 4 powers in the Fighting Pool and Jump Kick. I don't want to be too critical here, but I feel that Combat Jumping is a better choice (from Leaping) and the 4 picks from Fighting could be used for things like Spirit Ward (as a mule), Enflame (some more DoT) and Rune of Protection (another Resistance mule, and would allow you to get away with a smaller amount of KB protection when used). I'd delay Maneuvers as I don't think it yields that much at low level, unless it is where the Kismet +ToHit piece is.
  11. Any chance of testing with an AoE attack, like Fire Ball instead of a single target attack like Fire Blast?
  12. I meant in "separate" in the subtle, memory-resource way, not in the "how it is coded" way.
  13. Maybe we need "hardcore mode" for certain suggestions?
  14. Homecoming has the Anniversary event (in Northern Hemisphere's "Spring"), and the Mapserver "April Fool's" event as well.
  15. I didn't look at the build... but maybe... Masterminds can use the 3 henchmen powers to mule the ATO (3 times) for 10% Global recharge each by investing only in 3 slots. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The endurance penalty (for MMs) and lower values point me in a different direction.
  16. As noted: You can't sell an item to yourself. Keep in mind that the seller of any item pays a 10% fee to list/sell, so this needs to be factored into the equation. Catalysts (the piece that can attuned slotted enhancements) are usually available for about 800k Inf, and few attuned enhancement pieces are ever close to 8M Inf (now, because deflation), so this should give you an idea of the favorable margins. Often I will either buy the attuned item first, and then sell the non-attuned. If I don't have cash on hand, I'll reverse the order. If you (the player) alts frequently enough between level 50s, it is possible to pick up one Catalysts each 20 hours for each level 50, via reward drops. My stable of characters has long been at the point where for many commonly used enhancement pieces I'll have crafted pieces that go into builds and then get self-attuned. This can be viewed as "wasting Inf", but I'm mostly past the point where I feel like I need more Inf.
  17. This is a good example of what I'd categorize as "The 'leader' may not know the content (and/or possible settings) as well as they think they do." Low level (below 20) TFs that won't start because "Need a Tank" or "Need Healers" is similarly head-scratching. Sure those ATs can make a difference, but an at-level Tanker or Healer for Posi 1 isn't bringing as much to the table as some other AT exemplared down.
  18. Now if only we could test it without Streakbreaker! Is it possible to add some attacks to the enemies to make sure that there any confounding issue? We know it is supposed to be seperate, but it would be nice to add checks to make the test more like common use to see what tracks.
  19. Looks good! Keep in mind the numbers I gave were for a specific hypothesis test with lowish confidence (only 80%) and 50% power.
  20. Always look on the bright side of combat.
  21. Obviously the T5 should be a (shorter recharge time) version of Team Transport. It might seem odd to have a higher tier power be something that can be purchased by anybody, but it wouldn't be without precedent and would add value to certain content.
  22. That is certainly one thing that may have been "learned", but I think the discussion is neither about teaching/learning nor is this forum a zero-sum game. If anything, this sub-forum is practically indistinguishable from a collective zero-results effort! There have been no shortage of forum users with very low "reaction measures" and/or very little engagement history and/or very little play-experience (by whatever measure) and follow a predictable pattern: Something occurs to them in-game that they would like to be different Posts suggestion how that one thing could have been different Gets feedback of the type (a) have you tried this and/or (b) here is the reason for that thing and/or (c) here are the likely consequences of granting what you have requested. After step 3, there is often either a mad scramble to "patch" the original idea or doubling down, or both. If the original suggestion was solid, then negative reactions will likely simply be (d) "I don't like that". If it wasn't solid, and a person doesn't like it, maybe a user can "patch" their initial specific suggestion, but it still won't make people like it. Doubling-down with a response "but I *really* like my suggestion, why'all so mean?" isn't going to make a poorly-considered suggestion any better, nor will it sway anyone's opinion.
  23. The sets' conversion Cupid's Crush <-> Overwhelming Force is a nice addition as a relatively inexpensive way (once the event ends) to get access to the new set. I often use the "Universal Damage" set as a place-holder in (attack) powers that will eventually hold Purple set pieces in the level 50-build; I find the set bonuses from Cupid's Crush to be more appealing than those of Overwhelming Force. Aside from the Damage/%KD/KB->KD piece from O-Force, I generally don't keep pieces from that set in any build (I may have used Endurance/Recharge somewhere)... I don't yet know if I'll change my opinion with Cupid's Crush.
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