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Everything posted by tidge

  1. I like the move away from epic attacks, as the build probably has "one too many" attacks as is... this is a criticism I make of my own builds btw. This is just a personal take, from a distance... I feel like Hasten isn't going to be that necessary. With this build, I suggest you run some of your preferred content without using Hasten to see how it performs. My personal feels are that you will get the following sense of where it is helping: Build Up, because it is essentially unslotted, will be more available (I often either 2-slot or 6-slot this power) Ground Zero will be up slightly more often. (btw, I put the more exotic %Negative damage proc in this one) Particle Shielding/Meltdown will be available more often (Survive harder!) For a Tanker, I think the 3rd point is the most important, but YMMV depending on a bunch of factors. I mention this because you may not need both slots in Hasten, depending on how often you have to rely on those two powers. The self-survive powers are the reason to have Hasten on a Tanker build IMO. I'd still work the Taunt into the build, because without it the build is missing one of the best Tanker tools, but it looks like that is a non-starter. To test what changes you would make, I suggest running though some content without Tough and Weave toggled on, as I think the Fighting pool is the one to drop. Resistance-based Tankers are somewhat tricky, but I don't think S/L numbers are everything if you have the %resistance ATO and scaling damage resistance.
  2. You will probably want to experiment with unslotters at some point if you move forward. Generally: Auras like Beta Decay are not a good place for %procs.
  3. I've been leveling up a Katana/Rad Scrapper, and it has been a LOT of fun. Tankers will have the larger AoEs which should be fun! I considered Tanker for that reason, but I felt like I was going to be "too comfortable" with the larger AoE and higher HP caps, if that makes sense. Without too much serious critiquing of this alternate AT choice, I have some suggestions. The most important IMO is that because this will be a big bag-o-health, and it will be resistance based, you probably want to lean into more Regeneration and MaxHP. on my scrapper, I plane to have 4 slots in Gamma Boost: 2x Numina (Heal, Global) and 2x Power Transfer (EndMode, %Heal). I think an actual Healing piece in Health (along with Panacea's global) is also worth considering. Multiple Power Transfer %Heals work (and one is better than Panacea, for Tankers/Brutes) but multiple %+End beyond the first do nothing AFAIK. (I can't recall if this was just a longstanding bug or WAI) I chose to put the Kismet +ToHit in Divine Avalanche, but I see what you are going for. On the pre-50 Scrapper, I found that the Katana attacks didn't really need that much more global recharge. MMV for the secondary of course. I want to note: My build also doesn't use Hasten, so I suspect you could sacrifice some LotG pieces and not really notice (with Hasten running). I don't find Hasten needs to be "perma" on Tankers (or anybody, but especially Tankers). I definitely don't feel the need for FF %+Recharge pieces on top of Hasten. Personally: I don't think Golden Dragonfly is worth investing %damage in. It is a 20° cone... maybe better for Tankers than scrappers, but still not great. Flashing Steel is also a poor %damage power IMO because of the 6sec base recharge, although it has an excellent arc size. I would use these powers for set bonuses (one Purple, one Winter). The Kick/Tough/Weave is understandable, but it doesn't look to me like you are really trying to leverage them. I'd drop the Fighting pool and take the Dragon's Roar Taunt (pick whatever multiple of Mocking Beratement makes sense) add Meltdown (slot for Resistance and Recharge) and if you just want a LotG Mule pick another pool like Concealment. I suspect that you may have a different concept than mine (for Tankers) , because it looks like you skipped both the Taunt and Beta Decay. In my final build I plan to just have a Hami-O Lysosome in it, but if Endurance was going to be an issue it would be HO Enzyme instead.
  4. I think something else was forgotten, because no level 50 is using Incarnates on content below level 45. Writing only for myself (a minority of the player base, because math) the element of the game that mostly makes Empathy not necessary as a teammate are Inspirations. The "recipe ups" are partially alleviating the need to use inspirations, but for the most part it is a power choice that limits the need for Empathy, e.g. Rune of Protection. A level 50 has more inspiration slots of course, but even on the earliest TFs players can have plenty of Inspirations for use against even-level content.
  5. For a long time now in the HC era of easy-to-get-enhancements, I've felt that -Resistance (and %-Resistance) is mostly of valuable in limited circumstances for solo play, and much more important for team play. Obviously: if the AT brings its own team (Masterminds) or the Primary/Secondary bring -Resistance as a primary/secondary effect... sure, roll with it and get the benefits. As @Kaika notes, bringing out the (damage-dealing) Lore pets is essentially bringing out teammates. For me: some choices of -Resistance get complicated because of the "no stacking, but replacement" affects of many -Resistance sources. Extending the duration is fine, but only one character is necessary to do that. And if we are talking about +10% more damage for 10 seconds (%-Res) vs. 70 points of damage (from a %proc, before resistance) things look a little clearer to me for solo, less so for teams. Also as noted, it kinda depends on the target(s). If the target is going to take 2 attacks to defeat with-or-without -Resistance, the Resistance didn't really improve performance form my PoV. Pylons take multiple attacks, so I suspect solo-testing against Pylons (no teammates also applying the "same" -Resistance) can be skewing perceptions.
  6. He probably got a warning with a "one month expiry", and couldn't trust himself to not keep insulting people. From the original thread in question, it looked (to me, anyway) like the self-regulating circuits had been disabled and there was a sort-of self-feeding loop that resulting in the (direct, childish) insults. Stepping away was very likely a good "self care" effort. Starting this thread strikes me as more of a sign that the self-regulation was not quite there in-the-moment and was (partially) validation-seeking.
  7. What follows is not specific to Bonfire, and may not have any relevance to whatever point about "Slotting Accuracy in Bonfire/Ice Patch/Fishcakes" was being made. Some powers that create entities that don't accept accuracy slotting but do accept %procs do (in my experience) get better %proc results when Accuracy is added to the power via a set that includes Accuracy-enhancing pieces. I reached this conclusion via play at relatively low-levels, so no real data collection, but it was informed by some data collection from Acid Mortar on a level 50. (I mention this only to share the origin of my investigations and my "feels") The power that convinced me to "sneak" Accuracy enhancing pieces from enhancement sets (not HOs) into it (similar to how Recharge-enhancing pieces can be added to Link Minds and Mind Link even though they don't accept Recharge pieces) was Corrosive Vial. I was seeing somewhat mediocre %damage results, but I felt (again no data was collected for a specific hypothesis test... so read this as "pretty strong confidence, relatively low power") that with some Accuracy in Corrosive Vial that I was getting more %damage results than without it. Level 50 slotting shown below, but I was using an attuned Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge piece from non-Purple sets instead of the Ragnarok piece. Corrosive Vial is somewhat sly IMO because it accepts Defense Debuff sets but not Accurate Defense Debuff sets... originally I took this to mean "Accuracy don't matter", but my play experience was that it did matter (for %damage). Corrosive Vial (A) Positron's Blast - Chance for Damage (Energy) (*) Bombardment - Chance for Damage (Fire) (*) Javelin Volley - Chance for Damage (Lethal) (*) Touch of Lady Grey - Chance for Damage (Negative) (*) Javelin Volley - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5 (*) Ragnarok - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50+5 The TL;DR of all this: For pseudo-pet-ish powers where *I* explicitly want to consider adding %proc, I pretty much always test that power with Accuracy slotting via an Enhancement set or a common Accuracy IO.
  8. I was expecting this aura to simply be on constantly, even though I didn't see any options in teh costume creator to choose when it would activate. Currently, it only activates when an attack is made (or weapon drawn). Going into an idle emote will remove it, and I think any animation that hides my current toon's weapon will also hide the aura. This isn't life-or-death for my costume, I was just curious if it is Working As Intended or not. EDIT: Not EVERY click power (in the secondary) that hides the weapon causes the aura to vanish! Some do, some don't.
  9. Have you investigated Placate? That power stops runners cold on my Bane.
  10. This astute observation feels (to me) like the flip side of the "My low(ish) level character can't defeat ToT spawns!" refrain. As @megaericzero points out: enemy factions gain new abilities and phase out trivially incompetent enemies (for the most part) for higher level content.
  11. A minor point I often consider about -Resistance, -Regen (as well as the %proc versions) is "If it doesn't stack, are other teammates likely to be using it as well?" In the case of Poison Dart, it will stack no matter what, which is an advantage over other sources. The 15sec duration (not the shortest debuff in the game, but not far from it) is kinda short for my taste... at least considering what else the Night Widow could be doing to damage that critter. I only have made one dedicated Night Widow and one as part of a multi-build... and in team circumstance my preference leans to the Fortunata, so it isn't as if I feel that strongly about the choice. My Fortunata experience more commonly has "ugh, another enemy with Psi Resist" rather than "I wish I had something else besides Envenomed Daggers for this fight".
  12. While the development team works on your request, are you aware: 1) You can visit the START vendor to disable specific Inspiration drops? 2) You can implement a macro or bind to combine unwanted (single/non-team) inspirations into other ones? For example: /macro_image "BA_Vangaurd_Medal" "Yellow" "inspcombine Insight Break_Free$$inspcombine Keen_Insight Emerge$$inspcombine Uncanny_Insight Escape"
  13. I will admit that every once in a while I'll opt for a power pool whose animations don't really fit *my* concept of the character. The number one "offending" power pool is probably Sorcery followed closely by Force of Will. I understand that being stuck with certain animations/effects is the price that must be paid for (an example) a tech bro opting to leverage an "origin pool" that doesn't quite match the concept. The origin pools being open to everyone (without respect to 'origin') is a good thing, but sometimes it feels to me like some of the animations (ehem, Rune of Protection) are there in part to serve as an open-world min-max identifier! (gooble gobble)
  14. It never occurred to me to auto-complete the Honoree mission, even when I was trying to blitz-unlock the Alpha slot. The arguments in favor of doing so are sound, it's just that I will often slide into my level 50 "final" build and use the Mender Ramiel arc to put it through the paces.
  15. For a Night Widow, I'm almost always picking Poison Dart for later (post-respec) builds. Early game the Mental Blast is probably more useful. The best effect of the T1 attack is IMO the -Regen component. This is hard to see in a lot of content, but is I think becomes more useful (especially in teams).
  16. I love the range on Umbral Torrent... precisely because it can grab distant aggro. I find it to be a great power for keeping-them-coming on a dedicated ranged attacker.
  17. Oddly enough, that zone-in-a-zone bothers me not-at-all. I get more mental dissonance that it is nominally protected by two sets of War Walls yet it is a complete disaster area. As I wrote somewhere (probably in this thread, among other places) Terra Volta takes my prize for the least useful and most annoying (non-Shadow Shard) zone. I grok the original thinking behind hazard zones, at least as far as enemy spawn sizes/types and navigation "puzzles", but once Faultline was re-worked and Dark Astoria was given a series of arcs, it was Terra Volta that became the undisputed "but why?" zone. With the reactor playing a central role in multiple TFs, it makes no sense to me why the zone is constructed the way it is, or why it is nominally "abandoned". I can imagine any of several different new arcs to leverage Terra Volta, even with its annoying geometry for non-fliers. For example: Sky Raiders. They are physically present in large numbers... so maybe they are manufacturing their materials there. I can imagine that their FFG tech is an adapted/miniaturized version of War Wall tech... which presumably Terra Volta always had, pre-Rikti Invasion (since no Rikti are present). The Family. Blue side, the Family lore (from Arcs) is rather blah. They are essentially the right level range for Terra Volta, and are all over the outside of TV in IP. I feel like the Family could have established some smuggling routes in-and-out of TV. It would be easy to tie the Family to TV, IP and Striga. Devouring Earth. The game doesn't lack for DE content, but the power station could be a point of interest for the DE. They might like the warm water from the cooling towers, they might hate and waste materials. Since they hand out only the inner and outer edges of TV, it seems odd that there is effectively no story tying the two together.
  18. Frankly: The suggestion feels more like a "*I* expect the power to work this way" suggestion and less like a "there is something deficient/broken/missing from the power". This is OK, most of us have been in that headspace at some point. It helps to get other player's perspectives on the power, both in terms of in-game use and with game mechanics, to understand why a self-certified brilliant idea might not shine as brightly to others. Something else that is really cool about Placate (as it currently stands) for certain ATs (I haven't verified it with all) is that it's effect nullifies whatever is causing an AI enemy critter to run away. I keep meaning to test the Presence pool version (Pacify) to see if it will have the same effect but I haven't gotten around to it. For my INF and for some ATs, stopping a runner is at least as important as trying to grab a little bit of aggro from a dedicated power like Provoke.
  19. I didn't suggest listing them on the Auction House (that would waste Inf because of the vig), just storing them.
  20. Be aware that there is a difference between Endurance Modification and Endurance Reduction components when it comes to Hami-Os and D-Syncs. I have Seishinteki Kyoyo single-slotted with a level 53 D-Sync Conduit. For that power, it's something of a toss-up (for me) if I want the Endurance bar refill to be available sooner, or more for each use... I lean towards sooner, but I don't burn Endurance so quickly that I need it available that often... except that it compliments Kuj-In Restu so nicely. As mentioned above, a boosted level 50+5 EndMod/Recharge piece from something like Efficacy Adaptor provides just under the enhancment values by an equivalent level 50 Hami-O (or D-Sync).
  21. I do. Mocking Beratement provides useful (to me) set bonuses for pretty much each additional piece, and Perfect Zinger allows %Psi then placates for several ATs. Personally, I find the range and recharge attributes to be the most beneficial.
  22. This is one area that I feel could get a straight buff (and nothing but a buff) simply to make Empathy (and Resurrect) more appealing as a 3-minute base recharge. I find it crazy that Dark Miasma builds rarely skip Howling Twilight which nominally fills the same role. Even long(er) recharge time Self Rez powers offer more than what Resurrect does.
  23. I suspect the reason you got thumbs-down are manifold. I didn't thumbs-down it, but I can imagine why: There are no "Put myself immediately back in Hidden" powers in the game, AFAIK. This doesn't jive with the way the game works for "when clicked, when attacked". It likely won't have teh effect desired, because of server-client behavior, AI effects, AoE attacks, etc. The only thing that I think comes close is the Stalker's Guile ATO %Hide, and that requires a target to be attacked. I'm struggling to think of a click power that would do both of the things mentioned in the OP, i.e. "doesn't always need a target". AFAIK Placate itself got a direct uprade and an indirect one. The indirect one is due to the modification to the "Threat" enhancements and allowance for slotting into Placate. Placate is (now) almost a class-defining power for Stalkers and certain VEATs. Side-bar: I'm obviously self-judging with what follows, but I think the most radical power suggestion I've made kinda involves (something like) Placate. Because of the way the Presence pool essentially forces either Provoke or Pacify (or both), either of which might be at odds for a bunch of ATs... I once suggested that the Presence pool versions of Taunt/Confront and Placate be given modified code so that they acted more like the inherent version from the ATs that have those powers in primary/secondary. This is because while the Presence pool is quite good, it strikes me as quite the build tax for something like a Stalker to have to take an inferior version of Placate. But even in this case I'm not suggesting a different power, just that the pool version (that must be taken to unlock other pool powers) not be explicitly gimped for specific ATs.
  24. Here is a rando thought about various maps/zones that I often have, but really never has a place to fit... One thing that irks me, in a minor by somewhat constant way, are the zones that are either/both: too big for their own good (and their content) offer distinct (and obvious) different features, but don't leverage (via arcs, contacts, whatever) them for missions An example of a zone I think avoids both of those peeves is Faultline. Between the in-zone arcs, and a few of other arcs I feel like we players get exposed to pretty much all the stuff Faultline has to offer, and there are reasons to hit pretty much every corner of the zone. The only villain flavor that is not precisely accounted for are the Freaks, but I can overlook their presence in the zone. An example of a zone that I feel is OK for the first but fails on the second is the Hollows. The entire mountain and the south half of the zone are pretty much ignored by content, with the exception of the one Circle of Thorns mission at the end of the zone's arc. Blue-side, I feel like the original zones mostly lacked imagination, except for "more of the same, but bigger footprints".... I'm looking at you Talos Island and Independence Port. Red-side doesn't strike me the same way, as the zones have distinctive features and a LOT of content to take advantage of them (Sharkhead is probably the best IMO, with Cap Au Diable close). The biggest lore regret I have is that there is very little reason to (open-world) visit the Fab in Grandville. It is a huge amount of real estate dedicated to existing as an instanced version in a TF.
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