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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. No. They're useful for picking up the old vet rewards that we have no other way to get... Or do you want our Blackwands and Rikti Monkey pets gone along with the amplifiers and XP boosts?
  2. I tend to do that too for a lot of my gang. They'll have a bit of dialogue rather than a proper history, sometimes with a short OOC note afterwards but not always. Void's Thorn... the far-future/Nova Primeva-era "Avatar of the Void" final form of my main, Kaikara... has this to say, for instance: ==================================== "Who am I? You're asking the wrong question. You don't want to know who I am. You want to know who I was... Did you know me? Maybe. But the Void has a way of changing things... Remaking things... ... And the one who comes back from walking that path is never exactly the same as the one who started on the journey." {( There's something strange about this one... Her armor is obviously Oranbegan, she speaks with a light but distinctly Etoilean accent and though she appears nowhere in MAGI's records or the Midnighter's archives, she still seems to know this city and its mystics remarkably well. )} ** For anyone who's met Kaikara, either as a young Etoilean rogue or in her heroic "White Thorn" guise, Void's Thorn may seem hauntingly familiar. ** ==================================== It was meant to really play up the whole "Still-Kai-but-somehow-very-much-NOT-Kai" idea of how eventually becoming a living extension of the Dark might change a person. You'd have to talk to her more to really get the entire picture, but as an intro it gets the basic point across. It can take time to really solidify what I want to say about a particular member of the gang, though, and often that means starting out with no bio, or a bare minimum one until I can really get a grip on who the character is and what they're really about. So... yeah. Even someone who typically does the bios thing may go through a period of NOT having one.
  3. Just because it's the New Shiny Toy doesn't mean that we need to suddenly add it to everything under the proverbial sun...
  4. I dunno... Somehow I seriously doubt that "exposure" is going to make people suddenly interested in PvP. In this game you'd be more likely to get "Hey! Take it to the Arena, you two!" 😝
  5. *raises hand* I would not want to play statesdude's sidekick. Mostly because I just really don't like the guy. He's kind of a jerk. 😝 (That said, in-character my stalker Kaikara... who's arguably my Main here on Homecoming... is roleplayed as Scirocco's intern. That I'm cool with. I suspect he's a better boss than States would be.) Anyway, I'm one of those people who does play red-side pretty often and I'm fond of it. There are some fun contacts and missions over there. I mean... Vernon. Come on. Who doesn't love a goofy Mad Scientist?... And I actually like some of the environments, hard-to-navigate though they may be. I like the buildings in Grandville and Saint Martial a lot more than the city-scape in Skyway, or Bricks or Peregrine Island. The northern bits of Nerva are some of my favorite landscapes in the game. I'm every bit as fond of the Oranbegan temple complex in Primeva as I am of the Shard zones or Imperial City, for instance. (There's a *reason* I based my current-time Oranbegan player-characters' cabal around that thing, and built the whole storyline of my Ordus Chronos time travelers and their post-Battalion Wars city of Nova Primeva on that foundation. The place is a nice bit of work just to wander around and explore.) I know that you can't force people to engage with any of it though, if they just don't want to. And short of turning the Isles into a copy of Paragon, you're never going to be able to address all of the concerns that people cite as to WHY they "don't want to". If you make it brighter by replacing the buildings, easier to navigate by altering the layout of the streets, easier to steamroll by replacing the current factions, more blue-ish by rewriting all of the arcs? You'll end up "fixing" the red side by pretty much destroying it as a unique thing. You'll turn CoV in to just another suburb of Paragon. Maybe that's what some players want, but It would make me sad-Rogue, personally. For all its supposed warts, I like that it's as different from CoH as it is. I feel like the place having a different feel and in some cases even demanding a different play-style ia a feature rather than a bug, I guess. As an alternative, it's nice to have... Even if it's not exactly everyone and their heroic sister's box of Spiderling Scout cookies.
  6. It's annoying in Aion and it would be equally annoying here.
  7. I could see Whirlpool having it... But I'd be firmly against adding it to the melee armors. Personally, I know I'd hate it on my own characters. I'd hate it even more on other people's characters I was teaming with. (My stalkers, for instance, would absolutely NOT appreciate the group's other melee types dragging things away and out of range of my Assassin's Strike.)
  8. Here you go Homecoming Statistics: March 2020 - General Discussion - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com)
  9. And here's where I say NOPE. I don't miss that one bit. I absolutely hated having to wait that long to fly. (If I was playing a winged character... which I often was... it just felt pants-on-head stupid to have to rely on a jet-pack to get around. <_<)
  10. I can't recall seeing that +3 next to a name anywhere but Ouro or DA.
  11. Your best bet may be to head down to the Excelsior-specific forum and see if anything is brewing. People organize all sorts of things in the individual server fora. ETA: The Excelsior forum is here. Checking out the Homecoming Discord is also a good option, if you're a Discord user.
  12. 'Just hopping back into this thread to say that Dennu the Grav/Dark Controller has indeed made it all the way to the big 5-0, and I've started working on her Incarnate toys. She's turned out to be a heck of a lot of fun, running around with her trio of goofy companions. (Dennu herself, with Anku the Light Anomaly, Medjed the Void Spirit and Sennen the long-suffering Mu Guardian. I suspect he spends a lot of his time saying "Imagine me face-palming right now. Because I would if I could." 😄) I've been running her with a family team of four... Three 'Trollers in all (The other two are Illusion/Time and Electrical/Electric, so pets *everywhere*-), fronted by a WP/Titan Tank that we collectively make pretty much indestructible.
  13. For what it's worth, I'm also on Ev and rarely seem to have the zone to myself. There's not a lot of street-sweeping going on, but I almost always see other people around, going to and from missions.
  14. It's always had a good, long duration... 'Pretty sure Kestrel still had hers for months after running the arc right after it went live.
  15. It's Metronome's pet project. He swiped the code while he was bouncing around as a ghost in the network and now maintains a little pirate server on Primal Earth. (You know he's a total geek-boy at heart. He just has to be.)
  16. The zone, its arcs and its spawns are fine as-is. (And yes, it gets traffic. Typically from solos and duo/trio small teams, which is exactly what it was made for. Just because you don't see people endlessly spamming LFG to PUG those arcs doesn't mean they aren't run.) If you want something harder for an 8-member wrecking ball to do, the answer is to advocate for new end-game level full-team content, not to commandeer something designed for solos and smaller groups.
  17. I want to know where the riot is and why those guards aren't ever there.... Are they all on break? All the time?
  18. It's a Pokemon-style, turn-based "creature-fight" game involving the recruitment, training and command of your very own team of patriotic Powers Division Heroes. You send them against rival teams to test their strength, and various sets of dangerous NPC challengers like Hamidon's monsters and those sneaky and untrustworthy traitors in the Resistance.
  19. I'd really like to see how Sents handled with the Opportunity effects as mutually-exclusive toggle picks, sort-of like Bio's Adaptations or Staff's Stances... Pick the one you like, and when the bar fills that's what fires. Or just adjust the effects to be a constant thing rather than going for the gimmicky "fill the bar" mechanic in the first place. That wouldn't solve all of Assault Rifle's issues, and I still think some of the other damage sets really need a balance pass... But I'm really curious how tinkering with Opportunity's mechanics would change the way they play.
  20. He had some help from Andris, my Kinetic Defender. 😄
  21. Nice! One of the CoyoteNephews managed a 28 the other night, tying the person in first place on Ev, but getting much faster than that may be dicey for him, I think.
  22. "Hey now," Dennu the Grav/Dark Controller says, watching her Singularity drag would-be runners right straight back into the middle of her Tar Patch murder-ball, "Don't be judgey. #Not All Controllers." (Yeah. Anku has a KB-to-KD special, so he's like a noisy little ball of static cling that will MAKE a tidy cluster, even if we don't start out with one. 😆)
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