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Everything posted by tidge

  1. I think I've noticed (corner?) cases where the performance of Robotics (/Traps) has improved, and some where it is worse. I can't be sure, as I had mostly mothballed by Homecoming Day 0 MM for a year or more until the more recent changes. I also had leveraged the MM primary attacks, so I didn't have to radically change my playstyle. What follows is purely anecdotal. The area where performance is worse is in solo play against PI/Eden/Abyss Giant Monsters. My guess is that this is because previously the -Regen from 6 henchmen was doing a LOT of heavy lifting against these big sacks of HP. I don't regularly tackle enough different content to see this, except that I feel like high-level zone's Event GMs also take slightly longer to solo, whereas low-level zone event GMs (e.g. Winter Lord) have roughly the same (solo) defeat times. The improvement I see is against: Low level zone GMs are defeated in shorter times (defeat times are faster, presumably because -Regen only from the MM is "enough") Even-level x8 instanced missions are cleared faster (presumably because of increased damage, and not needing to slot KB->KD) Fore example: I don't recall being able to reliably defeat the Grandville Arachnos Flier at a single landing site (with only Robotic henchmen) prior to the recent changes. Since the update, I can be reasonably "late" to a landing site and still have a 50-50 chance to defeat it before it takes off with its shields up. I feel like noting: even with the longest path between landing sites (is it Beta 1 -> Beta 2?) that allows the flier to nearly completely regenerate, the Robots can eliminate the flier at the next site. Also complicating things for me: RNG provides wide swings in defeat times against certain GMs (notably Jurassik).
  2. Is this how I am supposed to find out +4 bosses can be teleported? EDIT: or that Threat and Fear now have PVP or Purple Enhancement sets?
  3. Simple answer: No. Slightly complicated answer: If I want a Tanker build that can more-or-less focus on surviving whatever, and I don't lean too hard into trying to hit (with click powers) as many enemies as possible (with attacks, not Taunt) I have a couple of builds that invest slots into powers such that I can boost Psi Resistance via Enhancements. This is me wanting to provide a Tanker that is better at being a classic Tanker such that teammates have to worry about my Tanker over a slightly wider range of content. In the complicated thinking: My opinion in this case is that it is almost certainly going to be more obvious to teammates that the Tanker is crumpling to certain enemies than it would be that the Tanker is doing more %damage to some enemies or has slightly faster recharge times on some attacks. Again for me, this varies a LOT between my characters.
  4. I have no disagreement with the facts as explained, but I do disagree with the assessment (bolded above) that a MM with ONLY an Assault Bot was effective (prior to recent updates). [I have no real disagreement about the caveat of only using the most survivable Robot on Teams, except that MMs Tank better with all henchmen.] On my Robots/Traps MM, my "one big robot" build was painfully slow solo. As noted, this is primarily because the Robots excel at AoE and DoT... with all the henchmen out during combat, it is less obvious (at least to me) all the DoT and AoE that is accumulating on an average (large) spawn... but with only the big guy, it was pretty clear just how hard it was to take out even lone bosses. I haven't played as much with my revamped "one big robot" build... mostly because the revamped standard build has been so much fun. One of the recent Homecoming changes that have helped all MMs: being able to take the higher-tier powers earlier in a build lets MMs have a better spread of henchmen across more content. Theoden's SSA1 arc now allows solo MMs to finish in roughly the same time as other ATs... still slower, but times are not a factor-of-two difference.
  5. tidge

    Extra 0s

    IIRC, the game engine prevents boosting of (all, not just PVP) pieces that only offer %effects or global effects, but you can boost all the other pieces. It is possible to play converter roulette to roll a 50+5 PVP piece into one of the types that can't otherwise be boosted, but those will have a "red" border (normally identifying a piece as 'unslottable'.) In my calculus, there are two reasons to boost (level 50) PVP pieces, as opposed to picking a different strategy (*1): The build is getting a PVP set bonus A PVP piece is offering a combination of enhancement attribute boosts that aren't otherwise available The Boosted PVP pieces I usually work into builds (mileage varies because of available powers) are similar to @Yomo Kimyata: Shield Wall Defense, Defense/Endurance (because I will be using the global) Gladiator's Armor Resistance, Resistance/Endurance (because I will be using the global) Javelin Volley Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge (Ranged AoE %damage attacks, accompanying the %Lethal proc) Gladiator's Net Accuracy/Hold, and typically Accuracy/Recharge (Holds take a LOT of %damage, and the set bonuses form PVP are IMO better with fewer pieces than with other sets. I do like the Superior Entomb Accuracy/Hold/Endurance piece if the Hold is being spammed. Experienced Marksman (5 pieces only, no "Fast Snipe" piece), when the Snipe is taken at a low level and I am not using an alternate set in the power. Panacea pieces (other than the global) always get boosted, but my build will typically need something like at least two healing/absorb powers (besides Health) requiring slots before I know I'll be using more than just the global from this set. Mileage varies of course. The Healing/Absorb sets are in a weird spot in my head: Numina's Convalescence is a set that seems tailor-made for high-HP characters, Preventive Medicine has great 5/6-piece bonuses, and of course the Miracle and Regenerative Tissue sets set have a useful Global +pieces. (*1) Alternate slotting strategies include: Simply boosting lvl 50 IOs (for cases where the PVP piece only enhances a single attribute) Llvl 53 HOs/DSyncs Attuned "Superior" ATOs or Winter pieces Using a lower rarity (and lower cost!) piece that offers the exact same enhancement potential as a PVP 1,4 are cheaper options... and the enhancement gap between a 50+5 dual piece and (the same combination) 53 Hami-O is pretty thin. 2: "Identical" 53 Hami-O's offer higher enhancements because they start higher at 50, but the costs are higher. 3, 4: I always keep an eye out for pieces that offer a combination that doesn't exist in another form. This is obvious with (some) Hami-O/Dsync pieces, but I'm always amazed that there are so few Accuracy/Endurance pieces (not counting Pet/Henchmen enhancements) available at level 50 (to be boosted). A personal favorite is Multi-Strike: Accuracy/Endurance for Melee AoE %damage builds.
  6. Unfortunately I won't be able to give a complete answer; I did (one upon a time) set up a series of "bind files" (bound to the same key) that would: Select the henchmen I wanted and then load the next keybind, such that the next press would... (goto 2) Apply the single-target buff to my (now selected) target, and then reload the keybind such that the next press would...(goto 1) This isn't a great system, because it is possible to have the binds "desynchronized" for what you want, because of power recharge times, missing henchmen, lag, whatever. IIRC, in olden times (long before Homecoming) this was one of the mechanisms for sequentially applying buffs to each teammates on a team.... because some buffs didn't automatically hit all friendlies in a certain area. A tangential comment: The "select" feature is one of the best reasons to give each henchman a unique name, as a targeting macro/bind can pick something you don't want to buff. I have a Defender with IIRC this (as a macro): target_name Dark Servant$$powexec_Name Spirit Ward IIRC, this is the order because if If I don't have Dark Servant targeted, it targets the Dark Servant, if I do have it targeted it applies Spirit Ward. The weird thing I notice is that sometimes the power picks something like a Carrion Creeper Vine (not one of my pets) to target! So it's a double-click to apply the power to the pet. I'll have to try changing it to pet_select_name!
  7. I'm happy you like World of Confusion; but you seem to be missing the point of Endurance cost of a toggle that must be toggled on, versus a mule power that doesn't have to be toggled on. I evangelize for Unrelenting, but it isn't an easy sell, no matter how much performance I get out of it. I had some Doms that need Hasten (and/or FF: %+Recharge) to hit perma-Domination, life is much easier on builds that can hit perm-Dom without Hasten (and/or FF: %+Recharge). Unless the build already has five LotG +Global Recharge, there is room for at least one more (by skipping WoC). I brought up Combat Jumping specifically because of it's role as a toggle that provides (Defensive) benefits and a low Endurance cost such that even if it is "just" a mule it could still be toggled on to improve the defensive profile of the character.
  8. I also use a lvl 53 Cyto in Tactics on my MM. It's been forever since I checked how the lower-tier henchmen's ToHits look (with Supremacy, slotting, blah blah fishcakes) but the power is kept toggled on primarily for their benefit and I didn't want to burn slots in that power. EDIT: That same character also uses a level 53 Cyto in Maneuvers, pretty much for the same reason.
  9. I am a very uneven joiner of Hamidon Raids. I always take the 80 merits first, and then (because I don't swap characters) it is a coin-toss between the additional 40 merits or a HO. There are a small number of HO that I feel like "oh, that could go on any character", there are a small number of "those are valuable enough to hoard for specific builds", but the vast majority of them are either simply not useful for my builds or not valuable enough for other players' builds that buying them on-demand from the AH is fine for me. It's no secret what 120 merits can do in the hands of a marketeer; as I have written before: as a merit-rich player I see 120 merits as 1.2 ATO for a new character. Every once in a while I'll take the Empyrian Merits, usually on characters I simply don't want to play in Incarnate Content.
  10. MM brings all the boys to the yard And they're like, it's better than yours Damn right it's better than yours I can teach you, but I have to charge
  11. If the argument being put forward is that a generally dissatisfying power pick (World of Confusion) can do something, I agree. I don't think it is disingenuous to point out that there are any number of power picks (many of which don't even need to be toggled on, or require extra slots to provide benefit to a build) that will, in the context of most builds(*1) that provide more value. My opinion: I think it is slightly more disingenuous to claim WoC as a "one-slot wonder" while simultaneously adding Very Rare set bonuses (such as global Accuracy, presumably in other powers) and incarnate effects into the toolbox of trick to make it viable. (*1) Specific to Dominators: The LotG +Global Recharge pieces cry out to be added, for the purposes of perma-domination. By the level at which a Dominator could even pick World of Confusion, that is likely to be the point in the build at which a pool (perhaps Concealment, but there are many options) that offers opportunities to mule the LotG pieces. Opinions can vary, but I think picking any other power from The Psionic Mastery Epic pool as a second or third choice (no matter what the first choice was) is likely to be better for a Dominator, because of the ability to slot a Global Enhancement piece for Resistance or Defense or Recharge. Strictly going off my experiences with Dominators, which I often play as being in the middle of melee combat, I did not find WoC to be useful in most combat, for a variety of reasons primarily because the Dominators need to be using their AoE Immobilize/Holds for both Offense and Defense... such that allowing enemy mobiles the time to move around in an effort to group them into the tight radius (because very few spawns are tightly grouped) of WoC is highly dangerous. This is why @Wimbochismo called out powers like Fold Space as being a potential partner for a player that really wants to leverage WoC (in addition to other toggle auras). Again, my personal experience: Whatever "layering defense" an 8-foot radius of WoC provides, it simply wasn't providing any noticeable benefit for most spawns. enemies which spawn/buff get targeted for mezz or damage rather than hope RNG and an aura have them eventually buff me. It's really never been a secret that World of Confusion can take a Very Rare mezz proc to stack Confusion to improve that power. I'm pretty sure a similar "one-slot wonder" argument could be made for many other powers that for some reason players don't want to invest other slots... for example only investing a single slot of Soulbound Allegiance %Build Up in Fire Imps.
  12. The Fire/Psi/Psi Dominator I run has Hot Feet, I tried WoC with it. I felt very meh about the combo. MMV. As @Wimbochismo mentioned earlier in the unquoted portion of the post, these sorts of toggles demanded melee range, which didn't really jive (for me) with the rest of what that Dominator was doing offensively. That character was a perma-dom, and I play it with a LOT of button mashing on offense, which I hope brings some understanding of my own sensitivity to Endurance budgets. Even with the blue-bar refill from Domination, I'm often running my Doms on the knife's edge of spending all the Endurance before the refill (because attacks are recharging faster).
  13. City of data has a base of 0.163 End/sec, which is almost three times higher than something like Combat Jumping's 0.065 end/sec.
  14. I don't actually know. MM Henchmen definitely get Supremacy bonuses for example, but I don't think they get MM global bonuses of any sort. My guess is that any %proc on cast uses the Accuracy of the player, but after that I don't know how the pseudo-pet would know who summoned it (and which global bonuses to use).... but that is just a guess made based on my casual observation of %procs. I almost always use an enemy-targeting macro to toss Caltrops. I don't think all "pseudo-pets" are the same, and I'm not sure how I'd be able to construct experiments to tell. I sometimes keep a pet combat window available (even for non-MMs) to try to look, but I'm not parsing logs or collecting hard data. Acid Mortars show up in pet windows (like Henchmen), but Caltrops don't.
  15. Single-target Confuse powers is IMHO really where the %Contagious Confusion shines(*1); those powers are also a more natural place to slot the entire set for the tasty bonuses. The set bonuses from Coercive Persuasion are tailor-made for Dominators. The Epic World of Confusion has a bohunkus Endurance cost, with a relatively small radius. I won't argue that the %Confuse from the %proc increases the utility of WoC, but it is IMO entirely due to the base magnitude of the %proc compared to the inherent magnitude/duration of WoC. I completely understand the appeal of trying to sell WoC as a no-extra slotting wonder, but for my build-crafting (and using the Psionic Mastery Epic pool on a Dominator) there will always be a better choice... not just from the other powers in the Epic pool (for Dominators) but from non-Epic pool powers that can serve as Global +Recharge mule powers (again, Dominators). Indomitable Will and Mind Over Body can both be one-slot wonders, Link Minds deserves at least two slots (more if chasing set bonuses). (*1) The %proc rate from six pieces of Coercive Persuasion, even with slotted recharge, gives new life to the single-target confuse in large-spawn, non-AV fights. The other (Confuse/Accuracy/Recharge) enhancement effects of the set simply make the single-target Confuses better for hard targets, or enemies which will buff/heal the player. I really wish that there was an equivalent Very Rare enhancement set (with a %Contagious piece) for Fear powers, as the single-target Fears lose a LOT of utility as spawn sizes increase and towards high-levels.
  16. I find Combat Teleport to be really useful on Blappers: teleport into make a melee attack, including those you have targeted but are otherwise blocked from range attacks teleporting "backwards" for a ranged cone attack getting "unstuck" from map geometries (and from slow/immobilize patches) It offers a short +10% ToHit after BAMFing Some attacks do have long-ish animation times... but that's not a reason to avoid Combat Teleport. If the Blaster has put down some sort of (soft, or not) control patch like a slow or knockdown BAMFing around works just fine. I generally agree that the Teleportation pool isn't a great one for mules, but the powers do offer places to put the Universal Travel global pieces, including the 20% Slow Resist. Personally, I don't like Teleportation for zone travel. Two pieces of Blessing of the Zephyr offers some positional ranged defense as a set bonus.
  17. No disagreement, but I feel like mentioning the Traps secondary for Masterminds has five skippable powers in Web Grenade, Triage Beacon, Seeker Drones, Trip Mine and Detonator. I'm not saying that they can't have their uses, it is more that I feel like I'd have to be playing a lot of very specific content to want to work any of those back into my build. To emphasize the point by @Nemu: Blasters have a Melee Damage Scale of 1.0; there is no a priori reason to skip melee attacks on them if the primary goal is to do as much damage as possible with a Blaster.
  18. I like Water Blast/Atomic Manipulation for Blapping, paired with Combat Teleport. The Primary leans heavy on the AoEs, the Secondary can pair a couple of single-target melee attacks (I use Negatron Slam and Positronic Fist) along with some PBAoE (Radioactive Cloud, Atom Smasher). I particularly like that the AoEs (and DoT) eliminate/thin out the large spawns, allowing for eventual focusing on the hardest targets.
  19. Maybe I'll slot in the third piece I mentioned. As it is, I still want the initial Endurance cost of the click to be low enough that I'm not waiting for enough endurance to allow it to auto-fire.
  20. /Time's last three powers are absolutely NOT skippable, like /Traps are. My hot takes on the Time secondary (for MMs) are: Temporal Mending <- This power is worth taking in place of Maintenance Drone, since it will heal more than just the henchmen. Time Crawl <- Single Slot, but keep for hard targets. Yes it can %damage, but ST damage from the MM is not a winning strategy. Time's Juncture <- The -ToHit is probably most important. Won't need many slots, consider keeping. (2slot HO Enzymes) Temporal Selection <- Hard to pass up a potential Buff for one of the Henchmen, I would consider keeping it, but delaying the choice of it. Distortion Field <- Two slots max [ Pacing of the Turtle – Endurance/Recharge/Slow: Level 50+5, Superior Entomb - Endurance/Recharge], could be used to take aggro off the henchmen. (I like slows when playing MMs) Time Stop <- I like holds, but this is single-target. I'd skip it on a MM. Farsight <- DO NOT SKIP. There are a lot of ways you can go with this. You'll have at least 4 slots in it. Off the top of my head, I'd go with Level 24: Farsight (A) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed (*) HamiO:Membrane Exposure (Endurance/ToHit Buff/Defense Buff): Level 53 (*) HamiO:Membrane Exposure (Endurance/ToHit Buff/Defense Buff): Level 53 (*) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Endurance (*) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Recharge/Endurance Slowed Response <- I would keep (again, AoE aggro magnet), and I'd be tempted to have it be a %damage power (requiring accuracy) Level 28: Slowed Response (A) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50+5 (*) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5 (*) Shield Breaker - Chance for Damage (Lethal) (*) Touch of Lady Grey - Chance for Damage (Negative Energy) Chrono Shift <- You want this, I recommend: Level 30: Chrono Shift (A) Doctored Wounds - Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5 (*) Panacea - Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5 (*) Panacea - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5
  21. My opinion: the Gaussian's %Build Up piece is generally less useful in a toggle (e.g. Tactics) than it is in an on-demand click(*1), unless the following applies: the character with Tactics is always playing with a LOT of teammates/henchmen/pets in range of Tactics the character has a decent damage scale, and is making attacks, such that the %Build Up is making meaningful contributions for the attacker. Considering the above, taking teams out of the equation, the ATs I've found to benefit more from a Toggle %Build Up (as opposed to a click %Build Up) to be Crabberminds and (to a lesser extent) the ATs that have multiple persistent pets (like 3x Fire Imps). I do run Tactics w/ %Build Up on one of my MMs, but the MM damage scale is so bad I rationalize its inclusion (with a HO Cytoskeleton) only because that MM is constantly making attacks. If playing a high-DPS AT on large teams/leagues, slotting the %Build Up in a toggle is a fine choice (if not already at the high end of the damage scale). (*1) I often slot the Build Up powers with only a Recharge 50+5 and the Guassian's %Build Up. With typical global Recharge bonuses (and not counting primary/secondary powers that provide MOAR Recharge) that typically has the %Build Up at the ceiling of 90% and the power is usually available when I want it in an attack chain. I do like the 6-piece bonuses from Gaussian's too!
  22. Dsync Conduits are Endurance Modification, not Endurance Reduction. IIRC Chrono Shift ignores enhancements for EndMod, so that portion would be wasted(*1). Also, I want Endurance Reduction more than I want Healing or +End, as explained below. Specific to Chrono Shift (an auto-trigger power for me), it is the base 20-ish Endurance cost that puts it in my personal 'danger zone' of risking the blue bar being too empty to trigger (or forcing detoggles), so Endurance Reduction is important. The long base recharge (360+ seconds?) obviously demands Recharge slotting on top of whatever Global Recharge. In the case of HO/DS I was looking at three slots of 50+5 Endurance/Recharge, but the diminishing returns were such that turning one of them into Heal/End/Recharge was next to nothing (in terms of Endurance Discount or Recharge, so I slipped in the PVP's set with Heal, and can have the set's Recovery bonus be exempt from exemplar effects. If the +Endurance portion of Chrono Shift were to be enhanceable, I might be tempted to use the last slot for Preventive Optimization EndMod/Endurance/Recharge at 50+5 although it is hard to give up the near-constant personal Recovery boost.
  23. As others have written: (level 50 and above) HO/DSyncs are most useful when a power is starved for slots(*1), and a HO/DSync offers combination of the attributes that a player wants to enhance. Writing only for myself: I tend to go with HO/DSyncs that combine Accuracy or Endurance Reduction with some other attribue I want enhanced. It could be a Mez, Range, a Buff/Debuff, whatever. There are a small number of powers that (in my preference) that really benefit from other combinations (e.g. Recharge) but Accuracy and Endurance Reduction are typically the big ones for me.(*2) (*1) A player may not want to put (m)any slots in a power, or most of the slots are being taken by something else (like a %proc, or global) that isn't otherwise enhancing the power. (*2) There are some combinations of attributes that don't have Hami-O/Dsync options such that a level 50+5 piece (or a Superior Winter piece) is a better choice (for me). Here are a couple of oddball examples of powers (from different characters) that I really sweated over using (or not) HO/DSyncs: Level 30: Chrono Shift <- Healing is less important than Recharge and Endurance saving, but Healing is not nothing! (A) Doctored Wounds - Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5 (*) Panacea - Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5 (*) Panacea - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5 Level 35: Dark Consumption <- Recharge is vital, but Accuracy is needed for the %damage and the EndMod effect is kinda important (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50+5 (*) D-Sync Conduit (EndMod/Recharge): Level 53 (*) D-Sync Drain (EndMod/Accuracy): Level 53 (*) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage (*) Eradication - Chance for Energy Damage Final Note about my builds and choices: If a character has multiple ranged attacks, I will sometimes frankenslot to get the ranges roughly equivalent, especially for cones and single-targets. HO Centrioles and Dsync Guidances come into play in these builds.
  24. I don't think there is anything wrong with using a respec before level 50; on the contrary there are often powers that can be taken for "test drives" (even with minimal slotting, as you level). Specific to Tankers: My experience has often been that early tier primary powers (defense/resistance toggles) often do very little (even with slotting, modulo Global IO pieces) for the Tanker at low levels... so I wouldn't fault anyone for downplaying primary power choices and concentrating more on the secondary(*1)... later when you feel like you have a better performing attack chain (in my experience: mostly this comes from slotting) ... then maybe a player will want to respec (in the mid 20s?) to have a more "classic" looking set of power selections?(*2) (*1) I feel that some players of Tankers skip or delay Taunt because t can feel like a dangerous choice for a newbie Tanker: why not take an Attack or something Defensively instead of something that is not going to do damage and will also draw more aggro? I can excuse this, but only to a point. Let me simply write that I believe that Taunt (as opposed to Confront or Provoke) is crucially important to being the best possible Tanker, and if its choice was delayed until the mid 20s (or later), it's worth using a respec to get it back into the build as early as possible. (*2) Again, strictly from my experience... which is based a LOT on playing different ATs through content for XP (as opposed to power-levelng dozens of levels at a time) is that while leveling I often taken powers that won't be in a final build or I take powers in a different order than I want in the final build. The former could be because some sort of pool power is offering me something I wouldn't otherwise have until an epic power level; an example of the latter is taking powers early explicitly as mules for IOs... in a final build I usually delay mules until the final power choices, but sometimes I want those global IOs ASAP.
  25. Along the lines of "abstract mission givers" I have often felt that the Potted Plant model could be leveraged as a sort of nutty mission contact. As for potential TF givers: Blue side, I think it would be cool to have one of the Newsboys (often situated near train stations) to offer some sort of arc/TF.
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